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Everything posted by aprice

  1. Johnny Jones news is UNT news. Show some respect for the man who brought us the success we enjoy today.
  2. I can't understand the emphasis on recent football success. How short sighted can one be? Because a team has been good for 2 years they want to invite them to their conference permanently? What kind of logic is that? Have they forgotten they were one of the worst teams in college football for years prior to 2010? They are terrible at basketball. Their facilities are not good. They have no fan base whatsoever. It just makes no sense to me.
  3. I seriously cant believe they are showing replays during the game with 1 minute left. What kind of trash is this?
  4. What do you want him to do, come to your house and brief you on the state of the mean green on a weekly basis? He just got us a new stadium, give him a freakin break.
  5. Are people in here seriously claiming kids born in SEC states have better physical attributes?
  6. Odus Mitchell , Team MVP - Lance Dunbar Steve Ramsey, Outstanding Offensive Player - Derek Thompson Joe Greene, Outstanding Defensive Player - Brandon Akpunku Abner Haynes, Outstanding Special Teams Player - Will Atterberry JaQuay Wilbrun, Outstanding Offensive Back - James Hamilton Phillip Armour, Outstanding Offensive Lineman - Matt Tomlinson Byron Gross, Outstanding Linebacker - Zach Orr Bill Brashier, Outstanding Defensive Back - Royce Hill Bill Bishop, Outstanding Defensive Lineman - Ryan Boutwell Shawn Kramer, Most Inspirational - Brandon McCoy
  7. I can't remember watching even a high school team that has been this bad at jump shots over a stretch of games this long. Do we have anyone who can shoot a jump shot?
  8. Its 1 week until the first home game, and they have not made a single attempt to reach out to me in regards to the whereabouts of my tickets... I think I'm entitled to be a little less than satisfied with the customer service of the ticket office.
  9. I e-mailed the ticket office since I have not received my tickets yet... This is the response I got. I am really disappointed in the lack of communication here. I bought mine on the 13th by the way and live in Lewisville... this is crap. "Any season tickets ordered after August 19th, we’re sent on our last print order and just received in our office yesterday. With the upcoming holiday we will be unable to mail them to ensure you receive them by the first game. They will be available for pick up in our main ticket office at Apogee Stadium Monday-Friday of this week from 8 am -5pm and on Saturday, the 10th beginning at 9 am."
  10. The only reason it wasn't that bad was because we played FIU, not OU... If it were OU, it would have been that bad, and probably worse.
  11. Welp... not even finished with the 1st quarter and I'm officially switching to the rangers game. What a disgraceful performance. I've grown numb to losing, that is not what bothers me... What bothers me is 28-0 in the FIRST F-ING quarter. When does basketball season start?
  12. Thats a damn shame if thats the truth. Surely they aren't going to make handicapped people take a shuttle from fouts.
  13. Naming rights isn't a donation.
  14. Make sure you watch that video at the bottom... yikes.
  15. I think you're forgetting which website you're on.
  16. I was at this game and have a couple comments to make... Never have I seen an environment like this. It was unbelievable and I will never forget it. The rowdiness, the passion, the shear volume was extremely intimidating. The NCAA tournament(at least the opening rounds) has nothing on the environment that this game offered. After White's first airball, he was punished relentlessly by the crowd. After that, he hesitated on every opportunity to shoot an open 3 (and there were several). The arena is probably the same size as the super pit, except with bleachers that allows it to cram 16,000 people in there... Nobody wins there and there is a reason for that. There is no reason blow this loss out of proportion. They looked competitive in the first half, but couldn't recover from the barrage of 3 pointers that rained down on the mean green in the 2nd half. I doubt any team can win in Kansas when they are making 70% of their 3's. A couple of problems that need to be addressed: After getting down in the 2nd half, it seemed that there were several players who tried to force shots and take the game in their own hands, as opposed to moving the ball around and working as a team. They seemed very frustrated (understandably) and appeared to lose focus. Also, as mentioned before, White would not take open shots that were available to him after that first airball. You can't let one shot dictate your actions for the rest of the game. Anyway, I am very proud of the way they played for the most part and I have no regrets about making this trip. I am having an awesome time up here and I recommend everyone come see a game here at least once.
  17. Honestly, I can't even understand why this is even up for debate. It was a thrilling game, and an exciting atmosphere. It is not about "oh we should expect to beat them so we should sit on our hands", it is about what went on in the game. I really doubt people would have rushed had we won in a dominating performance. People were fired up about the game the many amazing plays by josh white. I seriously can't understand why people don't get this. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN UNT FANS THIS EXCITED ABOUT AN ATHLETIC EVENT BEFORE? Be happy with that. If someone donated a billion dollars to UNT, there would be someone on this board bitching that they were a muslim, a vegetarian, or doesn't wipe their ass the proper way. (which is STANDING UP by the way)
  18. B B W Wait... don't think I did this right.
  19. I hope I will be standing the whole game. When we traveled to OSU last year, these grouchy people behind me kept whining when I stood up for more than 10 seconds at a time.
  20. The cheapest single game tickets are 35, but they have this family option where you can buy 4 for $25 each.
  21. The Kansas single game tickets went on sale today from the ku ticket office, if anyone was interested in going. I just bought 4 of them. Anyone else going to make the trip up there? Can't wait!
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