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This Just In From Pravda
eulesseagle replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
SE- I like how you equate the religious to extremists. Pure Maxist diatribe to forcefully slander and deligitimize a group you want to marginalize. We can tell how you have been propogandized by the public school system. You point to 24 hour religious programing as if it were a jihad against some sort of church/state culture. Church and state is another topic all together & has been taken completely taken out of the original context, as you know, to destroy religious/moral teaching to everyone. The foundations of morality come from the Bible and not from the leftist's moral relativism where everything goes without consequence. Pat Robinson an extremist? What has he said that was not Biblical? Perhaps it is you, SE, that is moving much further to the left because Biblical principles have not changed since inception. SE, perhaps you can start moving more to the right so you can see how far left you have traveled. No matter what Bush borrowed the Obamaites have borrowed more than all the other administrations put together....and that is from George Washington. So you think that the government is going to clean up the banks and auto industry and just give it back to privitization??? hahahahaha. I am still waiting for them to give back Amtrack (see my attached link) to the private sector.... ****how many subsidized programs does the govt. run?? ****how many more projects are the obamaites going to take over before year's end?? http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/0...=home_headlines -
This Just In From Pravda
eulesseagle replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Do not believe for a minute that the government is going to reprivitize what they have already grabbed with the banks and automakers. The Obamaites are regurgitating what Nixon said about Amtrack: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=4031 The government already subsidizes transportation, now controls the banks and the auto industry. Question.....what can the government run more efficiently than the private sector??? hummmm.....nothing. That is why we have a private sector, sort of.....in a way it is vanishing. The Obamaites have "borrowed more" than, probably, all other admins in the last 30 years. Sec. of the Tres., Gaither (sp) was laughed at by Chinese university students, a couple of days ago, when he bragged that the U.S. Dollar is stable. Folk can blame certain parts of the economy on Bush but 100% of the Porkulus and Government takeover of banks .... auto industry ..... now we are talking TRILLIONS.....not ...... BILLIONS......and nobody seems to care how we are going to pay it back. How do we do it? Hyperinflate our monitary system? or just tax the living daylights out of us? Both options are detrimental to our pocketbooks. The article is 100% right on. 1. Religion has been under attack......just read the paper. Once taught in schools is no longer....may tramatize someone.....law suits etc.. 2. Schools have been dumbing down since the late 60's and early 70's. Got to dumb down the brightest so the dumbest can catch up or look better. Now the schools are afraid to flunk the dumbest...just pass 'em. What a travesty. What ever happened to when you flunked you got held back? got held back enough then you just started to work sooner. 3. What moral behaviors that were once "black and white" are now called "moral relativism".....you know, if it feels good do it....without consequence. -
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...Vn1qbAD98F32AG0 Climate change is really what Pelosi wants you to think of what happened. Now with Gaitner going to China, next week, was it really a discussion on climate change that the ChiComms were talking to Pelosi about?? You know the ChiComms are not going to be taking to Gaitner on Climate Change. Two things: (1) I believe the ChiComms were laying down fiscal responsibility rules to the Speaker of the House to pass along to her "commrades" in Congress. (2) I believe Gaitner will be spanked too and rules laid down to him to take back to the administration. ee
The salaries may be "part" of the problem but in reality the cost of living in California is so much more expensive than the rest of the country. T A X E S. Main Reason: HIGH TAXES to support all the SOCIAL WELFARE programs used by the citizens and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS by Californians. Hospitals are shutting down because of bankruptcy. People and corporations are leaving the state because of higher taxes to support their cornicopia of social welfare programs. I would dare say that most of California's illegal ailen population receives more money from their government welfare checks/various other social services than some of California's working poor......AND......receive better hospitalization. The "governators" solution: More taxes!!! oops this time it failed and now he is threatening to cut teachers, firefighters, cops etc.........ATYPICAL socialistic move and if you think about it, pretty smart. Instill FEAR in the people. "That is pure MARX." The governator is counting on the people to renig on essential personnel cuts and accept the higher tax rates. Since the governator is chasing people out of state because of his draconian taxes he is only left with two choices: 1. Higher taxes to make up for the lost revenue. 2. Very low to no taxes for business to draw business back to California......naw....that won't work. Look at Maryland. In one year they have lost 1/3 of their millionaires because of higher taxes on millionaires. Look at New York and the New York City tax rates......no wonder people are leaving.
oldguystudent- we probably agree more than what you think. i will have to agree that you, untflyer and some others are of like minds on these most important politically charged and decisive issues of our time. how much power does the president have? with presidential powers they can circumnavigate anything. as we all know the three branches of govt are to provide a checks and balance system. is that system broken? yep. does the public care? nope. does congress care? nope....heck, a true checks and balance system would would bring government to a snails pace (not a bad idea). Personally, the S.C. needs to be more pro active in reviewing congressional measures before they become law to determine their constitutionality. ____________ GGB- "trust politicians at your own risk." example: look at us senator coryin, r-tx......told the people of our fair state in a television ad while he was in his tradional cowboy garb looking over some fine desert land and said that he was NOT going to vote for the stimulus plan (incidently, kay bailey said the same thing)......what happens?? both vote FOR the stimulus after what both said, and i paraphrase,...."much thought." i have that much thought when i am in the "thrown room reading the sports page" and getting ready to make my morning sacrafice to the porcile god. fortunately, in tarrant county, we have some decent represenatives to congress which kinda indicates conservative morals. at least we DO NOT re-elect folks such a Peloci, Reid, Murtha and other radical "porkers."
GGB- I am afraid that UNTFlyer has the correct analysis. The "ONLY" people that you can blame is ----Congress---- for allowing all this to happen. Congress passed the rules/regulations/legislation for our current situation....both Dems & Republicans....for a number of years, 20, 25, 30, 40...whatever stats you want to use. You might say that Congress are the "soiled doves" / "ladies of the evening" of the special interest groups that give lavishly to their favorite "soiled dove." If people got rich in these business markets.....blame Congress. Really blame the public for electing and re-electing these "professional politicians."
emmitt- There you go again with various assumptions of what not was said and their subsequent endings. (1) I made clear the parallels of Sotomayor's decision supporting affirmative action by disqualifying the highest qualified applicants, based on race, for someone / somebody who is "underqualified." The parallel was Bolton and how he failed, probably due to whatever you want to ascribe his failures to. If you want to add nepotism to that list I will take your word for it. Even you can see the dangers of hiring underqualified applicants is a general statement, not based on race as you would like to think, but based on reality. Evidently, your defensiveness toward affirmative action, as applied by Sotomayor and to Bolton, is supported by you....unless you state otherwise. Do you believe in affirmative action? or do you believe that the "best" qualified applicant should be appointed to a position? That, my friend, is the crux of the argument. That is the parallel that is being made. Not 40 acres and a mule as you stated. (2) Your other point still revolves around "discuss" and a link to an ebony type magazine with 10 racial statements by Rush. I still say there was nothing intellectual that you stated in those two posts but you bring up your own suppositions on what I may have been thinking. How can I be ascribing you to anything when all I am doing is asking for your opinion on a simple yes or no opinion. Yet you continue to do the 40 acres and a mule speech. (3) I really see no reason why you should get upset when I paraphrased an MLK philosophy. Is this some sacred ground that is off limits to conservatives and can only be stated by liberals?? That appears to be a bit one sided don't you think? I would think with the grounded human philosophies that MLK had he would be a staunch Republican if he were alive today....as much as Supreme Court Justice Thomas is. You see, emmitt, the common good for all man is not based on racial quotas and affirmative action but based on "blind justice" of Constitutional law and not based on feeling and should not be forced and dictated from the bench. Do you agree or no? In Clarence Thomas' book, "My Grandfather's Son" (because he was raised by his grandfather).....and incidently one of the better books that I have read this year.....he stated that after he was grilled, unmercifully, by Biden et. al., his grandmother told him that she would NEVER vote for another Democrat as long as she lived. (4) Hysteria? No, reality. Look at Sotomayer and her decisions....60% overturned. There is a red flag. (5) Finally, affirmative action just like many of the civil rights laws have run its couse and should be dismantled because of the decissive nature that this wedge has placed on our society. Let every man stand on his own abilities without the federal cruch. If you can not see the parallels without getting defensive then ...... we will have to continue to agree to disagree.
emmitt- your first post said "discus" your second retort was to post rush limbaughs 10 famous racist statements from some ebony type magazine. what are you upset about? (1) The Bolton incident is true.....sgt to capt......come on emmitt.....even you can see that. I believe he was fired from his next job, too. Is that not affirmative action and racial quotas above qualifications?? These are just facts..... (2) Didn't read your post??? what was there to read? nothing but a link to some ebony type magazine. nothing too intellectual there. (3) African - American? I think 99% of us know you are A-A.....so what? Do you not agree that as an A-A, and other minorities in civil service, that you have a better chance of promotion than a Euro-American as how current racial quotas are applied from the lowest county level to federal government?? I would say that we, as a nation, are all aware of what the civil rights laws are all about which were, incidently, diametrically opposed to MLK's wishes of equality for all. How could I take anything you said out of context since you didn't say anything? Your comments appear to be defensive based, naturally, on territorial pride.....which is only natural.....however, it should be based on logical and fair outcomes. It is similar to the statue of "Blind Justice" holding the scales......fair and balanced. Nobody wants to read your rants on 40 acres and a mule, etc...ect....ect......a little over the top I thought.....but interesting. lastly, congrats on passing your tests. be safe out there.
emmit- do you really think "if" a white man said what she said about a hispanic it would not be racist???....... a white man can make better decisions that hispanic women?? would you consider that racist??? of course you would but it is NOT racist when a liberal socialist says that of individuals of european origin. how about the reverse discrimination case she is arguing that is, currently, before the u.s. supreme court?? disallowing more qualified new haven, conn. firemen to be passed over for a minority. (maybe rick can identify with this) well, that has happened all over the country with other civil servants and in various law schools....... including police.....case in point chief bolton (of the dallas pd....sergent who became captain (how many better qualified officers were passed over?). well, at least you do not have to personally worry about that since that works in your favor. http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/arti...px?RsrcID=47838 what this is leading to is how much the 1964 civil rights act and its subsequent amendments have destroyed equal protection/job guarantees under the law. basically she has favored discriminatory laws from her "personal opinions and making law from the bench (really not too unusual since other federal judges have done the same, especially over ruling popular vote to enact gay marriages in states).......and.........not the law how it has been written constitutionally. This is what people are worried about......and......it has nothing to do with her being p.r..
Totally left wing like Ginsburg who is ACLU. I am not a big Rush fan because he likes to idolize himself too much but I think he is on target with this nominee. In my opinion she will be in the S.C. because there is no way that the Republicans can stop this nominee. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/05/26/vide...cist-in-return/
North Korea Tests Nuke
eulesseagle replied to SUMG's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Oldguystudent- My sincerest apology.....evidently I took your reply the wrong way. ee -
North Korea Tests Nuke
eulesseagle replied to SUMG's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
keith- you do know that china holds most of our debt? you do know that the United States is not only broke but in debt up to our ears....and beyond?? Kim just wants to foam at the mouth and rattle his sword like any two bit dictator does to get world attention (another 15 minutes of fame) to, hopefully, extort additional "humanitarian aide, again, from the U.S. and promise again not to develop nuclear weapons. Hummmm......how many times has the United States fallen for this trick?? Let me see.....oh yea, 2006 we gave N.K. humanitarian aide and Kim PROMISED dismantel or stop nuclear production. Let me see.....oh yea, Sadam Hussain did this to us too. Let me see.....oh yea, Somolia pulled this on us. Hummmmm....let me see....I believe a couple of other African countries have pulled this scam on us. In reality the food goes for government officials and the army and little (if any) goes to where it was intended....the poor starving people. OK.....let's try economic sanctions.....Us and the United Nations....hummmmm that does not seem to work either.....ask Hans Blix (sp). You and oldguy can critisize all you want without giving some sort of solution to the problem.....which is "safe" and "non-threatening" to the both of you. The point is that the United States is already part of a six nation team, for some time, to bring closure to the problem. So, keith and oldguy....what is your solution???? Invade? Surgical strikes? More economic sanctions? Give them more humanitarian aid? Build a modern intrastructure? Let me hear some of your intelectual ideas. -
North Korea Tests Nuke
eulesseagle replied to SUMG's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
We, the unwashed public, only know that North Korea is one for two on nuclear explosions with the other "experiment" ending in failure some time back after much publicity. It is also unknown how many "unreported" failures the N.K.'s have had since these are, essentially, underground tests. You can bet that major intelligence agencies are not going to leak that information to the public. Nobody in Frisco, Texas USA and much less anywhere in America should fear a N.K. nuclear attack on our soil. Kim can not even get a light weight satelite in orbit much less get his missles to test fire correctly. A natural assumption would be that with the current technology that is available just about anyone could develop a workable missle with a decent guidance system. That is almost 1940's basic technology and the world has come a long way since the end of WWII. The N.K's have three basic problems.....one: a big missle, two: putting a small nuke on top of the "bird" and three: accurate guidance delivery. Personally this will be a situation that will be handled by the Chinese since they have shown much displeasure over Kim's actions over the last several years. Realistically, the Chinese want economic power, not only in the region, but also to dominate the world with the Yuen. You might say that they are a little gready when they have the economic advantage especially over the USA, currently. The VERY LAST aspect of change that the Chinese need, now, is to have Kim destablize the region with a nuke blast that would throw an economic monkey wrench into the Chinese economic growth. You can also bet that the Japanese, with their much more sophisicated (US) missle systems and Japanese knock off clones would be able to shoot down Kim's missles. Hey wait you say, what about the missle over flies on recent N.K. missle tests over Japan? OK, unarmed test flights may be not kosher over your homeland when you know that there is no eminent threat of a conventional warhead hitting Tokyo but the real danger will come, possilbly, years from now when, and if, the N.K.'s can develop the appropriate systems. I just do not think that the Chinese will let that happen. Is this a danger?? of course. It is more of a danger to China than the US. Let the ChiCom's lead the way to "spank" their little brother south of the Yalu River. -
Yea, Mexico has a drug problem and fortunately the drug cartels are killing each other off like old Chicago. Unfortunately, they are killing the cops and forcing some out of the country. Mexico is the world's sixth largest producer of crude. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_reserves_in_Mexico The United States is currently in a covert/overt drug war in Columbia (depending how you analyze the situation). Perhaps, if the Mexican government would like some of our covert help then perhaps we can trade our help for their oil......and lots and lots of it for a long time. Evidently, they are not using their oil fortune to assist their own people in the vast social networks that the United States have. Where is that oil money going??? One guess is in the government's corrupt pockets. Some say close the border. Since Operation Wetback, of President Eisenhower, our government has been unwilling to close the border or "round-up illegals en mass. Reasons: (1) cheap cheap cheap labor and (2) Democrats need their votes when they "naturalize" all the illegals to keep implementing socialistic policies such as welfare, free hospitalization, free elementary - secondary education and free in-state tuition at just about any college or university.....oh yea.....don't have to pay taxes. Friends, can we, as Americans, denounce our citizenship and ask for asylum in Mexico so we, too, can receive these great benefits?? Guns: yea, the cartels may get some guns and ammo from north of the border but the majority are "not" from the USA. The United States is doing little, in my estimation, to curb the drug trade in the United States and go after the Cripts/Bloods and MS-13 then do you think that they have the "RESOURCES" to go after the Mexican cartels? In a perfect world I would like to see the southern border tightly closed and only except "legal" immigration into our fair land but that is in a perfect world and we do not live in a perfect world. We just live in a corrupt world governed by those who pad their pockets with special interest money for special legislation and laws. The Mexicans are taking, at least, one step in the right direction to bring out their military to help fight the problem. Hopefully they have the resources to get the job done because if not we will see more influx of illegal immigration into the USA and more of our "over burdened" social services becoming bankrupt.
Personally, we would not see these pictures if President Wilson would have kept the U.S. out of "another" European Civil War. Both sides had already lost the "flower" of a generation and for all practical purposes were bankrupt. All sides, by what is written, were tired of war, the general populas were starving and had no money and some say that all parties were sending diplomatic feelers to end the war. Like all the other European Civil Wars that preceded this one the combatants would have gone back to their natural boundries and licked their wounds.
Prosecutors told jurors that at least 51 burglaries were committed because that's how many people claimed property. But Dallas police still have numerous unclaimed items recovered from an apartment and a storage unit. The above is from the original story. 51 burglaries in about two or three years is not a first time offender. Is it a first time offender because he got caught after, about, 51 times?? His sentencing still came from a jury of his peers so evidently not all of the testimony was in the article. As far as him stating that he blamed drugs, ADD, loose women and all the other excuses West did not blame himself for his acts.
Summer Reading
eulesseagle replied to EagleD's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Half Priced Books has great deals. Pat Buchanan, A Republic not an Empire. Excellent writer giving a synopsis of U.S. foreign policy from Washington to Clinton. Oriana Faluci, Any of her books...The Age of Reason. Excellent. She is an excellent Itialian writer concerning the Islamic problem in Europe. -
Obama: "we Are Out Of Money."
eulesseagle replied to SUMG's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
got to agree. time for taxes on everything. how else can you pay for all the "pork" and irresponsible spending. Nobody can place the blame on any particular party .... It is not only the politicians fault but also the fault of the people who elected them & keep electing them. Fortunately, history indicates that the minority party will pick up seats after a new prez is elected. Perhaps it may mirror the 1994 mid term elections. "It is unpatriotic not to pay taxes," Joe Biden. -
One synopsis that has not been mentioned is "if" and "when" this gun in the hands of students is passed the inevitable will, as the sun comes up in the east, will occur. You know it will.....the government knows it will. The government can "create a crisis," as if they have not done so in the past, to implement draconican measures on the population. What does the government fear most in the hands of the people? guns. What would the government like to take away from the people, as if we have not seen a run on guns and ammo lately......? Government does not need a reason abolish the Second Admendment or any other constitutional gurantees. The future bloody scenes repeated 24/7 on cable will reinforce what they have been warning for decades. Since we have been warning you we now must implement a solution. Kinda like the "wag the dog" syndrome. Kinda like the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This is almost paramount to inviting prostitutes to a Duke lacross party and expecting "nothing" to happen. College students, beer and guns.......a disaster waiting to happen. For those who want guarantees, special classes & etc to ensure nothing happens....lol. yea right.