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About greengal

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    Dallas, Texas
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  1. Great article. Thanks to Mr. Kuehne and all of the others that have supported basketball so much!
  2. Great win. Why can’t football be good like this?
  3. Anybody know why the concession lines were so long? Seems like it was busier than ever before. Hubby had to wait in line for 40 minutes for just a hot dog.
  4. Hi I am wanting to get my dad some UNT boots. Any idea where I can find them at?
  5. Why is FAU on here and not us?
  6. I like playing Tech cause my best friend went there.
  7. Can you please link this directly? The won't let us have youtube on my work computer.
  8. We will win!!!🏆
  9. Love me some Laramie!
  10. Hubby wants this for fathers day. Any idea if they have this at Dicks?
  11. Cute family!
  12. Me and hubby went. He seemed to think we would not be good this coming year but could be good in a couple of years. They have a lot of young kids out there that they need to devlop into men. We will be at every home game no matter what.
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