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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. to be serious.....i know there was aparthied and not to admit aparthied is like denying the holocost. however, it was a little fun to see how upset cmj and a couple of others got.
  2. cmj/censored-- you can not prove your point by calling someone a racist because you disagree with them. it is paramont to reviewing a book without reading the book. besides all the facts are in the history books.
  3. censored/cmj- aparthied in South Africa was contrived by the liberal press to discredit the white minority rule against the black populace. if you look into the geopolitical situation, at the time, the white minority was intent on keeping the peace between the two main rioting groups of tribes....the hutus and tootsies. Of course when these tribes were shooting at the police, rioting, looting everyone (including themselves) the government could either let anarchy rule the government or let the police do their jobs. Unfortunately, people were killed and the press made it appear that the white minority government was indiscriminitaly killing africans. The press never mentioned that there were two main african factions trying to take control of the country. In fact the police was trying to restore order between the two and prevent anarchy. I previously stated that without a rule of law you have anarchy. The result of the conflict happened when the white minority government departed leaving a "void" of police protection for both groups. Over 1,000,000 people were killed as a result of the void of law and order. In other words anarchy. Now, it appears that aparthied is "only" applied to white vs. african and never against african on white or african on african or white on white. I can only think of one example where a white government tried to exterminate a people that was acceptable. The U.S. government against the American Indians. Naturally, all white victories were called victories and conversly Indian victories were called massacures. When the left leaning press can give equality to their biased opinions instead of trying to drive a wedge between all groups of races/colors/creds of people around the world......then......IMHO much of this conflict will subside.
  4. CMJ- Aparthied??? Aparthied is much a myth as global cooling was in the 1970's as global warming is today. The "white" South African government was trying to keep waring african tribes from killing each other and in turn white cops killed black african rioters. Naturally when the "white" SA government was defeated in elections over ONE million Huttus and Tsuttsi ended up killing each other because there were no "white" law enforcement to protect them. Nobody calls what is happening in Northern Ireland aparthied and it is exactly the same situation. You have two waring tribes (catholics and protestants) trying to kill each other over "differences" with "white" law enforcement trying to keep the bloodshed down in riots. ________________ To claim that India is a bit better than a third world country because it has the A-Bomb is putting North Korea in the same category. N. Korea has hundereds of thousands of people die annually because of disease and starvation. CMJ, you really need to listen to some conservative radio and pick up some conservative "rags" and find out what is really going on instead of getting your news from ABC, NBC and CBS. ________________ other than that we will have to continue to agree to disagree. i really do appreciate your patience to banter and i do like reading your opinions but we will have to disagree on many political points......however, we can all agree that Dodgeball will be great this year.
  5. cmj- I will have to agree that Brazil is steeped in Roman Catholosism because most Portugese kept to their roots. However, India embrases Hinduism, Sieks, Islam and has very few Christians. I really do not think anyone with any knowledge of their country would consider India a Christian nation. The closest India ever came was under British rule. Heck far, people still go down to the Gangee's River to drop dead in it thinking it will propel them into the next life of reincarnation......hopefully to come back as a cow, bird or something better than what they were. South Africa was Christian under the Bohr rule and ending with the rule of Mandela who was an athiest and a devout Marxist. Under Mandela unemployment, crime and poverty skyrocketed. Mandela even asked the previous "white government" to return and straighten out the government and intrastructure. Besides the Marxist philosophy there are probably a dozen or so other tribes/cultures/languages that are your usual African pagan varieties. I am sure that there are Christians in S.A. but not as much as before. cmj, IMHO, you have no argument because your statements are flawed and inaccurate.
  6. IE- India may teach some about sitting around chanting, meditation and putting their souls in the hands of reincarnation, rocks, trees and animals but all great western civilized countries have based their consitutions, laws and morals on the Biblical priciples beginning with the Magna Carta. India had its chance under the rule of England but Gandi changed that and look what happened. India devolved from civilized country to a third world power in constant conflict with hindus, muslims and other non-christian sects. But getting away from that Cornerstone's fate is in the hands of the Texas Legislature.
  7. You have the establishment clause all out of context. The framers of the Constitution did not want to establish "one" religious sect as was forced upon the English with the Church of England. That is why England has trouble with the Protestants in Northern Ireland today. The framers were not pursuing the United States into a one state sponsored religion (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutherian....) but were giving all us the choice of which Christian religion we so desired. Without Chrisianity there is no soul for a country. As for the cited descrepancies of Cornerstone, in the TAPPS case, people should learn to forgive, forget and move forward. Ya'll act like Cornerstone is the only school who had athletic violations.......Just look south to SMU, Texas A&M, USC, Miami, LaLa, and you name the rest of the schools that have been placed on probation and your outrage for these schools do not complare to some of your distain for Cornerstone.
  8. The main concern with lawmaker was not if sanctions were delivered to Cornerstone because the judge ruled against the UIL for biasly keeping a private school with an excellent athletic record out of the UIL. Cite the example of Dallas Jesuit. Cornerstone wants to improve its competition. It would be like UNT playing Austin College in football and basketball. Cornerstone has outgrown its competition. Private Religious school must recruit students for their schools to operate. Different "ballgame" from state supported public schools. And as far as what ffr considers a racial statement comparing TAPPS to UIL....i will have to agree what the UIL is doing is exculionary, discriminatory and a little Jim Crowish.
  9. Buford Julep- My point is "not" if you favor an ex-ambulance chasing attorney (or as Rush calls him the "Breck Girl") or someone who attended muslim schools who claims to be part Irish but your partisan remarks if someone is a Christian Conservative without catagorizing him as a "right wing religious cabol." It appears that you want to limit/destroy the "Freedom of Speech" of those who disagree with the left and limit/destroy the "Freedom of Religion" of those who provide better education than the politically correct and left leaning public schools. There have been plenty of instances where public schools have done the same or worse as what the school run under the direction of Pastor Hagee. Personally, I champion the Texas Legislature in passing the admendment to begin Bible classes in the public schools again. And for the record I like Fred Thompson.
  10. Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: Sat, May 05 2007, 11:06:10 Author: Buford_julep Subject: The end of high school hoops as we know it State Senator Dan Patrick, the "Texas Rush Limbaugh," has introduced a bill that will ruin Texas high school basketball. The Texas Republican right wing religious cabal is behind the bill that will let Rick Perry's favorite church school basketball team into the UIL. AP STORY: Bill would let public, private schools compete for championships 05/04/2007 By JIM VERTUNO / Associated Press A politically powerful megachurch in San Antonio is pushing Texas lawmakers to let its small Christian school with a history of bending the rules to field elite athletic teams join the state league for public schools. A proposal by Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, to allow private schools to join the University Interscholastic League, the dominion of the state's public schools, passed the Senate late last month. A similar measure by Rep. Frank Corte, R-San Antonio, is pending in the House. The church behind the push is Cornerstone Christian Church, founded in 1975 by televangelist John Hagee, whose television and radio programs are broadcast throughout the U.S. The Cornerstone Christian school has been sanctioned several times in recent years by the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools over concerns about how it put together basketball squads that included several out-of-state and international players. While the bills would allow other private schools to apply to the UIL, there's little doubt Cornerstone is driving the proposed change. Cornerstone religious and administrative leaders were the only ones to testify in support of the Senate bill. Cornerstone has grown from a small congregation of about 100 to a 5,000-member behemoth that dabbles in politics. Last year, Hagee founded Christians United for Israel, a national lobbying group hoping to influence government on behalf of Israel. Republican Gov. Rick Perry and dozens of political candidates from both parties attended a Sunday service there two days before the 2006 election. Texas is one of only three states with separate athletic championships for public and private schools. TAPPS has about 250 member schools. The UIL has about 1,300. Public school officials and state lawmakers have long fought to keep private schools out of the UIL, fearing the private schools could recruit athletes and bend other rules. The state made two exceptions in 2003, allowing Jesuit schools in Dallas and Houston to join after TAPPS determined they were too big to compete in a league comprised mostly of small schools. Essentially banished from TAPPS in September 2006, Cornerstone applied for entry to the UIL and was denied. The school then filed a federal religious discrimination lawsuit to force its way in. "Our school is going to be the very best we can make it and no one is going to prevent us from achieving excellence in any area," Hagee told his congregation when he announced the lawsuit in February. But a lawsuit could drag on for years and the school hopes lawmakers will crack open the doors to the UIL before the legislative session ends May 28. Patrick calls it a fairness issue to private school families whose property taxes help support public schools but are being kept out of UIL competitions. He compared it to the days of racial discrimination in athletics, noting the Texas Western (now Texas-El Paso) team that won the 1966 NCAA basketball tournament with an all-black starting lineup. UIL Athletic Director Charles Breithaupt said public schools are happy to play regular season games against private schools, but don't want them competing for the same championships. "Private schools have to recruit. That's their nature," Breithaupt said. "They have to open their doors and invite people to come in. They can be as big or small as they want to be." The church school has played hardball in athletics and has gotten in trouble for it. It first ran into trouble with TAPPS when it recruited five Mexican players, including future NBA player Eduardo Najera, for the 1994-95 season. Cornerstone sued for reinstatement and was readmitted in 2000. It wasn't long before more troubles cropped up. In December 2005, Cornerstone was kicked out of TAPPS postseason competition for the school year. TAPPS later ruled 11 basketball players were ineligible because they received improper room-and-board inducements and the team was placed on probation. TAPPS refused to renew Cornerstone's membership last year, citing noncompliance with the organization's rules. UIL officials say league rules prohibit private schools that are eligible to play in another league to join UIL. They can also deny schools banished from another league for rules violations. "This is simply something that is not fair," Hagee told Senators, calling the exclusion discrimination. Even without playing in a state league last season, Cornerstone still had a top-notch basketball team, winning the National Association of Christian Athletes championship and several members signed to play at Division I colleges. UIL and Cornerstone officials dispute how many private schools would try to join UIL if allowed. Breithaupt said he thinks it would be many and could seriously damage TAPPS. Hagee said most private schools are happy where they are and predicted few would try to change. Corte said he's aware of reports of Cornerstone's troubles but doesn't know details. Several of his constituents have children attending Cornerstone. Corte and Patrick note their bills require private schools in UIL to abide by the league's eligibility and recruiting rules. "We're not asking for any waiver of those requirements," Corte said. "Whoever wants to do that is going to have to step up and do what the public schools do. If they don't, they should be penalized." Hagee pledged to lawmakers that Cornerstone would abide by UIL rules if allowed to play. The school announced in early April it was dropping its elite-level basketball program in favor of a team made up of local players. Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, praised the Cornerstone Church as an outstanding member of the San Antonio community. But knowing the school's history of rules violations in TAPPS, she voted against the bill in committee and again on the Senate floor. "All I know is they were in a league and they were kicked out," Van de Putte said. "In all good conscience, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't affirm the violations." [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] My question to B.J.- 1. Are you running as Hillary Clinton's Vice President? 2. How much more of the Constitution do you want to get rid of?
  11. chris-- i hope the scoring is not lost but lots of scoring.
  12. congrats to JJ for these excellent recruits.
  13. IMHO, JJ is still one of the better coaches that UNT has had since the 60's. He still has a strong nucleus of players, including the kid transfering from South Florida, that can win the SBC again. If ya'll have been reading what the players have been saying after the NCAA game about winning the Belt again to go back to the NCAA there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that JJ can repeat again this season. Again, IMHO, JJ has improved the play every season since he has been here and still comes highly recommended by Bill Blakely and his former college coach who was with him during the SBC tournament and NCAA. For one I am glad that he is getting a 5 year extention because it would be extremely difficult to find someone of this quality. You have to remember that UNT is in the SBC not the Big 12 or Pac 12.....I believe that we have crossed the line of parity in the SBC last year.
  14. Jimbo, here are 10 more signs of depression that the FWST missed: 1. Your wife wants you on the Jerry Springer Show....something about midgets/dwarfs. 2. Your doctor calls you on your cell phone and says something about being tested positive....then your cell phone goes dead. 3. Blood in your urine. 4. Your new cell phone number was once the gay & lesbian hot line and you still get calls/messages. 5. That big glob of green stuff you thought was guacamole was really wassabi. 6. Three months after you appeared on the Jerry Springer Show your wife has twin dwarfs.....and.....you did not know she was pregnant 7. You try to board a plane at DFW and the TSA has you on the terrorist watch list as Mohammed El-Akbar, the #6 man, behind OBL. You can never fly again. 8. You get hit in the groin by a flying green tortilla @ the first UNT home game. Nine months later your wife gives birth to another dwarf. 9. You accidently hit attorney Jim "The Texas Hammer" Adler's car and he looses a leg. 10. Two SMU students move in on either side of you in your neighborhood.
  15. Buford------- Good news........... Colgate still makes the "shaving soap" that you can put in a shaving cup. Naturally, you will have to break down and get a shaving brush. Ahhhhhhhh.......that aroma. When you are in the house alone, which you are now since retirement, sneak into your wife's bathroom and get some nice smelling "fooooo fooooo" to add a little nice smell to the Colgate soap. Just make sure you do not get the "Nair" or any "Deep Heating Jell."
  16. All this cold weather is from global warming.
  17. First day of NCAA Hockey http://www.ncrha.org/schedule.php?league_division_id=1 use B division to find all the scores on the B side.
  18. http://www.ncrha.org/schedule.php?&eve...p;area=schedule This is the schedule for the playoffs beginning April 4. Check the various links because UNT has "BOTH" A & B (Div 2) teams in the NCAA tournament. From these links you can see who UNT A and B teams have played this year. I can only say impressive. What I gather the UNT "A" team was ranked #1 in the nation this year along with the "B" team in their respective divisions. The UNT "B" teams is better than the majority of teams that play on the "A" side. This link should be of great value to find out what is going on beginning April 4th to the end of the tournament.
  19. He is probably right. The SBC did have a winning record against CUSA during the regular season.
  20. JJ, Great job this year. Looking forward to next year.
  21. Teams in the NCAA Roller Hockey.......UNT has both of its teams in the tournament!! Go Mean Green http://www.ncrha.org/article.php?article_id=51515 Picture of UNT's Championship Team. http://www.ncrha.org/article.php?article_id=51510
  22. North Texas "A" and "B" Hockey Teams have been invited to the NCAA's in Saint Louis. I believe that the teams begin play near the end of the month. There are 36 teams invited on the "A" team side and 20 on the "B" team side. Congrats. Someone e-mail someone at UNT for some publicity.
  23. Sorry....no pics.....wife sent it on a long river trip.
  24. I now have put some wings on the "MEAN GREEN" thing.......looks cool......pics to follow
  25. The GREEN grits and eggs made my "stool" MEAN GREEN this morning. I think I will let it float for a while.....it does look pretty awe inspiring.
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