Best: The Navy game. Yeah, we lost but it was an amazing game. Add in the flyover ... the Navy fans ... my wife attending her first NT game ... it had everything except for the win.
Worst: It was a game from the Dennis Parker error (era). It may have been a homecoming game. With just a few seconds left in the game we tie it up. Suppose we were to try an onsides kick. We would only have time for maybe one play try to move 30 yards into field goal range while if the opponent recovered they would almost be in field goal range already. Certainly anyone with a brain could realize that trying an onside kick at this point would be a horrible decision.
Oh ... wait ... Dennis Parker is the head coach. Sure enough, onside kick ... opponent recovers ... one play later they kick the game winning field goal. After the game the players should have hoisted Dennis Parker onto their shoulders, carried him up the bleachers, and thrown him over the top rail.