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Everything posted by meanrob

  1. i loved the colts but lived in houston at the time and followed the oilers. when the colts moved i became a huge oiler fan. those playoff losses in the 90s just killed me. then the oilers moved and like you i wasn't becoming a titans or texans fan. now i root for the cowboys but i don't live and die with them. as a kid i watched sports 24/7. now not so much. i live and die with unt and newcastle and follow the cowboys. all the other teams have fallen off the radar. funny, baseball was number one as a kid but the strike, changes in baseball, and the rangers killed the sport for me. back in the dome, i loved those 3-2 games where every at bat mattered. watching 13-8 rangers games soured me. granted, being at the dome was horrible, but the games and teams back then were a lot of fun.
  2. a couple of things. first, i was a military brat and we moved all of the time. so my teams were all over the place. basically i rooted for the first teams i remember seeing and any against any team my dad liked. long story. secondly, as someone else said, as a kid every cubs and braves game was on tv. i'm not a fan of either team but as a kid i was a huge baseball fan and i saw more of their games then i did my beloved astros so i can see someone becoming a fan of those teams. plus kid's seem to lock onto players more than teams. i become a colts fan because of bert jones. i loved george brett and the royals. after he left, i was ho-hum on them mostly because i was living in texas by then. kids are exposed to way more teams then when i was growing up. you can see every game now, back then you were lucky to have the home team on tv. forget watching a browns game in dallas. most of the astros games when i grew up were only on the radio, even in houston. i think the rules are out nowadays. but that might just be me. by the way, when i was a teenager we had one thirty minute show that showed highlights from english soccer. and it wasn't even on every week. now i get highlights every night, a channel devoted almost entirely to soccer, and can watch almost every newcastle games. and that's from a sport from another continent. yeah, the old days of listening to games on the radio were sort of romantic but i'm not complaining about what we got today either. especially with almost all of UNT's football games on the tv or internet.
  3. if you want to be mentioned with the greats, you gotta play great. you don't take sacks when being chased and then ground the ball when no one is around you. all around stinker by the cowboys but who didn't see this coming. i won't say pathetic, but close to it.
  4. LSU at #23. The talking heads act like that's the toughest place to play at, especially at night. oooooohhh. Not so, that place is so overrated.
  5. and the post game show for this awesome win is.........jazz. gotta love our crazy university.
  6. north texas state????? oh well, i gotta admit i thought this game was lost. i'm not sold on this team but to win a tourney on someone else's floor is tough. great job guys.
  7. 11.4 secs left and we're at the line up by one. first one.........good! second one.......good! great job by white.
  8. great offensive board ruined by tie up. 29 secs left, they get the last shot. don't foul. dang.
  9. made free throw, up by three 80 secs left. dang, they missed but got the board and we fouled. they're at line bueller.....bueller
  10. 1:21 left, up by one and we're at the line. good hustle on offfensive boards. first free throw good. timeout aggies. up by two
  11. missed free throw, made second. up by one
  12. down by one with 2:28 left. woo hoo three at shot clock buzzer. up by two but wooden just fouled out and nmsu at free throw line
  13. dennis fouled out. not good. tie game or is it ty game or tye game or....never mind
  14. free throw air ball by aggie.....hehe unt up by 2 and with the ball at last timeout. under 4 mins left. on another note, hawaii is getting worked by udub.
  15. i keep checking sportsline.com. they still have us down by 18. doh!
  16. good job green, let's finish on a high note next weekend.
  17. woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. not over yet. not the way this year has gone
  19. how about a break football gods?
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