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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. cbl- Yep, the Balfor Agreement set forth boundries for other arab states and yes the B.A. was consumated by international agreement giving the Jews the right to the land called Palestine....after what the Roman Empire called it. Ergo, the Jews have every right to the land & least of all was it stollen, under international law, as does the other Trans-Jordan countries (that were carved out of this territory) have every right to their land under international law from the B.A..
  2. cbl- Isreal was given Palestine through the Balfore agreement after WWI via the western powers. Naturally, the arabs sided with the Ottoman Empire and lost.....hey they also sided with the Nazis and lost a second time....what a surprise. Displaced Jews from around the world had been moving in and purchasing the land from arabs since the 1880's. International law gave them the land so how could they have stollen it? Not unless you are reading the texts of Chomsky and Dr. Arafat would you even consider making such an outlandish statement.
  3. are you saying occupying a country is a cruel and racist regime?? that is a bit far fetched. Explain, if you can.
  4. Not so fast CBL- You still have not explained your comment on Isreal being a "cruel and repressive racist regime." Personally, since you agree with this statement you need to give your commentary, please................
  5. cbl- naturally, you are dead wrong again, about your anti-semetic statement statement of Isreal being a repressive regime. where in the heck do you get your information....from the PLA?? The six day war was begun by Egypt's deision to close the Gulf of Aquab to Israeli shipping and to remove the UN troops from the Siani. Then Egypt closed the Straights of Tiran and was massing troops along with its other arab neighbors for an immenent attack. Isreal has always been in a precarious position knowing that it must protect its borders and people. If not, the muslims will do to them as they have done to others thoughout the centuries. If you want to look who is more repressive compare Isreal's neighbors to Isreal. "War is Hell" and always will be with innocent blood shed with combatants. However, the muslims win the battle of shedding more innocent blood than Isreal. BTW, you shoud read one of your liberal friend's book, The Case for Isreal, by Alan Dershowitz or one of Oriana Falacci's books on Isreal's antagonists. Of course your response will be that they are some sort of phobic, racist and bigoted because you can not make a legitimate case to support your alligations. cbl....if you would be interested in reading the Dershowitz book and promise to return it I would be more than glad to send it to you for your reading enjoyment. Currently, I have the Falacci book, on Reason, currently lent out.
  6. is or is not the premis of the show to find talent....??? she may not be a "looker" but she can sing. who knows, if anyone of you have the courage to start writing her for a date you may be the first one to kiss her then she may turn out to be a princess.
  7. http://www.strategypage.com/humor/articles...09041523308.asp
  8. bcg- what is your long or short list of America's wrongs against the US or world since you made the statement? scroll down to ZONATION: http://hotair.com/archives/2009/04/16/vide...-to-the-saudis/
  9. Why should it surprise anyone that the Democrats appologize to everyone & anytime the opportunity exists?? What have we not appologized for in the United States and the world?? IMHO, the world should be kissing our butts more often.
  10. bc- the country is full of military vets. once a label is established on one group where do you stop classifying other groups as extremists? you already have various religious extremists, gun totin' extremists, pro and anti abortion extremists (as examples) and unfortunately the list goes on.
  11. http://www.drudgereport.com/flashtx.htm interesting & developing. http://sroblog.com/2009/04/13/gov-perry-ba...endment-part-2/
  12. http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_baeo.htm scroll down a bit to see some startling stats on drop out rates in public schools. IMHO, the debate to home school, place kids in private schools or public schools will be skewed by anyone who favors one over the other. Is one better than the other is the question? Of course we can all point to specific or much generalized cases. You can break down public schools in urban, suburban or rural and find much differing graduation statistics. Would anyone be inept enough to place their gene pool in a major urban independent school system similar to the ones mentioned in the article?? Generally speaking public schools in major urban areas are a failure. However, anyone can state cases for certain schools that achieve in these areas but generally the stats speak for themselves. If I had kids the last place I would put them would be in a urban area public school. My choices, in order, would be: Private Rural Home school Urban
  13. as much as i do not like the b hussain obama administration he is demonstrating a lack of political protocal. perhaps this will change.
  14. evidently you missed the point of the cartoon. why do you want to inject something that is not there? i think everyone knows some anti-semitics always want to blame the jews for all evils of the world especially in banking and the young communists that were graduating out of ivy league schools. heck the fdr administration was littered with them. depending on who you read and adher to philosophically you can believe what you want to believe.
  15. http://digg.com/d1oGr7 interesting cartoon
  16. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=...mp;pageId=94331
  17. excellent point flyer......now we need to cut the other over 3 trillion in spending....that is one trillion per month that the congress is sticking to us for a total of four trillion.
  18. i take it you do not see the incremental increases of prices across the board in consumables and non consumables? i would imagine some have to do with the cost of production and taxes.....just a wild guess.... do you really think that these consumables and non consumables are going to stay static with an almost four trillion dollar deficit?? where do you reasonably expect the money to come from to offset this spending??? the govt "must" tax something.
  19. just put your head back in the sand & you will feel more comfortable.
  20. here is a small list of other taxes coming to ameriKa. http://thebarefoot.wordpress.com/2009/03/3...-taxes-planned/ this is just the beginning..... it may help everyone if read a little about the fabians in england.
  21. Agree. What FDR & LBJ started B.Hussain Obama and this congress is going to finish. There was a book written in 1949 by John T. Flynn called, The Road Ahead. Flynn spoke of the incramentalism of the Fabians, in England, at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The Brits would raise prices on certain commodities to find out how far they could raise these prices before the people would revolt then lower them to accomodate the resulting pressure. They experimented with heating oils, food, clothing etc.. Much the same way how we revolted at four dollar a gallon gasoline. They were able to create crisis in the work force to increase benefits resulting in higher taxes for every welfare program that England enjoys today. Naturally, they had to keep on raising these taxes for the increase immigration from her empire. Much the same way that we must raise our taxes to accomodate increased immigration from our southern border. Naturally, the driving force of Fabianism is socialism. With our government, supported by our liberal press, intent on a "global economy" it does not take a first semester freshman to decifer where we are heading as a nation. We only need a couple more nails in our coffin. Some people say that the current administration may only be here for one term based upon the current policies. So what, I say. What "if" the Republicans take back the presidency and both houses of Congress. Did the Republicans undo anything socialistic that the Democrats ever put in place from FDR or LBJ?? Heck "NO." I hate to say this but we may be faced with the immediate naturalizaion of every illegal in the US to help up pay taxes. They are already taking advantage of all of the counties benefits.....state assistance, welfare, hospital ect.......ect........just look at California and to a lesser degree Texas. Since the American population has been fed "political correctness" for the last twenty years or so it would be too impolite of us to expect another deportation round up similar to what Prez Ike accomplished in the 50's (Operation Wetback)....that was the actual name of his program for all interested and not something I made up. Look it up on google. that is about all I have to say for now. remember: our wallets are the government's ATM machine.
  22. a little blurb on no lights etc.......in n.k.
  23. finch- does it really matter to you if we win 4 games or 10 games?? you will always find something to complain about.
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