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Everything posted by meanrob

  1. It's the same list week after week. Good teams, hell decent teams can overcome those mistakes. Who plays perfect every week? Special teams fumble cost us 3 points. Not a back breaker. Meager never should have thrown that ball, then again, we shouldn't have two receivers running 30yds downfield on a makeable third down. He's only dealing with the options given him. Penalties are hurting us, the inability to move the chains is killing us.
  2. find out? we already know we need a top rated QB recruit. we've needed one since 1994
  3. I predicted 27-17 ASU. I apologize for having such faith in our offense.
  4. Yep, on that drive in the first quarter we made no attempt to go for the touchdown. Third down and 5 and we were going to run a QB option before the play got flagged. 3rd and 10? We run the ball. In the third when we had 3rd and 17? instead of trying to get about 8-12 yards and put us in field goal range to cut the lead to three, we heave it downfield and it gets picked off. But what is really stupid about that play was even though Meager chunked the ball downfield, another UNT receiver had run a pattern even FURTHER downfield. Worst passing game i have ever seen.....EVER.
  5. Since every college football PA guy in America does it, i'm not sure who ripped it off from. Good game, we deserve what we got.
  6. We played a team almost exactly like us tonight. They let their qb run and try to make plays. We let our qb throw 2 yd passes or heave it down the field. In the end though, why am i surprised? I predicted this all week.
  7. Kragthorpe shows confidence in his team with his game decisions. He goes for it in the red zone, we duck and cover. Plus, I seriously doubt Kragthorpe would say his team would have "to be lucky" to beat a average I-AA team. Dickey did. 1994.....enough said.
  8. Gotta root for ULaLa. I'm hoping they are undefeated in Belt play until we go down there. I wanna see a game down there with a crowd. Of course I want to send them home disappointed.
  9. get well soon coach. not to complain but is there any place we can send a get well to him directly. didn't see anything on the web site.
  10. Alabama, Tech, CSU? No. When we played those teams they had an distinct talent advantage. Did we have the talent to beat Kansas, TCU, Arizona, and USM when we played them? Yes. By using that standard, the victories over Tech shouldn't count. 1998 Houston, Kansas 1999: UNLV, Baylor, TCU 2000: Baylor, UNLV, Samford, UL-Lafayette 2001: TCU, SOuth Florida, Troy St, 2002: Nicholls St., TCU, Arizona, South Florida, Cincy 2003: Baylor, Air Force, Troy St., Memphis 2004: Florida Atl., Baylor, Southern Miss. 2005: Tulsa, La Tech 2006: SMU, Tulsa, AKro Unless I'm wrong, in games we could've won we are 7-22. And 16 of those losses were by double digits. Again my math may be slightly off. Out of those games I think 9 teams had winning records. 9 out of 29. Hell just use the years we were conference champs 2001-2004, Dickey's best teams. We were 4-11 with one win against Nichols State. and 2-9 against non-BCS schools. yeah, i know too much info but the point is we should've won some of those games.
  11. For that to happen you have to believe that 1) The players to make that happen are on the team right now 2) This coaching staff we have now can recruit to make that happen You think we will be better than the 2003 or 2004 team? You realise how good those defenses were? Sorry but this team isn't even close. The stars aligned for us to get some of those players and I just don't see that happening again. Add to that the FACT that we have never been even an average offensive team and i don't see how we get back to that level, much less rise above it. Jones, Buckles, Hurd, Casey, Pruitt, Kennedy, Awasome, Daniels, McGee, Spencer and more that i'm forgetting......... Sorry you missed 2003, because that's the best it's going to be for a while. And honestly it should've been better. A lot better.
  12. yeah, you gotta hand it to the coach. throwing the ball after being down 33-7 is genius.
  13. they went totally conservative in the second half. no reason to believe we stop them if they don't take the foot off the gas. yay, we won the second half!!!
  14. if you guys are satisfied with that performance, i don't know what to say. we were never in the game. wow, we moved the ball sometimes after they had a 33-7 lead. no imagination inside the red zone. again. rob
  15. yeah, i have noticed i have a really boring radio voice. i'll try and be better next time. believe me, if we would have done this Sat night i would have ranted like a madman.
  16. By the way, in that game we beat Idaho 10-0 the wind was blowing and we only threw 11 passes or so. Coincidence? I think not.
  17. What i would like to see are some actual ideas that UNT could implement based on our situation, history, and culture. I think that would be more productive then the pasting of random articles and people going "we should do this". We are where we are, now what do we do.
  18. I think you mistake "team" with the word "program". Just because we had a couple of good teams like in the late 60s and mid 70s doesn't mean we had a better program in place. Just playing in Fouts alone made us a worse program. We've never had a big donor base or season ticket base. Hell, we were, maybe still are behind a school like Idaho in donor and season ticket base. We still are behind programs like Boise and ULa La. I'm not making excuses and I would much rather look forward than look behind and i'm certainly not feeling sorry for good ol NT.
  19. I'm not making excuses, i'm just telling you we can't do it the "Louisville way". At least not in the short term. We don't have a nationally known/NCAA championship BBall program to help fund our athletic department. You want to follow Boise's plan, I'm all for it. But if you want to say "why can't we do this" and post that article, I can give you a bunch of reasons. Starting with, our BBall program costs us a lot of money, theirs makes them a lot of money. You guys want an overnight fix, well sorry it ain't gonna happen.
  20. While an interesting article, their situation was/is nothing like ours. They were drawing 15k per BBall game. They are the only game in town in a major metropolitan area. That's a lot of money to draw from.
  21. I'm going to a high school game but will swing by after that.
  22. For a game that some of us having been waiting 15 years to happen, you've managed to make this just another ordinary week of NT football. Never mind that we don't like our opponent this week. Never mind that they've not wanted to play us since 1993. Never mind that college football is about passion, rivalries, and disappointments. This week is just another week. DD and Bennett are buds, god forbid anybody says anything that might be taken the wrong way. This game may not make the team's season but it sure would make a lot of the fan's season. But instead the passion is replaced by canned comments and "we gotta execute" insightful coachspeak. God forbid if we tried to sell this game as us against them. Even though that's exactly what it is. Do you guys even remember the whole "safeway parking lot" comment that a lot of us agreed with (even if Simon was looney, every blue moon he made sense)? But no, let's not say anything upsetting about our opponent. Let's not fire up the fan base or good gosh, actually fire up the team. I guess we'll just have to take for granted that your pre-game speech will be a doozy. Unlike your one to us, oh wait, there wasn't one for the fans. SMU is coming to town.....could've fooled me.
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