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Everything posted by MeanGreenHoops

  1. I've heard they have and it will go through the White lot. As for tailgating, what's so confusing? You tailgate where you park, just like at Fouts. There's also green space you can set-up in. Some small pep band blasting their crap sound as loud as possible is not quality over quantity as you said you prefer. It is the opposite. Having our band blast as loud as possible will never happen and thank goodness. Real musicians wouldn't do it. So sick of hearing this. There is a Fanfare they play that is a call and answer. They play the fanfare and the cheerleaders and some fans yell North Texas. I think it happens three times and then the last time you yell North Texas Fight. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not happening. To the point just above, the fact that you could do cheers before and it felt like you were doing them yourself because Fouts was so wide open will change this year. You should be able to fell a part of the game and the cheers now. Our biggest problem over the years has not been lack of traditions, its been fan apathy. The one's we do have people didn't participate in. Part of that was the fact even when Fouts was full it wasn't loud. So it was hard to get hyped. But part of that was people expecting the product or the experience or the stadium, or the weather, or whatever to be some fantasy that some top 10 program has before they'd start participating. Until then, they'll just be quiet at the games and then complain about how game atmosphere sucks. The good news is that even half full the new Mean Green Stadium will sound much louder than probably a full fouts ever did. So I expect us to be rewarded for our participation.
  2. I forgot to say, Cooley you are the man. Your scouting report of relentless seems spot on. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe too? In all seriousness, what is your opinion on the rest of our incoming class?
  3. Wow, USA team and talking about an NT player, somebody pinch me.
  4. I'm blaming all of the people who wanted something else to talk about besides helmets, logos, color of green, the band etc.
  5. Agreed, hopefully that overhaul is coming this year, because it's only a new stadium once!
  6. Sorry I disagree with ya here. Let's hypothetically say I grew up in Madisonville, TX. And I had know interest in a school since I was little, I was poor but Texas A&M was close so I went there. Do you think I'd have no allegiance to the school. As your saying no to yourself think why? Because they brainwash you (in a good way) with the school as soon as you decide to go there. That's something we never did. Well there is that opportunity now with a new stadium. Hopefully the administration realizes that opportunity has been gifted them and they will begin this year making all kids know they attend school there, why is it good, and why they should support it.
  7. MeanGreenHoops

    Green Stuff

  8. MeanGreenHoops


    From the album: Green Stuff

  9. I think we are agreeing except for MLS being a joke. TO say it's behind all the best leagues in Europe does not make it a joke. Give it another 15 years and it will move up. Well maybe it won't because soccer fans here don't support it becuase they have their nose in the air about it becuase it ain't the EPL.
  10. I heard that they would. I asked about replicas and got a shrug, seems the athletic dept. wants authentics because they think they'll sell. I don't know why it'd be an either or. While yes the authentics would sell to people on this board, there are a lot more people willing to spend $60 than $200 or so you'd think
  11. I don't agree with you there and assume you think MLS is garbage because of this comment. Who would you consider the best players on the US team. I'd say Donovan, Dempsey and Howard. All 3 started and played in MLS several years. Then you have some guys who go to Europe and do nothing but sit the bench. There are plenty of examples of guys who didn't play in MLS that are good too. Point being, the main thing is guys need to play. After that they need to work on their game, but most of all they need to have the ability. I'd agree that going against the best makes you better faster, but only if you have the ability to keep up and get better.
  12. It will be a year round store, and they are planning lots of new stuff. It will also be run by the same people who run the UNT bookstore. That is run by an alum too
  13. This is really an interesting signing and a type of player we haven't had before. If he can shoot it, it will make for some real match up problems.
  14. So if somehow we continue the pathetic effort recently and lost to Guadeloupe, does Bradley survive? I for one would hope not.
  15. One thing not mentioned about the size is how close the scoreboard is to the stands. Some of those others may be larger but are farther away from the people. It will look bigger because you are closer to it. At least that's what I tell my wife. Wait, What?
  16. Thanks. I've seen those, but didn't think of cutting off the North Texas. Seems wrong. Just was wondering if anyone has seen them just the SOW.
  17. Anyone know where you can get the SOW as a car magnet? A small one like you see from everyone else. I don't want North Texas and the SOW just the SOW. Thanks
  18. I was really impressed with Ream and Jones. Those were two of our weakest positions in South Africa. With Bradley, Jones Dempsey and Donovan the midfield is better than most. Too bad Holden is out, so we could have moved Dempsey up top.
  19. I like that, because the eagle is about to devour something. Probably a Panther or a Trojan.
  20. This stadium is going to be so freaking awesome!
  21. Look at McCarney stealing from the Johnny Jones playbook.
  22. The only problem I see with it is that it isn't a new shade of green and a new logo. I mean people say we don't have any tradition. Yes we do, we have a tradition of changing logos and the color of our green every few years. Why aren't we keeping this tradition alive with a new logo and shade of green?
  23. At least it's not southlakes helmet.
  24. I love political arguments, it's so productive. I'd rather argue about which logo goes on the helmet.
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