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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. What if BHO was "not" born in the United States? Congress (Dem's & Republicans) would not void any of the current enactments as they stand today and life would still go on with one side stating "there should be a better way to ensure that individuals running for President have a legitimate birth certificate." The Democrats would have this debate tied in up in a plethora of suits until the next election and possibly (if he were re-elected) all through his second term. So, it is really not so much the birth certificate issue at stake as it is the current political agenda of financially destroying our economy. This is just one in a million "bunny trails" to keep us un-focased. This president, like others, are nothing more than puppets of the international banking system along with members of Congress who are paid by corporations / special interests ect. to enact legislation to push certain pieces of legislation for their own financial agenda. Case in point: WWI.....Wilson did not get the U.S. into that war to save the world for democracy but to save American financial institutions and corporations from possibly going broke if Germany won this (another in a line of European civil wars) conflict. F.D.R. got us into WWII because we needed a financial way to get us out of all the same types of an agenda that this current administration is doing. War has always been a great antidote to get nations out of financial difficulty.
  2. Two interesting articles out of China: China and other countries that hold about 50% of all US Tres securities......dump them...push up interest rates & swell the national debt. http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/us/2011-04/24/content_12383189.htm China dumping debt: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-04/23/c_13842843.htm Two really interesting reads..... It is too bad that one must read foreign papers to find out what is happening in the US.
  3. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_world_business/view/1123619/1/.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/senators-chinese-junket-is-shrouded-in-secrecy/2011/04/19/AFhndp7D_story.html The U.S. S & P rating will be dropped from its AAA rating. The first article sums everything up that is easily understood. Coupled with the second article stating that China has summoned the American government for "secret" talks! Sounds as though our government is getting ready to go the to "woodshed" for a much unpleasant experience. No wonder....the Chinese have been telling our government for the past two years to cut its debt for obvious reasons but our elected officials have ignored the warnings. It is not just one party to blame but both. A couple of weeks ago Nancy Peloci stated that there is "no" difference between the Democrats and Republicans but the one thing that both fear is the Tea Party. What else is happening: *****Approaching the highest gas prices ever. *****Food prices have escalated approximately 35-40% over the last 18 months. *****Gold at its highest. *****Silver at its highest. *****Copper at its highest. *****Approximately 45-48% of Americans DO NOT pay income tax. *****Republicans only got approximately 380 million in defiet cuts a couple of weeks ago instead of billions. The US can not pay its interest debt now....wait when our credit rating drops and we get the higher interests, additonal taxes, and above all a much much lower standard of living and more people falling through the cracks to unemployment and welfare. My question is what has the United States already bartered and is willing to barter to relieve some of this debt to the Chinese?
  4. the prez gets a little testy with the conservative dallas reporter. http://www.wfaa.com/news/texas-news/President-Obama-talks-with-News-8--120141169.html in other interesting news: Rbt. Paul for Tx. Congress: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theticket/20110415/ts_yblog_theticket/ron-pauls-other-son-robert-might-run-for-texas-senate
  5. this will convince you that cheating has been going on.
  6. Since Bush I the US have fought in Panama, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and "IF" John McCain & Liberman had their way we would be fighting the Russians in Georgia and bombing Iran. President Washington advised us not to get involved in foriegn entanglements. Today's regional conflicts should be taken care of by the regional regiems. The Arab League should have rolled in Egygt's approximate 1/2 million man armed forces across the Libian border if they were that concerned about their next door neighbor. The African Union should have had the moral responsibility to stop the Tutsi - Hutus slaugher in the 70's and the 90's and another million or so Ibos (sp) in Nigeria in the late 60's. The Arab League should have had the moral responsibility to stop the sluaghter of hundreds of thousands in the Sudan. Up through Kennedy the United States was keeping out of regional conflicts with the exception of Wilson. Kennedy began to withdraw advisors and LBJ drew us into that s***hole. These regional conflicts / civil wars cost the US American blood, money and suffering in engagements and conflicts where American interests are NOT at stake and where we were not attacked.
  7. The United States should have never gotten involved in this Libyian civil war. The surrounding arab countries will not get directly involved because they know the dangers of sectarian violence overflowing from this civil war into their own country between competing rivals. As always the case with this so called modern day pan-arabism, they would rather have some other western nation spill their blood for their freedom than their own. It is too easy for the arabs to state, before the press, the keywords of democracy, our innocent women and children are being slaughtered, and have the liberal western press photograph these scenes. I do not remember how many times I saw Vietnamese Monks setting themselves on fire before the press, starving Ethiopians, "crimes against humanity" in the old Yugoslavia of serbs v. croats, and the list goes on all wanting democracy....or so they say to get someone to fight and die for them. Arabs wanting democracy is like filling my gas tank full of water and expecting it to run. In the case of Libyia, the United States does not know who the rebels really are, what their beliefs are, or the "political" make up of their rag tag band of merry men. Gadaffi, like Sadam Hussain (sp) was able to keep the sectarian violence under control by sectarian violence and both were a counter balance to other regional conflicts. I really did not care when Iraq, Turkey, Iran were killing the Kurds even though these images were paraded before us. I really do not care about all the other sectarian violence that Arab countries are involved in because.....one, it has never stopped in hundreds of years and nobody can convince me that someone has a better idea how to make everyone get along. So, let the arabs fight and die in their own internal civil wars and they will always find a way to be a strategic counterbalance in their own region. The United States and Europe should just stay out of these civil wars because western blood is too valuable to be spent on the unappreciative sands of desert despots. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/mideast_rocked_by_new_clashes_oo4ACPi3EUoaEdr7ZhdrAL
  8. Let the Arab League take care of this situation. Lybia has not attacked the United States, the E.U., or NATO. The Arab League has airplanes, ships, and troops so let them defend a no fly zone, let them destroy all the air defense systems and missles. Let them accidently kill women and children and let them take the full brunt of critisim when something catastrophic happens. The United States has been on Al-Jazeera media too many times in the very senerios. These people are not the friends of the United States. They want our boys to spill their blood instead of there own blood...which makes us cheap mercenaries. One can make the defense we are protecting world oil supplies and we need the oil. We got these natural resources that our government will not allow us to drill. The best sites were systematically designated as national lands which makes it "almost" impossible to drill. Release these lands. Makes you wonder who is being paid off. Western Europe gets most of their fuel supplies from Russia. Even the Europeans are backing away from this situation and probably for good reason. Lockerbe. The Europeans are going through their own transformation with the problematic Arabs in all their countries. There appears to be a rightward swing against the ubiquitious multiculturism. I believe we can all understand their cautiousness. If the U.S. goes in it means another quagmire in a dominate arab country with the very problems that have plagued us in other arab countries. Dead American boys, bad press, and more U.S. cash....that we do not have....to rebuild, rearm and pay off despots.
  9. i lived in ward county for six years so i know about all the rigs. the problem is the restrictions that the fed govt places on oil companies pumping the crude. heck, in pecos county (not to be confused with the city of pecos) there are wells that are free flowing. i guess you know what that means. the oil companies can not pump the crude in the northeast corner of alaska. why??? why, all the government restrictions do you think?? in the obama 2012 budget there is a new oil company tax of $4/acre of idle oil land. heck, there are still restrictions in the gulf. the govt is doing what they can to reduce oil production. you know as much as i do that high gold prices indicate a weak dollar. obama did say that he wants to tear down the current govt and start again. the signs are out there all you have to do is connect the dots.
  10. We have been paying the teachers to teach .... unfortunately, since all the states take money from the federal government the teachers teach what the fed govt. tells them to teach. our classrooms are nothing more than social experiements and no longer havens of education. case in point: public education v. private schools. unfortunately, the public eduction system is full of kids who don't want to learn...looooosers. get these kids, who don't want to learn, and send them to some alternative school to learn a trade before they become pimps and whores and leach off the government welfare teat. as for the teachers....there are probably a bunch that need to be fired along with some administrators and school boards.
  11. Here is the Tx budget..... http://sunshinereview.org/index.php/Texas_state_budget
  12. Flyer's analogy of the "Rubicon" is 100% correct. Perhaps you can reference the "meaning." The U.S. is in a precarious melt down phase that our government may not be able to stop. Read the below and form your own opinion. Will all this happen and the president's own words of, (and i paraphrase from the original article in this post) we need to destroy the current system and rebuild another? http://www.insight-info.com/articles/item.aspx?i=1465 http://hotair.com/archives/2011/03/01/was-financial-meltdown-the-result-of-economic-terrorism/ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/pentagon-study-08-financial-crisis-may-have-been-the-work-of-finanical-terrorists/ reality is not pleasant but it is reality. _________________________________________ America's political corruption has become the strength of our enemies.
  13. march 3----------$3.39------- in fort worth march 1...........$3.29 feb 23............$3.19
  14. http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2011/03/02/gold-hits-new-high/ here is what i gleen from the article: people have been purchasing gold because they are afraid of the economy. appears that all of the arab world is in chaos...oh yea, that is where we get our oil. the u.s. dollar is "third world."
  15. ---------$3.29/gal---------- .10 increase in one week.
  16. $4.51 in California http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2011/02/24/san-gabriel-station-may-have-highest-gas-prices-in-us/ glad we don't live there.
  17. http://www.cbsatlanta.com/fultonnews/26962990/detail.html $3.19/Regular in Cowtown.
  18. i think what he ment was five three pointers beyond the arc and two free throws.
  19. he was chilled out when he said it.
  20. Is the head coach e-mail addres really mary.hardin@unt.edu?
  21. http://hotair.com/archives/2011/02/04/superbowl-commercials/
  22. Read the first 10 stories. http://www.drudgereport.com/
  23. well it is obvious you don't know history.
  24. UNT90 is correct....Carter was one of the worst. Gave away the Panama Canal (China has control of it now), Iranian Hostage Crisis, High interst (bought a jeep during that time & I had excellent credit....my rate was 18.5%). Mortgages, with excellent credit ran up to 21%, gas/oil through the roof... cmj...there is a big difference in living it and reading about it. I saw Carter kinda like Grant....both ment well, surrounded themselves with absolutely terrible advisors, really knew nothing of the magnitude of the office or foriegn affairs/domestic affairs and both indecisive (Grant was only considered a great general because he had superior #'s and material and his tactic was attrition...line 'em up, advance and die). worst president: fdr
  25. How about a synopsis Travis. Sounds interesting.
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