I don't have a problem with the Denia Association wanting to have a say. However they need to be reasonable and i'm not sure that expecting no traffic on gamedays to affect their neighborhood is realistic. As someone else said, have you ever been to Norman on gameday? Hell, any Div I program is going to create traffic on gameday.
My HUGE problem with this editorial by the DRC is that they (DRC) say they have no idea which plan put forth is better or more reasonable but hey, we're gonna side with the Denia neighborhood. What kind of newspaper says they no nothing about the subject but chooses a side and writes an editorial about it. Isn't an editorial supposed to be a analysis of the facts and then giving an opinion?
What a load of crap.
And Harry, unless i'm mistaken, this is a DRC editorial. It was issued by the DRC, not anyone from Denia.