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Everything posted by Mean&Green

  1. Agree with Rick here - you get what you get when you trust 60 Minutes for news. Also, keep your goat more secure so folks won't get to it as easily,
  2. Wooley passed a background check even though they were aware of his criminal history. "He was still cleared to coach because it did not fit within the rules of what would disqualify him," Giddens said. Officials said the charges, which dated back to 1992 and include drug and assault charges, were dropped. Hmmm.
  3. Once again, Shaft has the tail wagging the dog. We who chose to attend the games are consumers. Living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, there are hundreds of places we can choose to spend our disposable income. If the UNT athletic departments wants us to continue to spend our disposable income on their product - North Texas athletics - then they will do what they can to make our experiences at Fouts Field, the Super Pit, etc. as pleasant as possible. As it stands, many of us have experienced poor service in the past. Having spent our money with the UNT athletic department, we have every right to complain to the UNT athletic department if something is not right. I think it's safe to say about 100% of us have never gone to a sporting events and had to sit in tar. Also, expecting the school to have its concessions in order is not too much to ask. This isn't the athletic department's first year in the business of hosting college football games. They should know what to expect by now. The bottom line is we are consumers of what the UNT athletic department produces when we choose to attend one of the sporting events it hosts. If things are not right, it is our right and duty to tell them about it. Whether or not Shaft (a.k.a Karl Marx) likes it, that is the way capitalism works. We do not have to accept poor quality out of the athletic department we support financially anymore than shareholders in a corporation have to accept poor earnings results. And, in fact, most of us on this board do desire a higher quality product when it comes to UNT football or else we would not voice our displeasure. If you set the bar low, you get low results. If you set the bar high, you get higher results. UNT needs to aim higher in its customer service in some areas.
  4. Corinth, You should write to RV. But, don't be shocked if he shoots you the same b.s. he shot me, "I thought this type of attitude was gone." As if the UNT athletic department employees can be sloppy and rude simply because the football team went to the New Orleans Bowl a few times. Try it, Corinth. Hopefully, RV is getting enough complaints to actually do something about poor customer service this year.
  5. My issue was an incorrect amount of tickets being sent when I ordered over the internet. The ticket office stonewalled me when I pointed out their error to them, so I took the issue to RV. Instead of offering to clear up the problem, he sent the e-mail inferring that I had the wrong attitude about UNT athletics. (Sorry, RV, but I expect the ticket folks to know the difference between the numbers 2 and 4. If that makes me have an attitude problem, heaven knows what RV expects us to do when his ticket employees can't count.) At RV's suggestion, I took the incorrect tickets to the "Will Call" trailer before the game and they acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. Great communication and customer service. Everyone on the UNT seemed overly defensive about the whole situation. It was really quite simple: I ordered X amount of tickets, you sent me Y by mistake. What's the big deal? Just fix it.
  6. I wrote to RV about an issue I had at a game last year and he simply gave me a "I thought that type of mindset was gone" (complaining about anything) instead of actually addressing the issue.
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