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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. so ogs, what is the "one particular" religion that the republicans trying to indoctrinate you? and who in the republican party wants to go back to a theocracy? I can probably tell you that there are some that would like for the usa to become a theocracy but they aint republican and there is one in the democratic party. you so conviently point to religion turning you off to the conservative party and give some lame excuse of supporting something that does not really appeal to you rather than submit to religious republicans and their policies that may agree with you more? there has to be more to this than what you stated. conversly, republicans and religious republicans are, also, turned off by the democratic party....because of a laundry list of issues (which have been dragged through the dirt several times on this board). * if you like this taxation ride we are taking then that is your decision. * i think that with the admin making more oil/gas land off limits to drilling to protect the fauna and flora, this is nothing more than eventual higher prices at the pump. * higher prices at the pump.....higher prices for consumer goods.....this is your decision ogs. * higher prices means more people fall through the cracks to social welfare programs that we all have to pay for.....which means more taxes from us to support them. ogs, i suggest you think through what you stated.
  2. Both sides have proganda mediums. To ferret the truth from both sides may be enigmatical to some simple minded people but the truth is there if you listen and read what both sides are saying. Some of the soothing catch phrases that the liberal side has means just the opposite of their intent. Is this something new in the political arena?? heck no. Tell me a time when it did not occur. Look at names of legislation and you tell me if the "intent" of that legislation is clear without reading the "fine print." Socially enginered legislation are hid behind obscured names to decieve the true intent of its purpose. One only has to read the names of all these "protection" legislative measures. Who do they protect and who do they prosecute? Who do they prosecute is a more accurate name of the socially enginered legislation instead of who do they prosecute. Since some of you will disagree with me and have me give you examples....all i can say is google it yourselves instead of being "spoon fed" through your own blinders. Spend a couple of hours "lurking" through the plethora of world wide web material instead of spending that time "lurking" for hours on this board. Who knows, you might accidently learn something. The good thing about the conservative and liberal media ..... and i do at times listen to Air America .... is their sometimes agreeable and sometimes disagreeable viewpoints. Do I agree with all the conservative media masters the majority of the time? heck no. Do I agree with some of the stuff that Air America says? yes. Write down your core beliefs and then find out who supports them and who opposes them. Never take things as 100% truth from some columnist, talk show host, commentator or blogger until you look it up. >>>If you want to be taxed at the current rate and a much higher projected rate to support every social program in this country and around the world then that is fine. >>>If you want a much lower tax rate so you can pick and choose what social projects are more important to you then that is cool too. >>>If you do not want to displace animals because their habitat sits on trillions of gallons of oil and gas and you don't mind paying $4.00 + per gallon of gas...that is your decision. >>>If you want to "drill....drill....drill" and try to protect as much of the flora and fauna as possible with our new and ever expanding technology to give the USA engergy independance and $2.00/gal or possilby less then that is cool. >>>If you want a bigger and ever increasing government state because you think the government has all the cures for all our ills and pay for that right by taxing everyone in the country....then that is your decision. >>>If you want a smaller government because you feel that you have the natural right and ability to make it on your own...suceed or fail...and make as much money as possible then that is cool. All I ask you to do is write down what you "truely" believe. The world wide web has so much information that you do not have to go the library anymore and plow through all the Dewey Decimal Cards and walk through all the stacks to find out what you were really looking for was in another section.
  3. do you mean succeed or secede? some people hope they succeed when the states sucede. It is evident that you have succeeded in learning political correctness not US history. to call American citizens "extremists" by the simple fact of them voting for another party is pure socialistic. What is wrong with states drawing up articles of sucession if they feel that the US government is over steping the bounds of the Constitution? Is it not the interpretation of individual state legislatures, of the the people, to make that decision? I do not know if you are keeping up with current event but there are a handfull of states looking at this option and Oklahoma has already passed this legislation this week. This administration will definitely "draw the line in the sand" for many Americans in the "extremist" minority.
  4. cbl you make an interesting point and you are correct, allah means god. because you do not seem, again, too familiar of the beliefs of either it may behouve you to look up the differences. i dont think anyone familiar with both want to "spoon feed" you and the way for your "personal learning experience" is to research both and report back to us on your findings.
  5. sept 24 as islam day....passed by legislature. http://www.hawaiireporter.com/story.aspx?6...86-c9e08c53eb19
  6. read what prez clinton says about torture....."what they said" after the sixth paragraph. http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Def....aspx?id=520516
  7. Well, it is His Universe played by His rule book. It is everyone's choice which road you want to take but one leads to perdition life eternal and one leads to heavenly life eternal. Oh, BTW, you forgot to mention that God is eternally forgiving up to your last breath. It is your "free will" which road you want to go down & hopefully you will choose the latter.
  8. they could do a roundup of all of us: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/l...stile-bloggers/
  9. dont worry oldguystudent because it is my 110% belief that everyone, since time, will have a little sit down session with God and you can ask Him yourself when it is "your" turn. Now......how about a paul harvey for the rest of the story: pharoah could have avoided all this and the other plagues by letting the Hebrews depart Egypt the "first time" he was asked by Moses.
  10. eeally- dude, are you or someone just posting satire's today?? they are amusing. dude, you or someone just posted a similar rant and rave on the "acorn" post under your name. dudeman if you are serious, which i really do not think you are, anyone who would even consider commenting on these issues will have more patience than Job. dudeman, is Nurse Cratchet your care giver by chance??
  11. eeally- dude, thanks for the laugh. this can only be satire.
  12. point #1: Agree strongly. point #2: Wait until this administration naturalizes "all" illegal aliens.....about 15-20 million or so. There is a "new" block of voters. point #3: We just about have a one party system anyway the way that the Republican's vote. Go along to get along. point #4: The new Homeland Security chief, Napaliano, was talking about labeling third political parties, their candidates and the people who support them as "extremist" groups. that is all i have to say comrade.
  13. It is understandable that we all have our definitions of torture. For many torture is the physical maiming of a prisoner and for others it represents psychological inconvienances of terror. I tend to sway toward the physical maiming of prisoners as torture. In this topsy turvey world of political correctness, plausable deniabilty and who knew what & when, extracting information to save civilians or military personel from eminent disaster is paramont to our safety. Jack Bauer knows how to extract information in his sureal show and does it fast to save the nation year after year. Does the present day government take that approach? Is Jack Bauer really the modern day J. Edgar Hoover? Did the people during Hoover's watch feel comfortable that his G-Men were on the job protecting us from gangsters and the 5th Column? I do not remember reading anything, during this period, about public outcry of the methodology that Hoover was sanctioning to extract information to protect American citizenry. One might assess that our mindset was do what you have to do to protect us. How times have changed. What was once right is now wrong. What was once wrong is now right. Flip flop to today. Would Hoover, et al., be as effective back then "if" he had to contend with the increasing stratification of laws and restrictions as we face today? no sir. Can you imagine what our FBI and other state/local police agencies would have to sucome to leading up to and during WWII and beyond? Currently, we have military officers being second guessed and brought to military trial by unsubstaciated evidence by Murtha. Four years later all personnel have been exhonerated but the federal government still wants to go after Lt. Col. Chessani for, supposedly, not reporting the incident correctly. Google this for more info. Currently, the administration wants to place sanctions, of some sort, on the Bush attorneys who were involved with approving waterboarding. If by some circumstance if some known terrorist (oops, can't call them that anymore it is either politically incorrect or we have to call them human (something) and we certainly do not want to insult anyone and make them feeeeeeel bad & hurt their feelings) had a wmd and the current administration knew about it and only had a limited time to act.....would you feel comfortable that they could act responsibly? How are they going to extract timely information? excuse me sir can you please tell me where you hid the bomb (oooops....cant call a bomb a bomb ....hummm.....can you tell me where you placed or misplaced the "expanding devise of radient energy?"). Our little world is more dangerous now than ever before: 1. North Korea blasting missles over Japan and playing around with nuke energy. 2. A-Q about 50 or so miles from the Pakistan capital with their nukes. 3. Iran with their nukes wanting to wipe Isreal off the map & whoever else. 4. A-Q all over the world wanting to impose Shariah Law on all of us. Great, I always wanted to have all the luxuries of the 9th century around my tent. I will miss toilet paper. 5. China flexing her muscles and building a navy to rival ours. 6. Chavez.....not too much of a threat to us but kinda unpredictable. Personally, BHO, going around the world and appologizing for our past actions is a sign of weakness in the eyes of leaders. I want this country safe at all cost and have it done anyway that keeps it that way......i guess that would be the Hoover way. It is the only way to send a message to those who want to harm us ..... beware. No more Guantanamo Guts......these guys 20 pounds overweight??? now that is torture.
  14. ACORN to assist with census: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/17...e-acorn-census/
  15. Interesting questions to ask the pc crowd on the CW. 1. If the US govt was debating which states were to be free and slave up to the first shots of the war then what was the initial cause? 2. Why did the US govt impose such a draconian tax on the southern states prior to the war? 3. Why did Lincoln "only" free the slaves in the south? 4. Why did Grant free his slaves prior to him taking the oath of office? 5. Why did more southern african americans fight for the south than the north? (you can find this in the federal records in wdc concerning how the south "mustered in" slaves and black free men.) 6. Why did southern states, on two occasions prior to the war, refuse federal troops to march through their states to South Carolina? 7. Whoa......Jeff Davis adopted two black slave children. 8. Why did not the north hold sedition trials on southern leaders in spite of Jeff Davis in spite of his request to do so? 9. Why did Grant say, after the war, (and i paraphrase) if i knew why we were fighting the war i would have surrendered my sword to Lincoln and fought with the south. do i, today, believe in slavery? no. it is easy for simpletons to place blame, in retrospect, of past happenings as so much the case in political correctness and the rewriting of history by the victors over the vanquished but to be absolutely "fair" the only solution is to go back, to the records, and study what these individuals wanted to do and what their perspectives where at that time and at that time looking forward. not visa versa.
  16. how much longer can these sydicated writers, like this, beat a "dead horse?" he is doing nothing more, like some of his other articles, than stur up and keep a wedge of racism in our overt presence. It is too easy to look back and critize historical events as do most writers do today. However, it is much harder to write in the perspective of the time and look forward to what changes may occur in the future by those said actions.
  17. SE, I give up....which position are you taking? 1. study more for a better life without the distraction of college sports. He may not be able to do both and keep his grades up and get into the law school of his choosing. 2. another TD conspiracy theory. If you have not spoken to TD, personally along with the players for "first hand information," then conspiracy theory is what you are talking about, right or wrong?
  18. putting education and his future, ahead of football, indicates his maturity. All the players that have departed the program, in their mindset, left for legitimate reasons. Since it is their life that they are leading ..... and not ours vicariously.....we should only wish him the best of luck. IMHO college sports is nothing more than a temporary diversion from reality similar to what beer is to a frat party on the weekends.
  19. BJ- how about reports of global cooling: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,333328,00.html
  20. emmitt after you, personally buy out TD's contract, what is your short list?
  21. If national health care is so great then how come so many individuals from these countries that have national health care come to the United States for treatment?? NHC entails some non medical bureaucrat making a decision if you can have medical treatment. Is that what you want. Not in a free economy you don't. In all these countries medical staff are limited to the number of clients they can see and most of the time the waiting lists are months away. Scan some of the older articles in the British papers from the Times and Telegraph if want a preview. The process we have in the USA is the best....however, it may not be perfect but it is the best. In the DFW area if you have no insurance you can always go to Peter Smith or Parkland. You may have to wait a few hours but not days or months for treatment. Fortunately, it is like this thoughout the country. Illegals from south of the border take advantage of this. Why do you think border states hospitals are in the "red?" California is shutting down hospitals because of the overload of free treatment that is being picked up by the taxpayers. If it ain't broke don't fix it. While other countries want to get out of NHC the US is rushing to get into it.......hummmmm........ for proof just google NHC and read for yourselves.
  22. spokesman: http://hotair.com/archives/2009/05/01/peta...west-spokesman/
  23. Well folks BHO had to put his signiture on it. He could have VETOED it. Hummmmm........didn't know about it, yea right. He is from Harvard you know & was President of the Harvard Law Review in his senior year. One commentator said he is the smartest man in the world. Another commentator said he was the most articulate man he ever met. Chris Mathews said that BHO made his leg tingle. How many more times can he say, "I did not know about it?" 1. I was in Rev. Wright's Black Liberation Church for 20 years and he was preaching WHAT??? Didn't know that. 2. My friend Tony Rezko who sold me my house was involved with WHAT??? Didn't know that. 3. Frank Dean, my childhood mentor in Hawaii, was a communist, WHAT??? I didn't know that. 4. My neighbor and long time acquantances Ayers and Dorian bombed and killed who and WHAT??? Didn't know that.
  24. emmitt- well you are a solid democrat. i believe we can all agree that running for political office, today, is primarily based on "cult" personality and how that "cult" personality is presented to the public with policy issues running a far second. One might say it is similar to juggling swords. unfortuate for me my libertarian candidate lost. can you honestly say that you support BHO's position on policies past and present??? 1. unlike you BHO attended elitist schools in Hawaii and Harvard. heck, back in the '70's his grandmother was spending $16,000/yr to send him to school. who knows what that equates to in today's dollars. 2. for 20 years he attended a black liberation church that preached anti-american and anti-israeli hate. check out some of rev. wright's sermons. 3. hope and change?? pure saul d alynsky. i have read alynskies books and change is a key word for redistribution of wealth. no conspiracy just fact. read 'em....rules for radicals and reville for radicals. both interesting. 4. rated as the most liberal congressman a couple years ago. 5. abortion rights.....well, let's not debate this one. 6. gun control..........well, let's not debate this one either. nra certainly does not like him. 7. get rid of our nuclear arsenal. 8. supports and has supported a UN motivated tax on americans to combat global poverty. globalist. 9. supports the redistribution of wealth (hope and "change") through taxation. 10. has developed long relationships with Ayers and Dohrn (weather underground murders who were set free on a technicality), Frank Davis his communist mentor in Hawaii (google him if you wish), Syrian born Resko (google him on his background) and not to mention rev wright who thought highly of louis farrakhan. i guess the saying, "my enemy of my enemy is my friend." 11. how about not vetoing the largest spending package in history.....4 trillion....here come the taxes. 12. how about saying no more pork.....the porkulus bill. 13. no lobbiest in his admin.....i have stopped counting. 14. his father, i believe, attended harvard....who failed as a socialist in kenyan politics. i guess the apple does not fall far from the tree. 15. who cares what color he is? 16. florida results was settled by the u.s. supreme court. geeeze al gore and emmitt still can't get over it. 17. GMC is no longer general motors corporation but now government motors corporation. 18. bho is now in the process of nationalizing the banks and is refusing to take back bailout money. 19. supports a much smaller military and wants drastic defense cuts. 20. sponsored no bills. 21. voted "present" i don't remember how many times while a congressman in illinois. 22. rolled his associates under the perverbial bus and basically stated, "they did WHAT????, i had no idea." in actuality the public knows very little about the prez as packaged by axelrod, his manager. all we got was a "cult" of personality instead of substance because there would be no way he could run on his record. emmitt, if you want government takeover of business, higher taxes, smaller military and an individual who has a past history of harboring communist sympathies then he is your man. maybe he got game and then maybe he don't. the opposing party always dislikes the party in power. so what else is new about republicans bashing democrats for the next four years or democrats bashing republicans the last eight?? non-issue but makes for fun propoganda, conspiracies and blogs.
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