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Everything posted by aprice

  1. This is just embarrassing, please remove this thread for all the reasons already mentioned.
  2. Come on man... These no name twitter accounts are just making shit up and having a blast seeing their made up content appear in random articles and message boards
  3. Not sure unt's message boards are the place to be complaining about 6-6 teams going bowling. The players enjoy it. The fans an enjoy it. The matchups are interesting. Is that not enough?
  4. You can get beIN with the 17.99 fubo latino package. I signed up and immediately cancelled so that I didn't forget later. It let's you continue to watch after you cancel until the next billing cycle
  5. My thoughts exactly, well said. It wasn't too long ago that we were elated to hit 6. Now we're 4-1 and it feels like the sky is falling. Keep it in perspective. The strides this program has made in 3 years is astounding. Be proud.
  6. Wow what a terrible name for a bowl. Nothing gets me amped up like the "First Responder Bowl brought to you by ServPro"
  7. You have no right to antagonize kids that don't even get paid, because they aren't sulking enough for your liking. Its a game. Its supposed to be fun, win or lose. They are students who are playing football, not the other way around. Why not let them enjoy it the way they want to?
  8. Use VLC Player, and go to Network Stream. Past this in there for the link http://stream.kntu.unt.edu:1935/live/radiostation.stream/playlist.m3u8 After that go to Tools/Track synchronization and put in 34.5s delay for the Audio Track Syncronization. It might be a little different for you but you can synch up the audio if you tweak it a bit. For some reason I had to slowly increase the delay for it to work, when I just typed in 30 right away I couldn't get the stream to play.
  9. So you'll withdraw support for students in desperate need of assistance because our sports team is bad? Your priorities are really #$#$#& up my friend
  10. As olguy already stated, there are negative responses every time this gets reposted.
  11. Those poor christian white men, always getting discriminated against. It must be terrible
  12. ive never understood why people judge how others watch the game. watching on TV is just a better experience for some people.
  13. This is what i don't get about you people. You can object to the beliefs of the protesters all you want, but objecting to protesting itself is just childish.
  14. And now you're just a cog in the machine that just accepts everything for what they are?
  15. Yeah those wacky gays, how dare they not support a person who all for preventing them from attaining equal rights. Such a weird concept. Those all exclusive, divisive jerks.
  16. So 2,000 petitions on an online website is "causing a ruckus". Being labeled as a victim is a favorite conservative past time, so this sentiment is about par for the course.
  17. The facts are, young people as a whole, do not agree with the republican party. To me, the reasons are obvious, but its clear most people in this thread are too old to understand why that is. Get off your high horses, if wendy davis came to speak, it would be met with the exact same resistance from you people, the people who are claiming the left are "intolerant" because they disagree with a right wing politician speaking at their commencement.
  18. Fuzzy's would also be worth a try. The location next to grapevine mills has 2 big screens out on the patio and like 6-7 TV's on the inside. It also has a full bar with a liquor license, unlike most locations
  19. That nickname you keep giving UTSA is really bad and dumb. That's all
  20. I was sitting relatively close to those guys too and had no idea why they were being escorted out
  21. I also sit in that section, and I haven't seen anything but poorly executed heckling. I've seen nothing like you described. That's shameful that someone said those things, but this kind of behavior is going to happen in isolated incidents with any fanbase.
  22. Then status quo is maintained and life goes on. My point is a loss is going to hurt the pride of those SMU fans with narcissistic tendencies far more than it will hurt most of us.
  23. When you're down, what's the the easiest way to make yourself feel better? Bringing up past accomplishments works for cowboys fans, so of course SMU folks are going to do the same. Personally I think it will be even sweeter when we smoke this team who doesn't even think we are good enough to be their "rival". It will only take a few beat downs before some of them break free from their delusions. Others will never break free because that's how they roll
  24. The luxurious Super 8
  25. "Fear the shades" isn't exactly catchy. "fear the beard" works because it rhymes. I think that's what he was going for.
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