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Everything posted by CaribbeanGreen

  1. Nope. definitely Quoner and/or TTG, going straight Andy Kaufman on us. "Second Alias".... "Banned Member".... come on... and if that wasn't enough, "2012" is being followed around by a camera-wielding Casey Affleck. You do the math.
  2. this MEANS something.... (cue mountain of mashed potatoes...)
  3. is Larry Eustachy available?
  4. Thank you, C & TV... but I still preferred this one, straight from a "curbing" to you, America!
  5. For most people, KRAM, I think it's just the eyeball test. Sure, some of us have spent years living in and around Denton and know it pretty well; We've all found some gems, gotten to know people, and learned who is and isn't "NT-Friendly".... but I think to the casual observer (and even some not-so-casual, frankly), LoveMG has a point. A quick drive through most of Denton or pop-ins in a few businesses once in a blue moon, and yeah, the "feel" of support or of NT being the end-all-be-all in town does not begin to match the feel in a lot of these college towns folks are used to. Denton is just a different place, though.... it's a college town, yes, but it's very concerned with being "cool"... it started organically for sure, but I'm not convinced some of it isn't a bt contrived at this point. I still love it, but priorities are a bit different here than in, say, College Station, Lubbock, or even Nacogdoches.
  6. Yeah, Sweetwater does a good CFS, but I'm taking a moment of silence for the great Texas Pickup...... ..... F Traditions Hall.
  7. Me too - how the heck?... sorry, TTG... not that you'll be able to PM me for a few months, anyway...
  8. Amen to that, brother! Do I have to stop after the third degree? I mean, seriously?
  9. I'm Cuban. Someone's about to put a boot in my ass, aren't they?
  10. what, i don't get to see illuvius type "banhammer" again? That's like, one of my top three GMG moments.
  11. Nope, no shot! Just wondering how such an old thread got brought back up.... Quoner explained it, though... odds are someone voted -- for some reason -- and you just happened to be the first to comment. Gas on, my friend!
  12. Let's play "What Did Green Gas Search For?"...
  13. I don't care what anybody says... this board is a lot better because Lonnie is on it, whichever side you fall on.
  14. My post earlier was from my phone (while standing in front of the petition set up), so I'll better explain here.... ... they're set up just outside the Union doors, by the Syndicate/Einstein Bros./One O'Clock Lounge area. Basically a folding table, two chairs, two dudes (see NTDaily article photo). I've seen these guys set up in this same spot for the past year, usually just passing out info about the SDS in general... they're recognizable by the Marxist "Workers Unite" red & black fist logo we've seen over the years... always have a banner of some sort. Anyway, the buzz is definitely around campus, but not nearly at the level of the vote itself. The "NO" crowd seems moderately mobilized, as in each of my two classes today I heard some talk of the petition and some students talking others into signing, offering to walk them over after class, etc... and it wasn't hard to overhear conversations (generally always anti-stadium) walking through the Union and GAB... I think the timing of this didn't help: http://media.www.ntdaily.com/media/storage...s-3647175.shtml Regardless of what the article says, this was the top, above the fold headline in the Daily today... on every newsstand in every building on campus. The day after the news of the petition broke... the only other thing printed as large was the RV quote "I have never been very public about a number", which based on location, context, and timing all reeks of agenda. JMHO, of course. Despite the nauseating feel on campus right now, I really think it's mostly because there's no real cause for "YES" people to rally behind (so all you hear are the NOs, who generally are easily identifiable from a distance), and even then it's all anti-stadium vitriol... I don't hear an uproar about the vote being unfair, just about how the team sucks and the stadium is a waste of money, blah blah...
  15. they are set up just outside the union. Strong buzz and recruiting activity in all my classes. timing of today's lead story in the daily hasn't helped.
  16. Great point!!! Does this man know how to debate or what?!? Someone needs to call the debate team, we've got another Octafinalist on our hands...
  17. Oh yeah... I'm aware. It was more directed at Mein Fuhrer, who loves to "tell it like it is", despite getting smacked around the interwebs after almost every error-filled, baseless post, yet never comes back after the dissection is complete. Just commenting on the absurdity of getting a superiority complex and challenging TY's statistical research while at the same time claiming TD coached under DD.
  18. Totally gagree. Marx meant well, for sure.. conditions in Europe at that time were beyond dismal for the proletariat, and his observations were very of his time and relevant. A bit of a Pollyanna, sure... but, as you said, probably effective in a small outpost somewhere. Large scale, not so much. I've also never gotten around some of his contradictions and over-simplifications... i.e., revolution is inevitable yet it must be started and led by a group of high-functioning intellectuals (not really inevitable then, and why would middle class intellectuals lead a revolution? And if they tried, how could a group of eggheads mobilize the unorganized masses of workers? They might, but to my knowledge Marx never explains it.) Also, don't get me started on the absurd concept of "false consciousness" pervasive throughout Marxist thought.... it's hardly explained or defined, and it basically is used to more accurately define "someone who doesn't agree with Marx"..... Agree, though.... revolutionary thinker, beyond worth reading, really wanted to change the world in what he felt was a positive way... it's just over-simplified utopian fantasy.
  19. Well, at least now we can claim we've got the guy who's in second in the poll for who Austin Westlake's next coach should be.... soooo, we've got that going for us, which is nice.
  20. But what about this Dodge under DD business? what was that about?
  21. That sounds right... I think it became a sorority house for a few years after that, but I'm fairly certain the KAs are back in it now.
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