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Everything posted by aprice

  1. I wish I knew how to embed this video in here.
  2. For whatever reason, in almost every article I have read regarding the new stadium there is at least one error in there.
  3. A large cardboard printout of Anucha Browne Sanders must be made. It is a must.
  4. Thanks for the update. I couldn't find where they were handing out rosters at the spring game (if they were at all), so it was difficult to see who was doing what.
  5. ...that defensive back transfer from Minnesota that was supposedly supposed to be eligible this season? I remember reading something on here about it, but I haven't heard anything from him since then. Honestly I don't even remember his name, I was hoping someone on here could help me out with that.
  6. How many more of these cases must happen before we realize that the prohibition of pot is absolutely ridiculous. You don't have to be a pothead to see this, I don't even smoke. The fact is, if you want pot, you can get it in about 10 minutes (especially if you're a college student). The war on drugs does not work, it never has, it creates criminals, and young people die over it. Is this the result you want from the billions of tax dollars going to this war on drugs? I do not think any less of Dawson, especially at this stage of the investigation where we really don't know squat.
  7. http://www.berrycenter.net/stadium.html#halftime hahah, wow, half of one of the girl's left buttcheek is hanging out
  8. I really don't think most students check their UNT emails. Anyway, I have my new eagleconnect email setup in thunderbird with my normal email, so I check it everyday (otherwise I probably wouldn't, since it mostly just gets junk mail with job offers for crappy side jobs). I didn't get one email regarding anything to do with UNT athletics. Edit: I just checked my old eaglemail account too, and no emails were sent there either. I don't think "several emails have been sent out" is entirely accurate... considering I haven't received one.
  9. HOWERTONNNNN! somebody gave him my message!
  10. i really wish howerton would do more than just take up space... that being said, i am very impressed on how they they are leading with tramiel and george being out for quite some time
  11. Oh its supposed to be a video feed? I thought I got a good deal for their slideshow! It updates like twice a minute, what a deal!
  12. This feed from the sbc site, jumptv or whatever, is horrible. I can't believe I paid 10 bucks for this crap. It freezes at least once a minute
  13. I also am on campus every week and first found out about it at the game on Wednesday. Theres no way I could change my work schedule in 3 days notice to attend a basketball game. Had I known when they originally planned on doing this (who knows when that actually was) I would certainly have gone. Yes, there are 35,000 students, but I'm willing to bet less than 5% actually knew about it and MUCH less knew about it with more than a couple days of notice... If thats not a marketing problem, then I don't know what is.
  14. So what you're saying is you'd rather have someone write a blog that posts only good news/opinions about a football program that is 3-21. The brett vito topic is getting really old. If you don't like it, for god sakes stop reading it. I enjoy his updates, they are very informative. I know they are real, and not sugarcoated. When he gives positive news/opinions you can really take it seriously.
  15. Anyone know what time they are coming back? I have work late Sunday night (9pm) I probably can't go
  16. Yeah big george's dunk will be a memorable one. He redefined the word teabagging. What a great game to watch, it had everything... even me shooting the last chicken into justin's (I think was his name) basket! Too bad all I got was a few buy one get one free cici's cards... what a rip off! I thought it used to be for free fuzzy's tacos or something.
  17. Does anyone know the story on him? Ive only been following the basketball team for 2 years, but I don't see why someone this talented would be sitting on the bench most of his career, except for the final 10 games or so...
  18. Well, most of the time you don't anticipate a team making seven 3 point shots in 3 minutes. I think they closed it out very well... had it not been for the excellent free throw shooting at the end, asu could have come back.
  19. When/Where are they getting the signatures for this? I haven't seen any booths, or heard anyone talk about it.
  20. I wonder if "Pooh Bear" is his first name or if Pooh is his first, and Bear is his middle. Interesting. Either way he has some pretty screwed up parents.
  21. Does the full screen button work for anyone else in this new version of espn360? *I fixed it, never mind. It wanted me to click something at the top.
  22. There is no argument for keeping the starters in the entire game. That would be insanity. The game was closed out after the first half. There's no need to question JJ's judgment when the game was out of reach well before the end of the game.
  23. Damn. I have intermediate accounting from 630-920 on Thursday. Hopefully I get out early and get to see the end of it. I may have to settle for having espn mvp tuned in on my desk.
  24. If i'm not mistaken, it looked like Tramiel headed to the locker room halfway through the first half. Anyone know what that was about?
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