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  • Birthday 09/17/1975

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    Fort Worth, TX

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  1. What did I miss?
  2. I think the title of this thread would be more appropriate if we had lost. In general, we dont suck when we win. If you were actually at the game and sat through the freezing 4th quarter and watched them man up at the most important time of the game, and put our offense back on the field in victory formation you wouldn’t have left saying we suck. Even with the mistakes, I dont think we suck. I think we are undersized and not deep enough up front. Those guys on the line are playing really tough against big O lineman, but when we don’t get penetration or sacks we get picked apart. Its gets worse when we blitz and they pick it up. But against the run in the 4th quarter they rose up and played awesome.
  3. Wow! Young man looks like a man among boys in the video.
  4. Updated quote nough said!
  5. About 2 weeks ago this kid shows up to my neighbor's house for a birthday party while I was sitting on the driveway listening to us play K-state. He heard the game and asked me if that was the North Texas game. When I replied yes he told me his name and proudly proclaimed his commitment as a recruit. He talked about the excitement of the new stadium and how he liked Coach Cannales. The kid is a beast, someone that's looks to be feared on an offensive line. One of those guys that made me think the future is bright if we can recruit talent like him.
  6. Don't think so. TCU dropped a spot because they played weak against an unranked SMOO, not because of the conference they are in. Both Boise and TCU are closer to a national championship than the Big East Champ without being in an autobid conference. The only advantage the BE champ has is an automatic bid to a BCS game. The Big East champ hasn't played for the national championship in recent memory.
  7. I could have saved them a lot of money and written that report for them!
  8. HMMMM...... 2003 Baylor at UNT attendance ~30,000 2007 SMU @ UNT attendance >25,000 (Approximately same result with UNT @ SMU) I'm sure others could list more games to add to this........ Conclusion: When UNT schedules even the lower echelon of other conferences that are more regional, attendance spikes significantly because of who we play. Its not just some of the time or here and there. It has happened every time in the last 10 years. Having more regional / attractive opponents absolutely gets the students more excited about coming to games and causes some alumni who wont' show up to watch xyz Sunbelt team to come.
  9. CUSA? Regional Rivalries, yes, but quality of conference NO. SBC had a winning record against CUSA last year and Troy smacked Rice around in the NO Bowl game.
  10. Receivers getting behind the defense using unconventional route directions is signature TD. The short stuff / slants set the deep stuff up. Defenses think think they have figured out how to stop either the deep or the short and then here comes the other or a running play. TD's game is completely unpredictable. He didn't just do it to our own defense on Sunday, he's been doing it to every defense he has played over the last 9 years.
  11. The guy is a great coach, and Kentucky is possibly the ultimate college BB coaching job. There's nothing wrong with him furthing his career anymore than you or I furthering our career. I say good for him and God Bless him.
  12. I beg to differ on whether Al Queda personell lived in and had ties with Iraqi officials: Why does the Czech Republic have documented evidence that Mohamadd Atta (911 planner) met with the an Iraqi Consul in April of 2003? Atta What was Atta doing in Baghdad in the summer of 2003? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../14/wterr14.xml Oh, and let's not forget the account of the Iraqi generals who said the shell of an airline jet was used for the practice of hijacking airplanes. http://www.sptimes.com/2003/04/07/Worldand...inforces_.shtml I think the purpose of the picture posted by FFR is that the way we look at the world changed after 911, and we could no longer afford to take the risks that we had taken before that day. We could no longer idly sit by attempting to appease maniac dictatators who verbally threatened to wipe us and Israel off the map. Some of us still take what happened to us on 911 serious, and realize that had we done nothing, it may have happened again.
  13. I have never heard any former fan of the Dixie Chicks (myself included) ever question whether they had the right to say what they did. What we did question was the gutlessness of saying it in London. (Yeah, that's the issue, they didn't have the gaul to say what they said in Texas, or any other place in the South because they knew the crowd would would have thrown eggs at them for such a stupid and unwarranted comment. As for the freedom of speech issue, no one stopped the Chicks from speaking their mind that day or any other afterward. Freedom of Speech does not equate to Freedom of the consumer to buy what the hell they want. But the Chicks learned a hard cruel economic lesson. "Piss Off your customers, and you'll Piss Away your Paycheck". Every country music lover has the "Freedom of Choice" to buy their records, and they spoke loudly by dropping the Chick's record sales by more than 50%. And last I heard, less than 10,000 people showed up at the 66,000 seat capactity Texas Stadium to hear one of their concerts, so I'd say they're still paying the price for their actions. The recent Grammy awards only proves that the Grammy selection committe is tone deaf to record sales, and concert attendance and fan popularity. Grammy Awards or not, the Chicks have politicized themselves right into music industry irrlevance. Lastly, what a waste of amazing talent.
  14. First off, I am now 2 for 2 on Basketball trivia during 2nd half timeouts! Yes that was me down there answering the toughest trivia questions they can throw out at me! I was impressed with the way the team played defense. Defense on the perimeter really limited the outside shooting of the MUTS, and forced several turnovers. On offense we moved the ball around well, but sometimes we were reluctant to actually take a shot or get the ball down low. Keith Wooden was open in the paint all night, and we didn't get the ball to him enough. The MUTS made it close a few times, but never led in the game. Really fun game to watch!!! (P.S., they give you the answer before they ask you the trivia question)
  15. Colts by 4. Its been a long time since I have seen a defense that is as fast, strong and mean as the Bears. (and they don't even have Tommy Harris) But I think the 34 points scored by the Pats is very deceiving. First they had a int returned for a TD, and the Colts special teams sucked and gave the Pats short fields all game long. I don't see a repeat of those things, and without them, the Colts defense is good enough to expose Grossman for the "Ridealong QB" he is.
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