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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...1/02/nhs202.xml who would want to get us into this kind of system???? hummmmmmm???H http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_...icle3115998.ece http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_...icle3111430.ece http://news.independent.co.uk/health/article3266570.ece
  2. ntsu won the ncaa debate championship about 1964 LaLa has won the ncaa national title in waterskiing about 3 or 4 years ago.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVK_mJrLbmY...feature=related 1914 christmas truce: pipes of peace...
  4. (this is not snoopy snoop dog)
  5. http://www.denverpioneers.com/ViewArticle....;ATCLID=1355520 about denver's head coach. http://www.denverpioneers.com/ViewArticle....p;Q_SEASON=2007
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhMIThMFGF0...feature=related
  7. untgirl04, God created man in one day and that was related to Moses in terms that Moses could understand. you have to understand that Moses was no "country bumkin." at one time he was the #2 man under pharoh. Moses was, at one time, the Egyptian Commander in Chief of their army and won many great battles against Egyptian enemies. all that there is to know about Moses is not in the Bible but in other soures of information as is the Red Sea eposode, Sodom and Gamora etc....etc....etc..... -------------------------------- God created creatures in kind, see Genesis, Chaper 1. (horse is a kind, monkey is a kind, pig is a kind, rabbits is a kind, fish is a kind, birds are a kind, dogs are a kind and man is a kind). Phalum = kind two different kinds, to date, can not procreate with long term living offsprings who procreate. of course anything is possible in a lab experiment or as my last post in this thread, 10 years ago, sheep and sick cowboys. -------------------------------- rocks: other than the axiom of some people are as smart as a box of rocks............and...........if i recall in the two classes of geology and five classes of chemistry and some of the other stuff that i have read, rocks, over time decompose minerally. same types of rocks, and i use rocks in a general term decompose at different rates, over time, as does everything else. geologists only know that all rocks decompose overtime at different rates. therefore, knowing this variable carbon dating is not 100% reliable in determining age of things past. that is why one may read that dates on certain predated objects are in constant revision based upon other pieces of the earth's great puzzle being dated. it is paramont to piecing together a 3-d puzzle. if you want to test different rates of decomposition buy a pound,each,of hamburger meat at two separate grocery stores and lay them both open in your kitchen and see which one becomes magot infested first. each slab of hamburger will decompose at different rates. when they are both magot infested throw away the hamburger and eat the magots....great source of protein. ------------------------------- Some group of DNA scientist came forward a couple years ago and traced human DNA back to one set of parents. Of course they named those parents Adam and Eve. Naturally, evolutionists disagreed. Even human DNA is a little different in some people and take for example people who are hydrocephalic (enlarged skulls/water on the brain) who either have an extra DNA or one less DNA chromosome. -------------------------------- evolution vs creationism: there will always be two differing opinions. my belief is creationism. 3xntgrad is evolutionism. there is nothing that i can say or he can say to change each other's mind on this matter. i can certainly and do respect his belief even though i disagree on certain philosophical principals concerning the gap theory and carbon dating. I think we agree on phylum and how it relates to kind (as mentioned in Genesis 1:1).
  8. JM- The conflict in Belgium goes a little deeper. The northern Dutch want to keep their language while the southern Dutch want a separate country that speaks French. It is kinda like Canada and Quebec.
  9. untgirl04- nice debate. God gave the creation story to Moses in "terms" that Moses could understand. So, IMHO, if God told Moses it took Him one day to create animals then it took one day as Moses understood what one day was. I do not have a problem with that. The six days of creation, not seven, is not the main crux of the Bible anyway and that is why not too much was related to Moses by God on this particular subject.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../nschool117.xml you think we have it bad in US schools.
  11. screamingeagle66- i really do not see any conflict between science and the belief in God. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and personal belief systems. The Puritians certainly had their beliefs as well as other religions since time. You are correct in that many countries have gone to war over religion, thoughout time, and personally i do not believe you will have any arguments on that point either. However, today the world is faced with a greater danger religiously. That is the conflict between Islam and Christianity. Islam is overt enough to state that their intentions are to convert the world to Islam through violence as they are currently doing and have done thoughout their inception and have certainly tried only to be turned back through the Crusades in the Middle East, by invasion through Africa and up through Spain and stopped outside of Paris by Martel, stopped by the Austrians outside of Vienna about a couple hundred years later, Pershing fought Islamic insugents in the Phillipines during the Spanish American War (he incidently told his troops to wrap Islamic dead in pig skins), look at the Islamic stuggles to overtake various countries in current day Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe and in the United States. Some of this is done through the courts by trying to change laws in various countries and some by overt acts of violence such as 9-11, the riots in Paris, the killings in Belgium and the usual "round up of the usual suspects (the quote form Casablanca) in Germany, France and now even in the United States, Canada and Austrailia. I have no problem with people believing what they want to believe....if they want to worship God that is excellent with me, if they want to worship the sun, moon and stars that is ok with me, if they want to worship nothing at all that is fine with me. There will always be some form of missionary outreach by all these groups to convert and subsequentially cause conflict. The current use of violence, i.e., killing others because you refuse to submit to their doctrine is abhorrent as you have stated and I agree. This is what the world is currently facing and will until the perpetrators are subdued. Islam says they are a religion of peace yet they are ready to kill in the name of their religion today and the free world must be ready and able to counter this threat. Yes, another religious war. Mark Gabriel, Ph.D. wrote a provocative book called, Islam and Terrorism...What the Quran really teaches about Christianity, violence and the goals of the Islamic jihad. Good reading.
  12. RV is a financial prophet to knowingly schedule high profile games that will get bought out. Keep up the good work. Miami and AFA was easy money.
  13. 3xntgrad-- I will have to agree with you on your statement. I admire anyone who can state a point, like yours, and support it. However, we will have to agree to disagree on this topic because I know there is no way that I can change your views on this subject and visa versa. I do wish you the best of luck with any and all debates with your peers. One day we will find out for sure. As Agent Mulden (on X-Files) once said, "The truth is out there." as always best regards. ee
  14. I will have to take exception to what 3xntgrad has to say. Love your knowledge of your specific subject matter but there is another explanation to what you say. 1. You state that the fossil record shows progression of species over time and transitional types. Well, you are wrong. If you have two species, let us say a horse, with both having many similarities in structure, and one is 30 million years old and another that is 20 million years old...based upon your "theory/assumption/guess you hight assume/guess addional theories on how how any influences of differing characterists over 10 million years might have influenced their change. In "reality" you have NO testable or any observable evidence to determine what really happened. In "reality" you can not accurately test your guess/assumption. The only thing you can really do is to give your hypothesis (guess/assumption) any substantal credance is to say that it is true, even if it is a wild guess or just "test tube" collections of educated hypothesis about evolutionary change.....or in that manner any four or five fancy words strung together to make a statement sound profound. Again, looking at Bird, The Origin of the Species Revisited Vol 1, Bird, "reveals anomalies showing amphibians and reptiles to be more distant in an evolutionary sense than a bird & a fish, a mammal & a fish or a mammal & an insect. Besides, there is no known method to determine how old something that may be 20 or 30 million years is anyway. Geologists say to make that determination carbon dating is used and you "MUST" know how old the starting point is before you can get the conclusion to your study. Even carbon dating is a guess and any geologist will tell you that....anything else is just a guess/assumption. That is why time references always change depending who you read. 2. You mention Phylum. It is my understanding that it means "kind." Horses are a kind. Monkeys are a kind. Dogs are a kind. Sheep are a kind. In Genesis God made animals in their own "kind." Phylum, so to say. There is no way you can evolve a fish into dog into a chicken into a bird or into a man. Unfortunately, I have read where some sick guys have tried to mate with sheep and have produced offsprings that lived, unfortunately, for a short period of time...days or hours & I can not remember which. To say that something crawled out of the sea onto land and finally evolved into man is, to say the least, streching it and would make a nice campfire story to some youngsters. I hope you are not confusing "phylum" with mutations because mutation, IMHO, is not the cause of evolutionary change. FWIW and again IMHO, no one has ever produced a new species by natural selection......not that I have read about....not unless it is some "black ops" project with the government....Area 51. 3. You say that evolution is a scientific concept......3xntgrad......evolution is a "THEORY." Theory = speculation/guess/assumption. That is like saying 3+3=15. I will have to admit that this debate will only end with the tribulation. However, the real debate is, How did "IT" get from nothing to something?" My answer is either by "FAITH" or by "SPECULATION." If you sign onto the "theory" side of this argument then I would have to say that "speculation" is unscientific even though scientific methods are used to try to understand the unexplainable. In the Bible, God was talking to Job when He said, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? "Declare, if you have any understanding." Biologist Edwin Conklin said of evolution, "The probability of life originating by accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary originating from an explosion in a print shop." There is NO UNANIMOUS ACCEPTANCE to evolution even by scientists....you know that ..... we know that ..... you stating that does not make it true. 4. You say that Intelligent Design is a religious concept that has not been surported by scientific evidence. hahahhahahaha. that is laughable and totally incoeherant. Scientists have been using the Bible to find archiological sites for years. How do you explain God giving Abraham the knowledge of math and him taking it to the Egyptians and then the Egyptians building the pyramids (it is in the history books). Egyptian history will tell you about the plagues of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. Also the Bible will tell you about that too. The list of other countries historical facts about the facts of the Bible are continous and supportive. And that goes along with all the various "eye witness" accounts of the miricles of the New Testiment. One only has to go to the history of Rome to corraborate most of this since the Roman were meticulous record keeper. 5. You say Biological research has overwhelmingly found evidence of evolution. I have covered that....Evolution = speculation/guess/assumption. What you are really saying is that you have found some other people who like to speculate, guess and assume and have come to the same conclusions. 6. You say that kids will be fed a pseudoscientific religious position in the guise of science. Unfortunately kids are being fed a pseudoscientific position on the "theory" of evolution and having this theory stated as fact without having an alternative view of creationism. Evolutionists want an alternitive view out of the schools. IMHO, that is a bit one sided. It is like saying my view or nothing or I will tell you what to think. 7. Your say that there is no evidence on intelligent design.......I would like to see some hardcore scientific evidence on evolution. Produce those transitional species.....i want to know why there are no transitional species in the "gap theory".....where are these half monkey half men people....what happened to all these transitional species...why did all this evolutionary process stop all of a sudden.....if evolution was still occuring would there not be 1/4 monkey & 3/4 humanoids? 50-50 monkey/humanoids and everything else immaginable including all sorts of half fish half mammals in "all" sorts of development?? What happened to all this evolutionary development??? I reject evolution because it rejects God and it rejects His revelation. The theory of evolution will never bridge the gap between nothing and something. ahhhhhhhhhh......i should have written another faux post like Sgt. York. BTW, I only do faux posts once a year on future NT players. 3xntgrad....i respect your opion but unfortunately I disagree with it. best regards.
  15. Yep: gravity is law. darwinism is theory.....even darwin said he was "wrong" years later on his theory of evolution. creationism................just ask the big guy in the sky. Gen 1:1 says, In the beginning God created....! the greek/hebrew word for the use of this particular word, created, means to "create out of nothing" which is only used two or three other times in the Bible. so now, God, created out of nothing the heavens, earth and universe. i am afraid it is just that simple.....
  16. http://hotair.com/archives/2007/12/12/video-the-nutty-buddy/
  17. LINK Rogersville Review December 12, 2007 Rogersville Man to North Texas by Jack Hampton, Sports Editor jhampton@xtn.net Sergeant John A. York, 24, Army Ranger, 3rd Battalion, 75th Regiment, is ready to sign a Letter of Intent to play for the Eagles of North Texas as a kicker/punter according to his step-mother, Terri, who lives in Rogersville, Tn. John's discharge from the Rangers is effective 1 February, 2008. Terri said, "John played safety along with punting and kicking at Rogersville High School until he enlisted in the Army with other guys from around here after 9-11." According to Terri, John planned on spending one tour in the Army then planned on getting out and said he wanted to get a junior college scholarship. Two months before John got out his cousin was killed near Bagdad by an IED and John re-enlisted for another tour. Early last year he lost his right leg, above the knee, in an Al Quida ambush in northeast Afganistan. Sergeant York called airstrikes to neutralize 24 Al Quida terrorists and captured a substantial cache of weapons. York has been in rehabilitation with his prosthetic limb since July 2006 at Bethesda Naval Hospital outside of Washington, D.C.. York said, "some of the other guys in rehab go outside of the Bethesda Medical Complex and play touch football and that all us gimps look pretty funny running and falling trying to keep our balance. This is where I tried to pick up kicking the football through the posts again." Terri, York's step-mother said he would fall down every time he tried until he could kick without falling. York has tried working with three different prosthetic limbs but likes the one from Lockheed-Martin that is made from some of the same material used in the stealth fighers and bombers. Lockheed-Martin along with Boeing and several other defense contractors have been developing specialty limbs for our wounded men and also for research and development for future robotic soldiers on the battlefield lifting unlimited weight over extended distances. Currently, I can make 4 out of 10 attempts at 60 yards and 2 out of 15 at 65 yards. In April of this year some of the members of the New York Jets football team visited our ward to thank us for our duty and sacrifice and that is where I met several players including Brad Kassell, #55, who really inspired me to seek my dreams of going to college as a kicker/punter. Brad sure is a great guy and gave a bunch of us some 40 yard tickets to all the Jets home games this year. Kassell got me in touch with the Jets kicker, Mike Nugent, to help me with my technique from all distances and Mike would come by once a week. Kassell was just a great guy and got me interested into looking at North Texas instead of some Tennessee junior college. Kassell called me several times during the college season to tell me I might have a shot at the kicking position at North Texas. Mike Nugent, the kicker for the Jets said, "Sergeant York is mentally and physically tough at 6'3", 220 pounds and has great kicking skills for anyone, especially a gimp." "Anyone who can nail 87% of their kicks from 50-60 yards is NFL material. Punting, York has gone from averaging 34 yards per punt at Rogersville High School to 47 yards with a hang time of 5.1 unofficial seconds. York said before he is cleared to play college ball the NCAA is investigating the "unfair/fair practice" clause on use of prosthetics in NCAA athletics. Three years ago the NCAA had USC swimmers Beth Williams and Joan Vilache disqualified and their scholarships revoked and USC Swimming placed on five year probation because both Williams and Vilache had their toes fused together, at the USC Medical Center, essentially making two webbed feet giving them an additional 10.5 seconds in the 200 meter freestyle events from their times from the previous year. Beth told the NCAA to, "Go quack themselves." She now lives in Pasadena, Ca. with her father Donald. York plans on majoring in Psychology while York's life mate, Benniey, plans to attend UNT in the fall majoring in transgender education.
  18. uta has beaten unt, arkansas little roach and wichita state. that is pretty impressive, imho
  19. drop this thread........think of something else.
  20. http://ncfinsider.com/2007/12/09/smu-with-...ext-head-coach/ go read the pony board.....those poor fellas are in "melt down mode" for their next coach.
  21. http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/pt/s...507_untvstexas/
  22. no matter how we personally fell about coach mendoza we have him for one more year. perhaps we can continue this discussion on keeping or letting coach mendoza go this time next year??
  23. greenlatern-- fry and brasher were childhood friends. fry took brasher and snyder to iowa and now k-state's football stadium is, bill synder family stadium.
  24. I would like to appologize to all those that I may have insulted in my defense of Coach Mendoza. My views are my own and I do not waiver from them. best regards to all .... ee
  25. hh- if this board was going during coach fry's first year at NT you would have run him out of town. if this board was at iowa during coach fry's first year there you would have run him out of town. if this board was at k-state the first year of coach snyder you would have run him out of town. etc....etc.....etc...... patience my friend
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