What SHOULD happen?? If we turn the thing around to a generally satisfactory level, everyone will be happy with just about everything. Everyone stays, criticism is muted, and high fives all around. If we don't, they're all history, and we treat this era like the shockingly similar Trilli era as far as history goes. We start worrying about the next guy exclusively and that dominates discussion. Sure, we could analyze HOWs and WHYs all night, but this the gist of it. Being in an "ultimatum year", there won't be much need for it.
As far as what "credit" Dodge gets if we do turn it around? I think people might concede he's a decent recruiter (because a turnaround implies results), and some are enamored with him as the "face of the program"... but I don't think success this year does much for his reputation as an in game coach because of all the new hires. That said, my biggest positive reaction towards Dodge, win or lose, is that he was finally willing to check his ego at the door and make wholesale changes to his staff, philosophy, and "football plan" rather than go down with the dramatically failing ship. I'll give him that no matter what happens. If we fall flat again this year, it's not for lack of trying.