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Everything posted by greengal

  1. Wren did not hire Seth! It was RV. Quit blaming Wren for a coach he inherited. Now Wren is guilty of redoing his contract however. That is not a hanging offense though IMHO.
  2. It’s just very depressing.
  3. Put Martin in what do we have to lose?
  4. I apologize on behalf of our fans on this. No excuse people for drinking more than you can handle. Let's try and act more responsibly UNT. That said, I have to also say that the SMU fans next to us were also quite loud and one of them kept playing music videos on his giant phone. One of them had very long legs and would not move them when we needed to go to the bathroom. I felt like the SMU fans for the most part were ok.
  5. They couldn’t come cause of Covid
  6. Ruder can pass the ball.
  7. Cheap shot call ref!!
  8. I’m so proud of thes guys playing so hard tonight ❤️
  9. Is SMU requiring some type of Covid policy on attendance? There appear to be a lot of empty seats.
  10. Terrible Theisman type of injury
  11. Do you think maybe SMU will let us be in?
  12. They actually do have one it is just very small.
  13. Word I got was that Dr. Smatresk would not allow it for fear of covid. Not sure if that is true or not but sad to hear they won't make it. We have a much better sounding band to me.
  14. I don't remember what number Wren quoted us but it seemed to be very reasonable for what you get. The buffet is fantastic and we love having access to the full bar. Last game it was fantastic as we were able to avoid the heat. We have made lifetime friends with our neighbors who have the seats behind us.
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  15. Thank you for your mercy:
  16. He looks so happy makes my heart melt to see him find a happy place to be! 💓 Life is too short, and he clearly was not happy here. Glad for him.
  17. Seems like the only weak points for us are football. Really need to see Seth step things up as it is becoming critical now.
  18. Wow love this kid! Will be pulling for him big time this season. Go #78!
  19. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. It's crazy how these viruses come in and disrupt our lives and jobs. My good friend just passed away but he did not get the vaccine. I was so sad for him and his family. I hope some day we can live in a world where these viruses can be eliminated or at least contained. God bless you and we will miss you on Saturday!
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