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oldguystudent last won the day on October 14 2018

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About oldguystudent

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  1. I think UNT came and took it tonight.
  2. You sure that wasn't me?
  3. I went to UC Irvine
  4. Some of you know that I gave up my club seats this year. Allow me to explain. As things turned out, my kid finished the TAMS program at UNT and was granted admission to this shitty FCS school in Ithaca, NY that happens to be the top rated engineering program in this stupid league they call, what is it? The Ivy?. Well, they wanted a significant amount of money out of me. Turns out they counted her mother's income (apparently now equal to mine) against me even though her mother has completely cut her off financially. So I get to write some substantial checks for the next three to four years (depending on how many UNT credits transfer). I couldn't let my kid forgo this opportunity, so I made sacrifices. I still follow the program. Just from afar for a while.
  5. Yes. You are 100% correct. F me for coming into this game under Todd Dodge and donating a few tens of thousands into futility. I'm the dumbshit here. You are completely correct.
  6. I came into this game under Todd Dodge. I met you one time and we enjoyed craft beer together. This post is out of line.
  7. For the first time since I've lived in Texas, Lewisville is good and finished the season 8-2 and going to the playoffs.
  8. So long as there's no pegging involved, I'm good either way.
  9. My girlfriend is from Virginia Beach, so I'm gonna get some tonight out of this, which is nice.
  10. I've had an intern at work from UNT badgering me for my club tickets all year. He's going to get his wish this week.
  11. My other alma mater beat aTm in basketball in College Station last night. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.
  12. He can raise them to $27,000. I don't care. Won't affect me one bit.
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