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Everything posted by aprice

  1. Obviously i'm glad EM swapped to Rogers, but it still should make everyone question his ability to evaluate talent. What in God's name went on in camp to put this guy on the bench over Earle
  2. No doubt. Caponi has to be gone immediately. He obviously has no idea what he is doing and I don't even know how a defense could possibly look any worse with no DC at all
  3. this is the type of defense that sets your program back many years. even invested fans will start tuning out it honestly looks like were playing with 9 players out there with how much room they have to operate
  4. Rogers throws quicker and is just more decisive. Its immediately obvious
  5. What is the point of this defense. We have an extra db yet nothing but wide open space for every receiver
  6. This is one of the ugliest games I've ever seen. I didn't want to knee jerk after the cal game but it appears it was indeed warranted. There's no excuse being this bad. Rebuilding or not, they're just grossly unprepared. We would be losing by 20 against a competent team.
  7. DFW sports fans would never support a college team that isn't currently winning or have a rich history of winning. Its just how it is. When you see someone wearing UNT gear, you know there is a 99% chance they either went there or has a child that goes there. SMU has the same problem. Even though they've had better on the field success, nobody cares unless you're ranked in the top 25 consistently. Breaking that cycle is extremely hard and requires some luck, which is why its so rare
  8. This is why I think it'll work fine for conference play. It's not suited to deal with a larger team with a strong run game. That said, the game plan for cal was pretty bad. I just hope they actually learned something and are capable of adjusting
  9. No ethics lol. You act like he's shilling for vladimir putin, come on man, he's a beat writer for a college football team
  10. It's because college sports fans are insecure and are afraid they'll be left behind. I think they make a ton of sense
  11. I honestly can't tell if you're attempting to troll. You can't possibly think this is the same thing.
  12. I'm not calling out any particular player. It's the objective truth that their roster has much higher ranked recruits based on every single recruiting outlet. That's not the same thing. I'm also not even saying that you have no right to criticize. But making a post labelled "Stone" only to crack jokes at him is just childish and tacky. It's a low class move and sad that you can't understand this. Just a reminder to everyone that sometimes these posts make their way back to the players, how about give them just a little respect? Is that too much to ask for of UNT students that work their ass off to represent us?
  13. Cal has 3x our budget, better athletes and more experience at almost every position. Sure, it was bad enough to make me feel not great about the conference slate, but I'm not going to write the season off until we are up against similar talent levels. It's not just our fan base, but college sports fan bases are the most entitled, whiney, thin skinned, and dramatic bunch I've ever seen. Don't take it personally when you get whooped by a p5 program. How can you even really know how effective the scheme is when your players are just simply not as talented.
  14. this is just tacky. we shouldn't be shitting on our student athletes like this. i thought he made a tremendous effort under the circumstances. couldnt run the ball, poor game plan inferior athletes around him. was he perfect? of course not. but stone wasnt even in the top 5 reasons why we lost do better.
  15. this scheme will probably perform better against pass heavy teams (mostly everyone on our schedule) and weaker athletes (everyone else on the schedule). this is a terrible matchup for us to roll out this defense with, but yeah, definitely not a promising start
  16. Lucky for them half the ACC are Vanderbilt quality football programs.
  17. It can't really be explained to you because you're too tone deaf to understand. Buying access is never a good look, its just not. Its just a pathetic last ditch effort to be relevant from small insecure people. Being openly willing to spend 200 million to buy a ticket to a better conference is just gross. If you can't understand that then you never will and is exactly why SMU has no local support. SMU will never be relevant in DFW sports. You people share a common attitude that is just repulsive and off putting to any new prospective fans. Good luck, can't wait to see it fail spectacularly.
  18. You're just further reinforcing my point. Funny thing is when the next wave of consolidation happens you're going to be right back where you started.
  19. I just like watching my team play. Worrying about being in an exclusive club is kind of juvenile tbh. Especially when youre willing to fork over up to 200 million to do it. It's just kind of sad really how insecure these boosters are. At the end of the day it comes across as desperate and pathetic. DFW will never care about SMU and stunts like this is the reason why. How are you going to pick up a fan base when this is your story? A story of buying access with excessive wealth. Who is going to get behind that? I'm guessing the boosters already know this which is why they would never move up without bribes.
  20. No they didn't. These conferences were created by whoever had the must alumni in their state houses to lobby for their team to be a part of the "in" club, or sheer luck or convenience. What did wazzuu, oregon, state oklahoma state, texas tech, baylor, etc to do "earn" anything? We still have g5 powerhouses such as Boise State excluded after doing EVERYTHING to do deserve it. Lets not pretend that the P5 universe was somehow based on merit. The landscape has always been built by insecure alumni in politics who wanted to elevate their school by punching downwards towards anyone not them. That said, what SMU is doing feels worse because its just overtly corrupt. In the past it was all behind closed doors. I can't wait for this to backfire spectacularly though
  21. This is just embarrassing, please remove this thread for all the reasons already mentioned.
  22. Come on man... These no name twitter accounts are just making shit up and having a blast seeing their made up content appear in random articles and message boards
  23. Not sure unt's message boards are the place to be complaining about 6-6 teams going bowling. The players enjoy it. The fans an enjoy it. The matchups are interesting. Is that not enough?
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