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Everything posted by NTXCoog

  1. If that's Comcast, then it's questionable. We had one game on Comcast earlier this year and it was blacked out on DirecTV except in a few markets. DFW was blacked out. It wasn't blacked out if you had Comcast Cable service. Evidently the UH athletic department wasn't very happy with Comcast blacking it out since they advertised that it would be available.
  2. I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned.
  3. I wouldn't say I owned anyone. I'd just say I crushed it.
  4. UNT may have been FCS, but there have been plenty of FBS schools that have lost to FCS schools in bad seasons. So I'm guessing that would make SMU less likely to be the worst team in FBS history.
  5. Comprehend that SMU won 2 games that season including, wait for it, UNT? That is pretty funny. Worst team of all time, but still beat UNT
  6. I said leagues in general. Indy and OKC were also given as examples as leagues using poor geography. I don't see anyone saying the NBA and NHL or NFL are the dumbest leagues ever because of poor geography, dumber than not being able to count to 10.
  7. Geographic problems are not unprecedented. In the NBA, OKC is in the northwest In the NFL, I wouldn't say Indy is in the South. Also in the NFL, in our own backyard, since when is Dallas located in the East, not in the South or West? NHL has us in the West. NFL has us in the East. Dallas is so big, we're on both sides of the country.
  8. Let's make sure you're not running the scoreboard then. If UNT gets a TD and FG, I can see 12 points showing up on the board.
  9. Quite possible. I wonder what the over/under is for the game.
  10. More stupid than the Big 10 having 12 teams and the Big 12 having 10 teams? Does that promote the image that US students can't count to 10?
  11. But Piland can be anywhere too. Against La Tech he threw for 580 yards and set an FBS record for most passes in a game without an interception with 77, earning him CUSA offensive player of the week honors. 49 points should be enough to win a game, but then again, so should 63.
  12. I wouldn't touch betting a UH game now. This game could be a 4 TD UH win or a 4 TD UH loss. Most likely it's somewhere in between. If I had to set the line, I'd probably say something like UH by a TD based on UH potential pulled back by UH inconsistency. But setting a line on this game is like throwing blindly at a dart board. It could be anywhere.
  13. You're walking out? I don't know. If you predicted a UNT victory in your first post over there, even a blowout, I highly doubt you'd get "NTSU" comments or whatever the UNT equivalent insult is to Cougar High. You'd probably get some very strong disagreements and probably some athletic snobbery, but I doubt you'd get attacks on the school itself. Hell, if you said Piland sucks and Levine sucks and the defense sucks, you'd probably get too much agreement there.
  14. Were you there? Were there 16k at UNT/MTSU last year? Were there 22k vs TSU? UH is proud of the attendance growth we've had in the last 3-4 years and we'll talk about it. Most of us are smart enough to not talk attendance smack though because 1) It may go back down if we start sucking 2) It's still not a huge number in the world of college football. With that said, I find it amazing that some UNT fans are trying to talk smack about UH attendance. Those guys need to look in the mirror. No sell outs at a brand new stadium and the largest crowd was partially due to the grand opening with huge help from UH fans.
  15. King may be everything you say, but the insults have been about UH not King. And it's not like UNT fans have been guiltless on this thread. King makes a prediction about the game that obviously UNT fans won't like because it doesn't have UNT winning. He says nothing negative about UNT other than predicting a 45-17 victory. 2nd post we get "Cougar High." 4th post "Cougar High." There were posts back in forth. Some good. Some bad. Then the real insults started with Carribean calling Robertson a hole worth about as much money as Apogee's bathrooms with sub 30k crowds, something that has happened once since 2010. King did respond pretty negatively to that with some UNT insults. Then CurveIT escalates with insults that teams with directions are better than teams with cities. Silly but go for it. And says that UH can't draw when we're not undefeated (despite UH selling out 2010 in a losing season). Then it really goes down hill. Eastwood (UNT alum who attends UH) hopes no one gets mugged because he said it has happened 3 times on campus in the 4 weeks he's been there. Would like some proof. Looking at UH's crime log for all of 2012 and UNT's crime log for the last 60 days, and they look real similar to me. I see an aggravated assaut on UNT's campus 8/31 with a warning on UNT's website. UH had an agg assault in February. A mugging would probably be listed as an agg assault. Other assaults, UH has 3 in the last 60 days. UNT has 7. Don't see a lot of facts here saying how dangerous UH is. And of course he uses Cougar High. Personally, if I was getting a graduate degree from UH, I wouldn't call it Cougar High. Just like if I was a UNT student, I would denigrate that school. Then King pulls out the dreaded NTSU insult in response to Cougar High comments. I know to UNT fans that's a bigger insult than Cougar High for some reason. NTSU is such a horrible insult that Caribbean pulls out SWTSU for TX ST. Wow! Really put them in their place. If I didn't want my school to be called by it's old name, I wouldn't call other schools by their old name. Eastwood pulls out Cougar High and says his middle school would beat UH (I guess Kansas would lose to his elementary school). Then Caribbean pulls out an incorrect murder story from 3 years ago and talks about how Denton has less murders than Houston. Always love pissing matches about towns and cities. Weakest message board smack category of all. And Eastwood again says 3 mugging on campus. Then you say I need to ease up because of King not using facts, meanwhile you said Keenan (sic) played 8 years (wrong) and that our stadium name is appropriate because of the crime. You call the nBE a joke even though there are 2 current top 25 teams. If the nBE is a joke, what is the new CUSA? No ranked teams (although I think La Tech should be there) with schools that are currently FCS and schools that don't even field a team joining. King may be every name that you call him, but I think Caribbean started this, Eastwood escalated, and you piled on. Add in a ton of Cougar Highs all over the place even before insults about UNT started coming. I'm just glad I'm on this board all year so I know 99% of UNT fans aren't like some of the posters on this thread with the insults. I'm also glad that there are a ton of good UNT fan posts on this thread. Kind of like diamonds in poo poo.
  16. So to try to change the subject of football attendance, you find an article from 3 years ago with questionable info. According to the UH crime report, that happened on public property defined as "Non-private property adjacent to the University of Houston central campus that is not under the control or authority of the University of Houston." Not on campus. If someone was killed on Fry Street adjacent to the UNT campus, would that be a murder on your campus?
  17. Tell that to Auburn, Boston College, Boise, Louisville, Miami, Pitt, Syracuse, etc. Pretty much sold out the season in 2010 when we were 5-7. There's a good chance UNT goes at least 5-7. Odds on UNT getting 1 sellout?
  18. How dare you mention 7-11 playing UH this week. (UH history story)
  19. There are some on UH's board that think that might be the best thing to happen for UH. I don't agree, but there are a ton of UH fans that don't like him.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. I figured it had something to do with UNT Dallas, but didn't really get all the implications.
  21. Not sure what you mean here. The primary law school building (Bates Law) and law library are very near the architecture and engineering buildings on the main campus. See the campus map.
  22. That sounded like a shot at the new Big East. I won't take a shot at CUSA because I enjoy playing those teams, but I can guarantee that the those teams in the "watered down" BE aren't worse draws than the teams in CUSA as well as OOC opponents like GA State and TX State which have been sell outs or near sell outs the last 3 years.
  23. Target is 40k which is only an increase of about 8k, but much more suites and premier seating so hopefully more revenue not just on additional attendance, but also on current attendance. As everyone is doing, it's set up to easily expand. Phase 2 estimate is 60k seats. I like that we're not going to 60k immediately. Season tickets and sell outs are much easier when it's a hot ticket. If walk ups are always available, sell outs are harder. Expand to 60k when 40k is almost always a sell out.
  24. I'm sure that includes demolition. Don't know what the cost of that is, but I can't imagine it being $27 million. As GL said, TX Stadium only cost $6 million. (Controversial) estimates of Astrodome demolition are around $78 million, but that includes: Roof issues that are more complex than Texas Stadium. Dome goes 35 feet below grade and sits on a water table. In Houston, water may always be an issue, but I highly doubt Robertson goes that deep. Part of that cost would be to refill the hole. Any hole caused by Robertson demolition would probably be included as part of the new construction plan. $10 million goes towards asbestos removal. Since we heavily renovated in 1999 and had other minor renovations in 2006, I doubt that will be much of a cost
  25. They're estimating $105 million. We're all dying to see some architectural renderings.
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