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  1. I would rather not. Just had lunch ;).
  2. I haven't posted in years. I come by and read the responses every once in a while, but then saw this. Since when is the Mountain West better than the American? Was the OP just creating a joke thread? Good fit for UTEP, but "Passing us by"?!?!?
  3. Looks like maybe OTA channel 47 may have it per their website. Guide however shows high school football. Maybe found it on the Roku. Open the Roku Channel, and choose "Live TV". Choose channel 227. It also shows high school football, but Fox Sports SW is showing: NCAA FB: Southern Miss vs. North Texas STAD6:30PM Edit: Looks like it is HS football 😞
  4. This totally takes away from the purity of college football, and why I like it better than the NFL.
  5. I have used all my free trials up on previous years game :(. Any new Internet steaming services that have come out this past year that I might be able to use? I enjoy the games, but $50+ for one game is hard to justify.
  6. Good luck getting an entire game to finish. I subscribed the last 2 years, and have yet to see a game (not just UNT) in its entirety. But, as usual, I will re-subscribe in hopes this year will be different. If anyone knows of another way it is going to be televised please pass it along.
  7. I am so ready. Anywhere other than ESPN+ to watch this. I have never seen a complete game on ESPN+, and worried it will be the same today.
  8. Same issue. I have resorted to listening on the radio. Better than nothing.
  9. I see the game is on ESPN U, but for some reason Charter shows the channel, but does not associate it to any package they have. Does anyone know if Charter has ESPN U on any of their packages? If not I can give Playstation Vue a try and stream the game.
  10. I travel a lot, and almost everyone I have met is familiar with UNT. It is far from a no name school. Skip just went up a notch in my book though. I would also bet more people are familiar with UNT than with Mr. Smith.
  11. I am all for just picking someone out of the stands. It would at least be a slight improvement.
  12. On Charter it is 1008.2. Doesn't even have Guide data. Just happened to turn over there.
  13. Justin Brumit and Zack Simonar.
  14. I was not able to make the game today, so thought I would have to miss it. But to my surprise it was on NTTV. I have to give the two announcers credit. They are better than what I have seen from the big networks this year. Knowledge of UNT football, and just doing a great all around job.
  15. I hate to post this here, but I called and spoke to many different people at UNT and asked if the Alum can still park on campus and walk without getting a ticket, and I have not been able to get an answer. I just get "I don't know". I have spoke with 5 people so far, and have gotten no legitimate response. Again sorry if this is not the proper place. Thanks
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