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Everything posted by meangreen-mba

  1. I do like the Jim leavitt idea, coach Fran would work as well, but wuold Leavitt sign here for $500K
  2. I like Dodge and hopes he finishes strong for our sake and that of the team...but if not.. what about Dennis Franchione? had a ton of success at TCU...got screwed in Alabama...not too well at A&M, but can recruit Texas and has a track record!!!!
  3. that is a lot of talk about UNT....come on CUSA>>>>
  4. you have to admit that the stadium will have a certain UNT personality about it. No others are there that look like it. It could become a signature and maybe get some National Press.......it is time to stop hating and start supporting....
  5. both good picks....
  6. I dont understand why the bb team should not be mandated to go to fb games and vise versa....it would be great support for each program...as long as they dont start fighting each other...
  7. could the opposing team, and any fans stay at the new Hotel? Couldn't the University use this hotel for it's guest's for the various conferences........Hotels are filled-up for many reasons. We have many sports where visiting teams must have a place to stay....surely, all of them do not fly/bus in and leave without a place to stay. Market it with events at the stadium like concerts. It would be a great concert venue because of its local and ease of access from Oklahoma.... We have to market this thing as a venue as well as stadium to make it financially viable.....I'm just saying Not just music concert, but Drumline, Promise Keepers, Evangelical events, graduations (people will come and stay at the hotel for these type of events)...use your imagination. High School playoffs...teams stay at hotels.... Anything that brings in people.....
  8. I say if we can out score them....we will win!!!!
  9. You know, I didn't see the game or listen to it on radio. I did read many of the critical posting on here and was preet saddened with my team. Then, I looked at the game stats....on paper, we dominated them...sans turn-overs and penalties..we won. I am thinking we can fix issues like that, but we have a team that belongs on the field withour opponents. We are in the genesis of a very good team I believe. Do any of you remember how our last run begain??? Not too good until we made the break thru. Dont give up, dont be critical, expect a lot and get behind this team and push them to meet higher standards...dont step on them and hope they make it.
  10. we were actually competative...justover matchedon talent. The boys played hard and in good position. Tackeling was awful. Play calling was worse. I liked what I swaw from the players....never gaveup. Tune did a good job...NO turn-overs...few penalties....NO INJURIES!!!!!!!
  11. a high possibility of rain tomottow...we have experiencewith that.....sadly Bama 21 UNT 14 Great game altogether
  12. Get ready to meet the fanaticle tailgaters in history. Walk the campus ane meet as many people as you can......BAMA is a great place for a football game!!!
  13. I always enjoyed watching Zack Muzzy. Not glamorous, but always put out the effort
  14. I got my seats lastnight. They have us locked away in the far corner of this really HUGE (25K seat) stadium.......I am staying at the Hampton Inn -Muncie. Doesn't look too far from campus....see you Thursday...or should I say "Victory Thursday"!!!
  15. Did somebody say we would go 12 - 0? I like it
  16. great email...we need something like this....almost makesmewant to go toan SMU game....I do like the way SMU folks "tailgate"
  17. Steve and Berry's...used to buy a ton of stuff from them....too bad they are gone. I am ordering a shirt now.
  18. sounds good to me!!!!
  19. I think the Kool Aid is starting to take affect. I can see over thenext 4 - 6 a mini-Texas Tech type of offensive firepower. I think it all finally kicks-in, and Dodge will be thenextbest thing in mid-Major College Football. I think he will stick around long enough to build a program that will attract the right replacement.... YOU GOT TO BELIEVE!!!!!
  20. I hope we have 2 1000 yd receivers and a handful of 500+ yd receivers. I would also like to see 35+ TD receptions (about 3 per game)
  21. I hope we have 2 1000 yd receivers and a handful of 500+ yd receivers. I would also like to see 35+ TD receptions (about 3 per game)
  22. Just curious as to why they would not allow people of age to drink beer (other alcohol) while tailgating for a soccermatch? They sell beer at football games, and really promote drinking while tailgating....I hope this is not indicative ofwhatis to come at the newfootball stadium.
  23. I hope I am not giving away secrets to the enemy. I watched Riley and Todd at SLC to see what thebig fuss wasabout. For 2.5qtrs, all they did was hit short routes for small yards, an occational broken tackle for more yards, not a lot of points. pulled th defense intight. about half way through the 3rd qrt...boomlots of adjustments to routes totake them deeper 20+ yds on the runand all of the sudden tons of yds and points. I bet they scored more points in the 4th qtr than all other atrsput together....that wasmy observation....
  24. I say let's go for a touch down on the first play...regardless of what the play is!!!
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