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Everything posted by untgirl04

  1. Actually, my husband works with one of the former OL guys. My husband asked him about the third down plays, and the OL guy said that it was actually DD who made the call on those.
  2. And that's one of the major problems, and where you can contribute part of the problem to DD. Did you ask any of those thousands of people outside Fouts why they weren't at the game? Most likely, they'd say something about how the team isn't very good, or isn't very exciting to watch. And that's something that you can attribute directly to DD. RV is the reason people even show up at Fouts. DD should give them reasons to come inside.
  3. Why don't we just have the NCAA crack down on college spending? We cap everything at X amount, and colleges forfeit any additional money to the general scholarship fund or to the school. This would solve several problems: 1. Puts all college athletic departments on a more even playing field. 2. Increases academic spending for schools. 3. Reduces the number of college team endorsement deals (see teams sporting "trial" gear and getting everything for free")
  4. This my friends is the million dollar question. Who has tried to hire DD or Ramon Flanigan away from us? ←
  5. It's about an hour's ride, at most, if I recall. Honestly, the HOF is a bit disappointing. The rings are really cool and it's definitely worth it to get your picture taken with Mean Joe Greene's bust, but when I was last there, they badly needed to update their videos.
  6. I'm sure he would. But you don't get into college coaching (or really high school for that matter) without knowing you'll have a bunch of armchair quarterbacks second guessing your every move.
  7. 6. Why do you run a complicated offense if it's too complicated for the guys to understand? 7. (Related to #6) How is "run up the middle" complicated? 8. Do you and RF ever discuss adjustments during halftime of a football game, or do you script the entire offense before the game and run it as planned?
  8. Wow. Really makes you appreciate how nice our new facilities are.
  9. I think I heard on the radio during the game that we used Kerona Henderson a bit. Not enough apparently.
  10. My husband and I were listening to a bit of the pregame Saturday night, and they had an interesting interview with DD. Talking about the disaster last year, DD mentioned that he and his staff were unprepared for Tulsa's speed and gameplan. He talked about how they were going to remedy that on Saturday, and how it was going to be a good game. I remember my husband and I talking about how refreshing it was to hear DD talk without the defeatest attitude (he didn't say we would win, but at least he said we would fight to the end) and own up to mistakes from last year. Then we listened to the game. By all accounts, I'm just flabbergasted at how it turned out. I have no doubt that our players' hearts were in it, but I just wonder about the coaches' motivation. It seems DD has finally learned to talk a good game, but I have my doubts about him coaching one. I thought the SMU game was well-coached for the most part, but I can't for the life of me understand why we returned to the "beating our head against a wall" offense for Tulsa.
  11. For the past several years, they've had 8 orientation sessions per summer. The tell-tale sign is that the number of students attending these orientations is increasing. The Student Orientation offices do an excellent job of getting students excited about NT. A few weeks before school began, my husband and I were walking around Vista Ridge Mall in Lewisville, wearing NT shirts. We had 3 different kids stop us and ask about North Texas. They said they were incoming freshmen this fall. It's very encouraging to see all the spirit in these new students.
  12. That's cool!! He's got several pictures of our group at tailgating.
  13. I think he's supposed to be ready for the September 30 game. It seems I remember hearing he'd be out for 3 games.
  14. Excellent post. I remember where I was that day... I had a 7:00 am Biology lab, and then the lecture right after it at 9:30am. When I walked over to the lecture, all the TVs were turned to CNN. I wasn't sure what all was going on, but it looked bad. My professor explained everything to the class, then we ended lecture early that day. I spent the rest of the morning in Bruce Hall Cafeteria and the Clark TV Room watching the news. Also, scrambled to get in touch with a friend of mine who was a freshman at NYU that year. My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones, and for the nation as we continue to rebuild.
  15. That's weird. They just traded for him last week, and now they're cutting him? Doesn't seem like they gave him much of a chance. And after all the good things Bill Cower was saying about him.... I wish PC the best of luck. Maybe someone else will give him a chance.
  16. I get what you're saying here, but I can't see how any QB can get into a comfortable situation when he has to share play time with 2 other guys. I understand needing to evaluate the players to see which one comes out on top, but at some point, you've got to just pick a guy and get him reps. Of course, that's where DD gets himself into a catch-22. Last year, he went with the same guy all year, but the guy didn't perform, so DD got lambasted at every turn for being so pig-headed about the QB. I think the real root of the problem is the inability to correctly identify the most viable QB candidate before the season starts. To be fair, DD can only assess the talent he's given, so if no one truly has talent at the QB position, then it would be difficult to find a viable starter. On the other hand, why isn't there any talent at the QB position? (btw, the "no talent" argument is one I'm making for the sake of discussion - not insinuating that our QBs are talentless.) That boils down to recruiting, which you can attribute directly to the coach. The third alternative to consider is that perhaps it's not the talent of our QBs, but rather the failure of the system to put the QB into situations in which he can excel. This again goes back to the coach... How's that for circular logic?
  17. Booing coaches or players probably doesn't do anything to impress the recruits, but I think some good, healthy booing of officials when they make calls against North Texas is actually a positive thing. Now, there is such as thing as going too far, but if you boo and disagree with the call, it shows that we've got engaged fans who care about how their football team plays and is measured. I seem to remember some recruits last year sitting in front of some Section E people and enjoying the cat-calling and comments.
  18. The email I got said we kicked off against SMU in 9 days... and I got the email yesterday!
  19. The "dorm" in front of Eagle is Clark Hall (the most spirited residence hall on campus... or at least it was when I was there). They're building a new residence hall for the Honors students in the back parking lot. The building next to College Inn is the new Wellness Center, I think. It's either that or another residence hall.
  20. I personally don't think marching band is all that hard, but then I've done it, and apparently, so have you. I don't have a problem with you criticizing the band if you've been out there and done it. My point in the post was to ask if those criticizing the band had ever done it. If you've done it and know what you're asking, that's one thing. If you've never done it before and are demanding that the band perform better, that's another. Sheez, some people on this board are waaaayyyy too touchy this week. Just because you're upset at the way the football team played (and I'm not happy about the performance either) doesn't mean you should take it all out on the band. Are there things they could do better? I'm sure there are. However nice the band director may be, it's still his call on what the band plays and how they perform at the game, unless things have changed since I was last in band and band directors are no longer held accountable for the band's performance. (Maybe like the football team?) I'm not advocating yelling at the guy, but I think alumni interest in the music and drill used by the band is perfectly appropriate.
  21. You'll definitely want to check out the Rec Center and the new Chemistry building. If you haven't walked around campus in a while, the ESAT (Environmental Sciences) building is also pretty cool. It's right across the street from the new Chem building. Also, you must go see the renovation to the Library Mall. You won't recognize it.
  22. You should be able to pick up tickets at the Ticket Office at Fouts. They close at 4pm, I believe.
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