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Everything posted by aprice

  1. 2 questions. Why is Denton in quotations? What is an hciw?
  2. If 3 weeks ago we had 24k, then we definitely had 17k tonight.
  3. I like the pourhouse, but for UFC fights they charge $5 a head, while BWW is free.
  4. I was updating the bar tender (who was a florida fan) on the score of the UNT game, and he offered to broadcast it in the PA system. It was packed for the UFC fight and everyone cheered when he announced the final score. He also noted that they had a better record than the Dallas Cowboys (at the time).
  5. The exodus at halftime occurs when we are already down by 4 touchdowns after 2 quarters... It looked like most people stayed last year when we were competing. The problem with people only coming to see the band? How is that a problem? At least they bought tickets, but I can promise you that is a small minority of people.
  6. Jeremy Phillips John Bender Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  7. In the Belt's defense, I don't think both of the UL teams should be on there. They were 12-12 last year... not exactly bottom 10 material. The author just loves bringing up "UL U Pick'em" for comedic value, despite the fact that its not really that funny anymore. Same with the Florida schools.
  8. That Nick guy on their board has a serious issue with us. Some of their "humor" is harmless smack talk, but much of it is personal. Calling a recruit "dumb" because he has an offer from UNT is not harmless smack talk. That is personal. And nobody on their board even blinked an eye at such a crude comment. Just business as usual in ponyland.
  9. Props to RV for sticking to his guns. The WAC is a sinking ship. Well maybe not a ship, but a sinking tugboat at the very least.
  10. I've always thought the idea of not scheduling an FCS team, due to fear of losing, is absurd. At least it gives us an idea of how bad we really are.
  11. I clearly remember a party last August at my roommate's frat house. I was given a 40 the second I entered the door. Oh, I also don't pee in the pool either. And I have some real estate on the moon i'd like to sell... you get the idea.
  12. If you're offended by someone taking a shot at your internet username, you probably shouldn't be using the internet.
  13. Hah! I love the second part of this sentence. There is nothing you can do but laugh at the fact that he thinks that Baylor being left out will hurt the other schools in anyway.
  14. Did anyone go to this? If so, were there any changes to what the final product is supposed to look like?
  15. Dunbar on the 2nd team? Carey nowhere to be found on any team, while dodge is on the 2nd team?? Those are some pretty awful predictions.
  16. Now if they can just get rid of that sack n save. That thing is such an ugly landmark to have at the entrance to our university. "Hey how do I get to the super pit?". "Uh yeah dude, just turn right after the old, crusty, run down sack n save, and you're there!"
  17. If the non-bcs schools will be in higher demand for bcs schools' schedules, that would mean we will have less of an opportunity to play winnable non conference games. I don't know how great that would be for us, especially with our recent history of failure against the supposed "winnable" teams.
  18. The link doesn't work anymore, but was this posted on april the 1st by chance?
  19. First of all, I think anyone who can blame the guy for being upset is blinded by an unrelated bias. Secondly the guy that did this is a complete idiot if he really thought anyone would find this funny, especially Kenyon Martin of all people. Maybe if he really just doesn't like him, then at least that would make some sense.
  20. “With a new guy in here, all of us are going to have our chance,” Thompson said. “He is going to put the best player on the field. That is what I like about him. He is a really good coach. I am going to learn as much from him as I can and make sure that I am on the same page with the receivers.” Hmm... seems like to me that Thompson is implying that Dodge/Ford was not capable of putting the best player on the field. Personally I tend to agree with him considering that Riley said himself in the interview with McMahon that his arm hasn't been the same since his injury in high school.
  21. Josh is the most important player out there. If you think putting him on the bench is best for this team, I think you sir are nuts. He may not always be the best on any given night, but he brings so much more than points and assists... What about poise, clutch plays, energy, etc... I think you are way off the mark here.
  22. I had to sit in the row right in front of them. I'm actually glad they didn't serve alcohol in this event, because if so I wouldn't have been able to bite my tongue on their stupid comments.
  23. There were guys selling lower level tickets for $20 as I was walking up to the arena. Lesson learned. My ticket was also in section 308. I talked to a guy at the marriot bar before the game, and he received level 100 tickets from the athletic department. I wonder how they went about allocating these tickets. I can't understand why they would charge the same price for considerably crappier seats
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