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Everything posted by untgirl04

  1. Yahoo is showing it to be 56-50 right now. Sounds like we're hanging tough.
  2. Wish I could. I'm stuck here at work, only 10 minutes from campus, and can't get off...
  3. Bill Engvall Here's Your Sign
  4. Nice to see they're finally getting around to publicizing the game. For how many weeks now have they known about this?
  5. I was wondering why I didn't see Eppy at the homecoming game. I trust the closet brought about no claustrophobia or lingering fears of abandonment.
  6. I was looking at Sirius for my sister for Christmas. After consulting Best Buy, here's what I found out: Sirius sponsors a wide variety of music stations, including country, rap, oldies, and alternative. Howard Stern is now on Sirius (not sure if that's a plus or minus for you) XM sponsors a lot of sports and talk radio programs. All the people I've talked to really like Sirius. But one more piece of advice: don't purchase the lifetime warranty. The warranties attach to the hardware, not the service. So, if your receiver breaks the day after you buy it, your lifetime warranty is gone.
  7. We have a great ESL program here...
  8. Well, cheerleader's aren't supposed to be shy. If they don't have the b@lls to go out there and cheer when no one else does, they're not really that good a cheerleader. If I were that guy (impossible since I'm a girl), I would have gone and talked to the Dancers about what I could do to work with them. But that's just me. Take a proactive approach for once instead of being reactive. I understand crappy coaches and being to the point you just can't take it anymore. And I don't have a problem having a cheerleading team for competitions and football games (although they're worthless at the games and have no idea what's going on - you don't try to get the crowd to stand up and scream when we're on offense). I still think we should move to Dancers only at the basketball games (what many pro and college teams already do) and have an additional group (kinda like the Mavs Men) who come out and do other things. I do like the kids racing around the court putting on jerseys - it's kinda funny. But other promotions, such as during the tournament last year when we had Mavs Man and Scrappy chasing down the cheerleaders with silly string, and surprising groups of fans with string and then running around crazy, that was funny. I know it's expensive, but similiar promotions could be used that would still make the games more entertaining. Just my .02.
  9. bump Sending off our "Guardian Angel" card this afternoon.
  10. I wouldn't mind putting him on our Christmas wish list either. Maybe he just needs a change of venue...
  11. Ok, seriously, what idiot signed that deal for licensing? Also, how long are we under this contract, and is there any way we can get out of it?
  12. That's actually not a bad idea. Since the cheerleaders obviously aren't interested in attending the games, why make them? Why not just expand the Dancers and let them cheer. I think it'd be great to have something like the Mavs Men out there as well. It'd be lots of entertainment, as well as a way to get more people involved.
  13. I know this isn't football, and I'm sorry, but I thought this was a really interesting site. It tells the story of Joseph Mohr, the author of the Silent Night lyrics. For those of you who don't speak German, I've included the link to the English page. If you can read in German, click the German flag at the bottom of the page. Silent Night Museum And to make this topic football related, official signing day for transfers is tomorrow.
  14. If that's the case then your almuni friends (although I disagree with their choice) need to go tell the NT officials exactly what they're doing. Withdrawing support without saying why allows people to assume... and we all know what that means.
  15. Good post. While athletics certainly brings money and notariety into the system, if our academics are not top notch, what else attracts students to the university? For the past several years, we've been ranked as one of the top "bang for your buck" colleges. We offer several unique degrees that make us an attractive location for students in emerging fields. However, we need some major traditional programs (i.e. engineering and law) to really bring our university to the forefront. While this is not a knock on current players, we have had some grade issues in the past. If we offer a wide variety of degrees and top-notch academics, it's possible that we may land a few recruits who are very serious about their educations and are lucky enough to be blessed with exceptional physical and mental abilities. It's worked for Purdue, Notre Dame, USC, and Penn State, so why can't it work for us?
  16. I was at the TCU game at Amon Carter a few years ago, and sat near a very interesting gentleman. If I remember correctly, TCU was his alma mater, but his son attended North Texas. He had two hats: a TCU hat and a NT hat. Whenever we were on offense, he'd put on his North Texas hat and cheer. Whenever TCU was on offense, he'd put on the TCU hat and yell for the frogs. I thought it was an interesting way to support both schools. That, and when we had turnovers it was really funny to watch him scrambling for the correct hat.
  17. My father, a grad from Texas A&M, received phone calls from the NT ticket office before all four bowl games. He attended both the first and second game. He got a call from an actual person, who also tried to get my dad to buy season tickets. Dad said she was so convincing, he almost got tickets. If my parents' schedules worked out a bit better, they probably would.
  18. Tobey Gowan and Adrian Awasom. I would say that we do lean a little to the defense, but Waters is an OL and Gowan special teams.
  19. Maybe you don't feel like it, but you do it anyway, if it's expected of you. Do you think Matt Leinart really wanted to party? How about last year - think any of the other finalists wanted to party? Well, they did it anyway. Sometimes you have to put out of mind your disappointment and represent yourself and your TEAM in a situation that's less than ideal. No excuses. Quit whining.
  20. The problem with Vince's attitude is not that he likes to win. There's nothing wrong with that. But the problem is that he wasn't a gracious loser. He lost. A proper response would have been "Yeah, I'm disappointed but Reggie is a fantastic running back and deserves the honor. I'll meet him in the Rose Bowl." That would have illustrated a competitive attitude while still being a good loser. And taking pot shots on North Texas fans was a low blow.
  21. Wow. Stockstill may be inexperienced as a head coach, but I really like the tone he's setting. I especially like his attitude towards academics.
  22. Eagle1855, I'm not disagreeing with you that there really is no excuse. I was simply pointing out a few of the additional challenges the promotions staff faces in promoting basketball versus football. You're absolutely right that students can make the choice to attend the games. And I think the best way to get students to the games is to make the atmosphere inviting. I think contests (such as the RHA ones) and interesting halftime events are a great way to get students involved. However, Tuesday nights really are difficult nights for students. The week is really just getting started, so you usually have lots of homework. In addition, I know Tuesday nights are pretty popular nights for classes, since students would prefer to have Thursdays off for bar hopping. Obviously that's not the entire student body in class on Tuesday nights, so ultimately you just have to get students to the game. Unfortunately, no one has been able to find a good promotion for basketball yet. If we keep thinking though, maybe one of us will strike gold.
  23. Well, as someone mentioned on another thread, the basketball schedule makes it a bit tougher for promotions. Everyone knows that we'll have football games only on Saturdays, and occasionally we'll have a Tuesday night game. We've only got one game per week, so our promotions staff can spend an entire week promoting one game. In basketball, you sometimes have up to 4 games in one week (2 for men, 2 for women) and although they're usually Tuesday and Saturday nights, they're sometimes on off days. While that doesn't exonerate the promotions staff from a lack of promoting, it does lend credit to promotions being difficult. I would agree that less has been done in recent years to promote basketball. When I was president of Clark Hall in 2002, RHA supported residence hall nights at the basketball games. The hall with the most students won a pizza party or some other prize. Clark and Maple both had at least 20 residents apiece at the games. We hung a huge banner just inside the door that said "Game Tonight" and met up before the games to paint and round up as many residents as possible. I don't really see that with the residence halls anymore. I wouldn't place all the blame on their shoulders, but I would also say that maybe the AD isn't coordinating with RHA like they used to. It's harder to get students to attend weekday games simply because there are night classes and lots of homework to be done. I don't think anything can really be done to change that, so I think your best bet is to find ways to make the games so inviting that any student not in class can't think of a reason to not attend.
  24. Nintendo has gone after a different market. Although the GameCube lacks online play, and one of the launch titles (Mario Sunshine) sucked, Nintendo still has some great games. * Metroid Prime * Metroid Prime 2 Echoes * Super Smash Brothers Melee (second version most likely a launch title for Revolution) * Link (most likely for Revolution now) But Nintendo has also really concentrated on the DS. If you haven't seen/played with one of those things, you really should. You can do some pretty crazy things with a stylus and touchpad.
  25. We're waiting for the Revolution. IGN.com says developers are unanimously speculating that it'll cost somewhere around $100. It's wireless internet-enabled right out of the box - no subscription necessary - and you can play all the classic Nintendo games. Also, the 3-D motion capture controller with standard controller abilities, looks really sweet.
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