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NorthTexan95 last won the day on September 1 2019

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About NorthTexan95

  • Birthday 09/24/1970

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  1. Is it me or is that a really quick release. I like what I see.
  2. Time to sell your Tennessee stock.
  3. Lots of passing yards but loses the bowl game. The new QB fits in well with the UNT culture.
  4. I think some announcers, like the ones doing the Texas-Arizona St game, just try to hype up the game for both sides. They quickly switch to sounding like home team announcers for which ever team is doing well at that moment. Yesterday, it sometimes sounded like they were paid by UT, other times it was as if they were paid by Arizona St. The days of Pat Summerall's calm work is long gone.
  5. Not only did SMU keep Alabama out of the playoffs, they let us watch them get destroyed in the playoffs. Thank you, SamU!
  6. We're on our way to college football being a career. Time to work on the CSARF ... College Student Athlete Retirement Fund. (Gotta have "Student" in the name to continue the falsehood).
  7. Hoping we have at least 11 for the bowl game.
  8. We didn't lose, we just ran out of time.
  9. I think even if one of the seasons with Mason Fine had been an 11-1 or 12-0 season, it wouldn't have made a long term difference. We would not have enough alumni support to continue building off that.
  10. IMO, the main issue is fan support. We have a very loyal core group with lots of fun things such as the canon, the Model T car, the "North Texas" chant ... but that core group is too small. Previous administrations spent decades tamping down any enthusiasm for sports at UNT, leaving it an after thought for many alumni. It would be much easier to recruit and high great coaches if we had 25k at each game and a community that really backed the teams. Suppose we had beat Navy, went on the beat Army, and finished the year with 10 wins. I don't think that would move the needle much for next year. It would be very difficult to have enough winning seasons to slowly build a winning tradition. Long story, short ... winning at football just isn't important to enough students and alumni. I will agree with others that having our own Boone Pickens would be a great benefit if they could give a lot and have patience. I just don't see that person walking through the door anytime soon.
  11. Rick Villareal approves of the helmet design.
  12. I was at the UNT- Navy game under the Dodge years. Packed out Fouts Field, Navy jet fly over, no defense until Navy got some stops in the second half. This game could be very similar.
  13. Happy Birthday, Mean Joe Greene! Glad to share a birth day with you.
  14. "We no longer like the contact we signed so please give us a do over."
  15. I hear Smatresk is looking for a new job.
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