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Everything posted by meanrob

  1. i said it and i'll say it again. we are going to win this game.
  2. we are going to win this game. period.
  3. all running plays excuse me while i pat my back
  4. c'mon offense. we should just stuff it down their throats.
  5. offsides on third down....never mind, i'll just shoot myself before the heart attack
  6. looks like another close one......ain't good for me heart
  7. as someone one said....why do we do this? killlin me
  8. i went to the notre dame/navy game last weekend and let me say, it's going to be tough to stop navy. real tough. they just seem to get positive yards on every play. they will just grind out 3-5 yards every play mixed in with 10-15 yard runs. and they have a knack of completing passes when they need to. they didn't turn the ball over against the irish but i think they have in other games. that will be the key because i will be surprised if we can stop them. on the other side they have a weak pass rush but the notre dame quarterback got too comfortable in the first half with so much time and held onto the ball too long in the second half. their pass defense is pretty bad too but the irish couldn't make them pay. missed wide open receivers or dropped balls on numerous occasions. navy kicker is really shaky. missed an xp and would have missed another if not for a penalty. vizza has to be on his game. can't hold onto the ball too long. we have to get turnovers and make big plays. we should be able to move the ball on them as well. field goals won't do. sorry, i can't predict a win. navy just too efficient on offense. but i bet it's highly entertaining.
  9. anybody who thought we would or should contend for the sunbelt title this year needs a reality check. the talent just isn't there across the board. having said that, the talent on defense is not equal to the performances we are getting from them.
  10. sure could use a "see you later lousiana-lafayette" call about now.
  11. so now it's the fourth quarter and we should be down by 8 but instead it's 9. still a whole quarter to go, hope we can do something to make the point moot.
  12. all right, all right...did anybody just hear george say "that was cherry, he just got popped by....."
  13. good response by the team....C'MON D!!!!!
  14. we need a large dose of jamario on this drive.
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