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Everything posted by NTerock

  1. themeangreenreport.com facebook reported that Tramiel was probably going to play in Japan. Anyone else hear this? http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/themeangreenreportcom/105676492815946 "Saw former hoops player Eric Tramiel today, fresh off two weeks of Mavs/NBA Summer League in Vegas. Two weeks at The Palms, sweet. Sounds like he just about has a deal done to play in Japan."
  2. i'm just in here try'n ta get a motha fuggin scholaship

  3. I used to love Hooya, and liked that the whole family was always there. The last time I was in there an Asian family was running the place (nothing against Asians, just saying I don't think Jesus was there). The tortillas were cold and the prices were higher. I'm not sure if the owners changed, but it was different. I haven't been back since, but will probably go back sometime to see if that was just a one time thing. This is hard for me because I have been in love with Freebirds for years, but I love supporting the little guy, especially the little guy near campus.
  4. I believe making it to a bowl game shows that we are a better program overall and will do better in the long run. Sure, beating Clemson or K-State would be great, but what if it was only 1 of 3 wins next season? Didn't ULL beat K-State last season? I'd rather be MTSU than ULL right now.
  5. "Rob McKinney of the UNT Alumni Association showed me a sample engraved pavestone for the pavilion of the new stadium. Brick sizes/packages are $500, $200 and $100. Sweet deal if you want to be immortalized." http://www.facebook.com/pages/themeangreenreportcom/105676492815946?ref=sgm&v=wall#!/photo.php?pid=62706&id=105676492815946
  6. apparently they were able to eat it! http://www.facebook.com/pages/themeangreenreportcom/105676492815946?ref=sgm&v=wall#!/photo.php?pid=63492&id=105676492815946
  7. I hear Benton is a great town.
  8. http://www.nba.com/mavericks/news/mavericks_announce_summer_leag_2010_07_02.html
  9. http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/archives/2010/06/proof-something-big-is-coming.html I can't tell if he actually believes this or is making a joke. EDIT: Well, I finished reading it, and indeed he was just being a c**k tease.
  10. http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/drc/sports/stories/DRC_UNT-WAC_0622.c8321c44.html
  11. They have us at 102 http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=rivals-381351
  12. It doesn't really matter right now. The new design will only last a couple years since we will win 10 games this season and have a capacity crowd the majority of the time, which of course will lead to expansion of the stadium. Whatever the stadium looks like then is the one I will like the most. But if I'm wrong, I'd have go with a hybrid of both.
  13. theres already a facebook group... http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131084390241061#!/event.php?eid=131084390241061
  14. Damn my third grade teacher for never helping me understand the then/ than difference! But hey, I'm a Construction Engineering major, I don't need to know how to spell.
  15. I'd rather have a website devoted to the mean green with a few errors then no website at all.
  16. I've been to the 5 guys in Ausitn and it was fantastic! I didn't know it was a chain.
  17. I really hope Tobe gets a chance in the NFL. It was a shame to see what could have been his best season cut short.
  18. There are a lot of great reads on eagletalk. Why have I never seen this site before?
  19. Dodge starts over as wide receiver Position switch changes quarterback battle A few quotes I liked Riley- "I am going to make an impact wherever I play, and as long as we have three conference championships, I don’t care how I am used. Thompson- “I don’t have blazing speed, and I am not going to break any 60-yard runs, but what I can do is get us the six yards we need to keep the drive going,” Tune- "We are very similar quarterbacks, and I think it is going to be a war between us. We have a great relationship with each other, but we are both going to work like hell to get that spot.”
  20. Here's what we do... Tune starts the 1st quarter against Clemson, D Whip (lol) starts the 2nd. Whoever does better gets the girl. A good ole fashioned roshambo should do the trick as well. Either way I'll still be drunk in the stands by the time Rice comes to town.
  21. Well F Gil Brandt
  22. Maybe he went to a cc for a year to get his grades up then transferred over the summer, which would mean he was not able to try out until the spring tryouts since they have to have 12 hours at UNT in order to try out.
  23. He looks like a winner to me.
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