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Everything posted by Brent

  1. I went into the game thinking Dallas would win the game and go 7-9. After the game I am thinking 5-11. But we have the Death Star...that we've got that going for us.
  2. Ron Washington?
  3. I sorta expect Dan to appear on the radio sometime during the game today.
  4. Greggo: Can you do me a favor? Tell that Sean Salisbury that he ain't that great. Keyshawn: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Sean's actually a good friend of mine.
  5. I thought the holding call was correct. The long pass play I am iffy on but understand the call. I think the ruling was while the players were running/jostling down the sideline the WR was forced out by the DB. That being the case he is allowed to return to the field and be first to touch the ball legally.
  6. I don't mind the play call but I think he could have walked into the endzone.
  7. We are the 11:30 game on CBS. They will jump back in forth a little bit and may leave it entirely if it is a horrible game. That's how they do it every year. We always get the games with local interest before any of the others.
  8. Nice referance.
  9. Well, would you want to go to Detroit in late December? Any time? But, ya, that number is not good for the conference.
  10. No wonder my fantasy football team, Baby Seal Clubbers, is doing so poorly. He is my OC and is killing my players!
  11. Or makers logo. Unless New Balance was too ashamed to take credit for that....
  12. It's called kicking George in the balls.
  13. After 5 years, I guess I have to say your team and its fans deserve it. I am quite impressed with your coach. That's all I can say before turning negative.
  14. I agree with both of you.
  15. 2000 was the last shutout...1974 was the last conference shutout at Fouts.
  16. How different, other than head coach and philosophy, is this MT team compared to what we are used to? What a difference a coaching change made at the Murph.... Who else is up for wearing paper bags next week? It's like the Bengals of the...um...pre-Palmer era. But, on a serious note...when was the start of the downhill slide? Was it when DeLoach (sp?) left to go to UCLA?
  17. They caught up last season. It looks like they have left us behind. If I am not sick I will be there next week simply because it is homecoming...but this is absolutely rediculous. Is there a box score anywhere? Do we have positive yards for the half?
  18. Thanks for making sure I'm not going crazy on this point.
  19. I don't know anything about the UNT master plan...but doesn't the TxDot masterplan have a hightway where Fouts is? Am I remembering that correctly?
  20. It's been almost a year since I have posted...nothing has changed.
  21. Cliff Higgs plays football. Chris Higgs is Cliff's brother and a true freshman. Both are walk-ons to thier respective teams.
  22. I want a game plan that will give the team the oppertunity to succeed. I do not think running dive/draw plays right into the middle of a run blitz does this...especially when it is play after play. Put a game plan that works out there and I am for it...boring or not. What they are doing now doesn't work.
  23. If the Word runs a live, non-dumpable feed, there probably was a technical difficulty.
  24. Again....why did Colt Mahan kick the PAT and not Nick? Anyone know? Is the box score wrong?
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