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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/others/0-4-71/W...t-s-agenda.html interesting read.
  2. excellent article by Thomas Sowell on mortages. http://townhall.com/columnists/ThomasSowel..._down_economics
  3. i didn't know finch would get SO upset with the "faux" comment about TD & DD. well, maybe i did.....but to write so much??? anyway, i think "Lifer" and i agree (and with many others) that we must wait, patiently, to see how the TD recruits will pan out over the next 2-3 years before "anyone" can make an "honest" judgement about the team. "Lifer"....free pancakes, ALL DAY, at I-HOP on Tuesday, February 24th....National Pancake Day.
  4. 99- 1. TD will be here five years, at least. 2. TD will win 4 or 5 games in his 3rd season. 3. TD will be "at" +/- one at .500 in his 4th season. 4. TD will win about 7-9 games in his 5th season. 5. Tasty is another blogger with another opinion and eye wrenching stats that, in reality, do not show those who broke the odds.....let's say like the Tom Landry situation when he began coaching for the Cowboys. Stats can be manipulated and anything can be proved with the same bundle of figures.....heck, that was the first thing my stats prof told the class the first day. So, Tasty.....nothing personal......but i still believe my prof's statement. It was funny because those of us who were able to manipulate our stats to show "our" desirable outcomes were able to manipulate our prof into giving us better grades. 6. If another school has not hired TD away from NT our current admin will renew his contract. 7. After year 5 NT will have winning records until TD decides to leave the fertile green fields we call denton.
  5. so finch....i take it you don't like TD? without going into a prolonged discourse, point by point, i will just say you are wrong on many issues....that....as a supporter of TD.....have been cussed, discussed and regurgitated innumerable times over the last two seasons. we do agree on one point, finch........and that is we disagree.
  6. so finch you are saying that TD regressed from the time he was with DD to high school and back to d1?
  7. records count more at the mid-major level than the bcs level....you know that!! come on e-bone certainly alcohol hasn't killed all your brain cells.
  8. IMHO, schools "want" to play some schools for the supposed easy wins to enhance their chances to get to the "BIG DANCE" in March. I have no problems with any school playing a schedule to enhance those efforts even NT. We all want NT to get into the March Dance or the NIT (Not in Tournament) to increase our chances of getting better recruits to play at NT. I know I do and so does Basketball Jones. At the end of the BB season who really cares what the records of the teams we played against are. Heck, the only thing that matters is the final W-L record.
  9. Quoner- Son, do you live on this board?? I am personally amazed at the number of posts you make daily as do others..... Q, spend the amount of hours you spend on this board with your "NEW BRIDE." If your goal is to break PMG's record go for it......I totally stand behind you.....
  10. ebone- take a look at #1 UConn OOC "cup cake" schedule: western carolina 13-12, hartford 6-21, lasalle 14-10, bryant 7-19, delaware st. 7-20, stonybrook 14-12, zags 19-5 and fairfield 15-12....(95-111). cup cakes. record & team wise nt plays a much better OOC schedule with tougher opponents than #1 UCONN....and.....so what if they all do not have winning records! do you really want to play the type of schedule that Trilli played in his first two years? IMHO, nt has a good "BALANCE" of teams we play annually.....unlike the cup cakes uconn has played this year. BJ makes an excellent point.
  11. why do some of you want to "water down" the already weakest d-1 conference in the nation with a UT-(anything)?? that is paramont to asking for more welfare. our discussions should be centered on positioning ourselves "OUT" of the sbc instead weaking the conference even more, unless, you have already resigned yourselves to that position. just a thought.
  12. untbowler- when mtsu women are beating sbc teams by 20-40 (or so) points per game....yea, i would say a 50 point butt whipping would not be out of the question, occasionally. nt women are not competitive. heck, if the men would be doing what the women are doing you would be calling for the "head" of the coach. perhaps the women's coach can turn things around. just about every team in bb, men and women, gets a "big-un," hung on 'em sometimes.....really no big deal....that is just the way things go in "all" sports. loosen up your panties and take a breath dude. ------------------------- as an afterthought- 1. mtsu women are trying to break into the top 25 so why shouldn't they hang as much as they can on opponents to give them an additional boost?? 2. some posters, and i am not picking on you bowler, complain that unt should hang more on our opponents and not give up so many points at the end of the game like they have during the last three games when we were ahead by 20-30 points. so, what is the difference?? at least they didn't lose 100-0.
  13. Lady MUTS are getting ready to break into the top 25....currently, in the USA Today poll at #26 http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/wom...ll/usatpoll.htm Also, Arkansas Little Rock has some votes too....
  14. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=...mp;pageId=88851 we have plenty of money as long as the presses don't break & we don't run out of paper and ink.
  15. http://www.dnj.com/article/20090215/BLUERA...yRJxmHya8JHk%3D
  16. when has fouts field, with its new seating, ever been sold out???? 30,000 sounds ok to me until NT starts to sell out the new complex on a regular basis then, IMHO, NT can think about expanding. NT is just a poor state university with no big time donors like other d-1 schools. you may not like it but that is the reality of our situation. nt is a mid-major and will, and in all estimation, be always a poor mid-major with limited funding for our program, for our coach's salaries and the teams that nt brings into fouts field to play. yea it would be nice to watch ksu, osu, ou, au play here.....but really......how much do you think it would "cost" nt to bring in teams like that?? to do that we would need another "body bag" game every year to pay for the "big time" team to play at ff. i have drunk from the bottle of green kool aide and it taste good but the next morning that ugly girl is still ugly. just a thought.
  17. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/02/11/weve...cut-trees-down/
  18. 300 million for these in the package http://hotair.com/archives/2009/02/11/is-t...administration/
  19. Facts Say No to Senate “Compromise” The so-called “compromise” negotiated by Sens. Ben Nelson and Susan Collins is almost as bad as earlier versions of the stimulus. The bill is touted as costing “only” $780 billion, with every penny borrowed, which would still be the largest debt bill in history. The actual cost of the bill, however, is even higher! Other amendments already passed by the Senate will raise the cost of the Nelson-Collins plan to $827 billion, which is $8 billion more than Nancy Pelosi's version that passed the House! The changes made are not decreases in spending, just slightly smaller increases. Sen. Harry Reid himself pointed out that all of the spending in this bill is new spending. Even the modest changes are likely to be reversed in conference committee. Sen. Carl Levin was already on the record calling for adding back more spending in conference minutes after the “compromise” was announced. President Obama promised the federal government would be more open and transparent, and that all legislation would be available for 5 days of public review. Can't we slow down and properly evaluate a measure that will (including interest) cost taxpayers over a trillion dollars? What's Wrong with the Stimulus Bill? The so-called “Stimulus Package” is being sold to taxpayers as an investment in useful infrastructure like roads and bridges. But the facts prove otherwise. Only 3.6% of the scheme’s $825 billion price tag would actually go to real, practical infrastructure projects--roads and bridges. Most of the other 96.4% would go to special interest pet projects, and to cramming years’ worth of radical policy changes into the single largest spending and debt scheme in history. Even the Congressional Budget Office, the official scorekeeper of the economic impact of legislation, has said that it would, on balance, hurt the economy. Why are our nation’s leaders doing this? Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel was strikingly honest when he said "Never let a serious crisis go to waste...it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before." Exactly what fringe policies are big-government politicians attempting to ram through with this colossal bill? Under the auspices of a “Comparative Effectiveness Review,” the package heavily funds the first steps towards the socialization and government-mandated rationing of health care. And this is just one of many government power grabs being shoehorned into the so-called “Stimulus Package.” In fact, even by the most charitable estimates, the bill would force taxpayers to foot the bill for at least 600,000 new government bureaucrats. That’s six tenths of a million more people on the government payroll -- adding little or no value to our economy and being paid with billions upon billions of your hard-earned tax dollars. And just what sort of special interest giveaways and wasteful government spending are included in the so-called “Stimulus Package”? To name just a few... - $4.19 billion in slush funds for ACORN, the left-wing advocacy group best known for allegations of voter fraud during the 2008 presidential campaign - $600 million to buy brand new cars for government bureaucrats - $335 million for adult sex workshops (one of the few line items which could conceivably deliver "stimulus" ) - $150 million for honeybee insurance - $2.8 billion for the US Department of Agriculture in a misdirected program more likely be spent to build unnecessary broadband internet services in urban areas than in the rural areas that lack service. These are just a few examples of the shameless feeding frenzy taking place in halls of Congress today with this so-called “Stimulus Package.” This trillion-dollar debt and spending scheme will provide little or no stimulus, but will put each and every American household in at least $6,700 of new debt, to be paid by our children and grandchildren. Spending Stimulus Can't Work 1. Every dollar the government spends comes from the private sector. Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman famously said: "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch." Government spending is either financed through higher taxes, higher federal borrowing, or by printing money. Those are the only possibilities. They all create greater economic damage than any stimulus effect of new spending. ● Tax increases lower the incentive to work, save, and invest. There is a strong association between tax increases and reduced economic growth. In an economic crisis, tax hikes should be unthinkable. The Revenue Act of 1932 was one of the major reasons an economic crisis deepened into the Great Depression. ● Government borrowing also takes money out of the private economy—the money that bond purchasers hand over to the government in exchange for the bonds. That money could otherwise be used for business investment that would expand the economy’s productive capacity. If the funds are borrowed from abroad, our exports are lowered because U.S. dollars are being used to buy bonds instead of goods. Borrowed funds also have to be paid back, placing a burden on future taxpayers. Excessive borrowing also may increase interest rates, deepening the credit crisis. ● Inflation may be most damaging financing mechanism of all. If government spends money that it hasn’t taxed or borrowed, then it is literally creating money out of thin air. More dollars being created means that the dollars in our pockets and bank accounts are worth less than they were before. Inflation is a stealth tax that erodes the value of everything and destroys real economic growth. 2. History shows spending stimulus fails. America experimented with large-scale expansions of government spending in the 1930s with the New Deal and again in the 1960s and 70s with the Great Society. These dramatic expansions of government spending coincided with economic failure. The long-boom that started under Reagan and continued until now with only a couple of brief, mild recessions coincided with a significant decline in federal spending as a percentage of the economy. 3. Infrastructure projects should be judged on their merits, but not as stimulus. There is a role for government in providing certain public goods that the market cannot efficiently provide. If financing is available at favorable rates it may make sense to take a long-term view and begin projects that are legitimately justified on their merits. We should be under no misconception, however, that public works spending is stimulative, because borrowed dollars are taken out of the private sector. Take Action! Make an Impact Join the more than 338,000 Americans who have already signed this petition! Socialized Health! What does the so-called “stimulus package” mean for your health care? Hidden in the dark recesses of this monstrous spending bill are the first steps towards full-on health care socialism: Read More Say What? This plan is a significant down payment. — President Barack Obama Expert Analysis The evidence that fiscal stimulus works is weak. Why risk such large amounts on a program with uncertain benefits, especially if the mechanisms to transmit those benefits to the economy are a bunch of pork barrel, second rate projects. — Charles Reback, Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina Upstate ©2009 NoStimulus.com | A Project of Americans for Prosperity
  20. Lufthansa CEO, Mayrhuber makes some very interesting points concerning economics: 1. Adjust capacity 2. Streamline 3. Less government control 4. Let the market drive the price not government or unions http://www.spiegel.de/international/busine...,605744,00.html
  21. Coach Jones in the post game interview stated, and I paraphrase: 1. He needs to get players, who do not play much, into the game for "game experience." 2. He would address the turnovers, during the last five or six minutes, to the team because he wants the team to "keep focused" for 40 minutes. 3. He said he wants to play the people who do not play much because you do not know when you might "have to use them." That about sums it all up. Howerton looked awsom during the game. The first half was a "clinic" and the team shot over 70% in "all" categories. In my humble estimation the SBC has a great deal of parity this year. Even though our record is not reflective of what might have/should have/could have been.....I believe that the SBC tournament is up for grabs by any of the top 2 or 3 seeds from either the East or West. UNT has really played all the games close along with the other SBC teams (naturally with a a handfull of exceptions) and the team that has the momentum, like UNT had when Coach Jones took us to the BIG DANCE a couple of years ago.....then......anything can happen. I, again, believe that UNT has just as good of a chance to get the "64" as Arkansas Little Roach, Troy or S. Alabama.
  22. states being to revolt on the stimulus: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=...mp;pageId=88218 http://www.aclj.org/TrialNotebook/Read.aspx?id=725
  23. Congress, both sides, started forcing banks to make loans to unqualified people about 10-15 years ago. Undocumented illegals were able to purchase homes with no documentation other than......su trajabo es su creditco. All other individuals who could not qualify for home loans were able to get them because the force that Congress placed on the banks to loan the money....in the name of "political correctness." That presented a BIG problem and we are paying for it. Now Congress is "forcing" the American taxpayer to "bail out" their politically correct mistake and blaming their error of judgement on bank executives and their greed??? I was born at night but not last night!! Europe......hummmmmm. They do enjoy an economic freedom "only" because the USA supplies them with our own economic stimulus such as military protection. Let them protect themselves......I really do not think that the "old enemies" of the European past are going to start any more nationalistic movements for "living space." Oppps....Clinton did give the nationalistic Serbs, Bosnians and Muslims their own part of the Balkins......hey, that is where our new Sec. of State came under "sniper fire" back in the 90's......what a brave woman. Infrastructure.....???? Dudes, Congress spends that gas tax as pork.....not on roads how it was orignally designated. The USA is way over half way toward a "socialist society anyway. Just look around: 1. Transportation system......air and rail.....subsidized by the govt. 2. Schools...........................yep, ask a principal if they can do anything without asking the govt first. 3. MHMR and Nursing Homes.......they get their bucks from "Uncle Sammy" too.....ask anyone in those industries what happens when they get the state government in for an audit or review......it is like working for the government with all the state and fed forms you have to fill out to get federal/state money to run these joints. 4. Social Security.....what SS??? that money does not go to SS it is just another tax for special projects all over the world. 5. Welfare......not that I am against legitimate welfare but when illegals start getting, as much as $2500/month on USTres paper my wallet has become one of the government's ATM machines.....just like all of your wallets. An interesting concept that the new administration has adopted.....that is giving free medical insurance to individual who make up to $80K. Hummm......first the govt hooks the poor and gets them hooked on the govt. dole now they want to do the same thing with the middle class. Once the middle class starts taking this so called free money then you can spell it like this AMERIKa. I could go on with other examples but look at ALL the money that Congress sends ALL over the world. time for another beer....adios amigos.
  24. how can they get 41....any comments????????? http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/commi...&School=194
  25. look what ARMY did to NAVY last year:
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