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Everything posted by ElGuapo

  1. El Guapo see's you have been reading the elitism section of:
  2. El Guapo wants you take take a deep breath, and read: http://www.gomeangreen.com/forums/index.ph...ndpost&p=192291
  3. El Gaupo thinks some of you should read this: http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/ El Guapo also wonders if people notice that practices are usually shorter at the end of the year? Now, if you'll excuse him, El Guapo has a payroll-laden mail train out of Ft. Worth to catch.
  4. El Guapo is ashamed business has kept him away from making all of the games this year, banditry is booming! El Guapo thinks maybe this is why the winning streak has ended? El Guapo will see you all at Homecoming!
  5. Jefe, what is a plethora?
  6. El Guapo would like to encourage everyone to come out and support the team. Actually, El Guapo was elected a miembro del Congreso primarily because of his stance on deserters: "Shoot Them". I also bought off thousands of votes, but El Guapo is rambling. EL Guapo himself was a star Oxacan Basketball Player in his youth, but a knee injury led El Guapo to his current career, Banditry. Oh, and the congressional thing, but El Guapo thinks they are pretty much the same job.
  7. He needs to let it go? El Guapo would like to point out there is another entire message board devoted to people who want Coach Dickey fired. since apperently, Mike Stoops is beating down the doors to apply.
  8. Another smart remark... <_<
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