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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e43_1244925763
  2. SUMG, et. al...........do you really think that this socialized health care is really going to cost $1,000,000,000,000?????? heck no.....what has the government done at the cost they quoted??? I would say at least 2 or 3 trillion......then a few years down the road when they have run the private health care providers off because of subsidized low costs and run all the good doctors off ..... then they will reduce the care to us because they can no longer substain the increased cost of care. Look at all the other socialized medicine countries.
  3. This informative video is "only" meant for the political savy and informed.....kinda like what we all are. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/11/toge...-be-republican/ WARNING: Could be offensive to the ill informed.
  4. The antithesis of Rev. Wright is Rev. Manning on You Tube. Find out what this Harlem Preacher (Ph.D.) has to say about the prez.
  5. What is good that B. Hussain Obama is doing? Dude, you will be paying the higher taxes and higher everything else with the rest of us.....and you happy about that?????? Emmitt, if you do not like what is being posted then you are free, like the rest of us, to post what you want. Stop your crying.
  6. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/11/char...e-laffer-spike/ This does not look too good. Is the writer correct in assuming we may have to do what the Weimer Republic did?? Oh Boy.
  7. However, China WANTS 13 of their own terrorists sent to them. Sure, why not. That would make Gitmo a country club compared to what may await them in their own homeland. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090611/ap_on_...alau_guantanamo Do you really think that the Congress would bribe a country to take these "detainees" as the article suggests?? sure, it is only money. Personally, I wish our fine government would resettle me in Bermuda or Palau with a pension that these "detainees" will be receiving.
  8. eeally- If you hate taxes so much, as you state, why do you support them in your rebutal?? 1. Isn't bailing out the Chevy Suburban a TAX? where do you think that money is going to come from??? 2. Only a liberal would care how much profit Haliburton and Exxon makes. Heck, at least they turn around and reinvest in technology. I believe you can find substantial evidence, even from the earlier posts on this board on this very same topic, that Starbucks makes more, percentage wise, than the two evil oil companies on a percentage basis. Why not tax the heck out of Starbucks??? What you are talking about here is PURE old fashion "REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH." Hipocritial of you even to mention this. You mention printing money......Obama's administration has BORROWED MORE money than all the other presidents put together.....that is from George Washington to George Bush. Borrowed money has to be paid back in the form of taxation. Glad you don't like taxes......because everyone will have to pay somehow in the form of higher gas, food, other consumable and non consumable goods. 3. Do I think this country is terrible? no..... but do I think it is in trouble? YES I DO!!! _________________ In actuallity the point of supporting taxes or no taxes is a moot point. There will be increased taxes, period, if we want them or not whether we take it with or without vasaline. you make some good points eeally.
  9. eeally- you have some good points: 1. Baytown and all the southeast Texas stinking. You know a skunk, spraying, stinks to most folks but if you have not smelled it in years, because now you live in the city, the aroma is quite refreshing and reasuring that everything is ok with life in our God created universe. The same goes with the stink in Baytown. In reality, do you really want that stink to go away? If it does then we are all driving "eco-friendly" some sort of type hybrid cars that most Americans do not, rationally, want......especially FFR eco-green-friendly-nine miles to the gallon soccer mom type. Hypocrits!!! What is best for the country is not best for them and subsequently wants to be politically excluded from these types of draconian legislative restraints. 2. "If we don't need Oil then we don't need the Middle East......right!" Bingo, Dude. You hit the nail on the head. Which way do you want it? I say DRILL DRILL DRILL. That is the "ONE" way to stop sending these "Barons of Shiekdom" our money. You say it would take 10 years (that is what the Democrats have been propogandizing us with ..... a litney of nonsencical trite "leftist" slogans of how long it will take to produce oil. B.....S..... Do you really think that the American Technology that we pocess today it would take ten years to get this "Black Gold" ect...ect....ect....out of the ground ..... refine it in that stinky part of East Texas and deposit this gasoline in the bottom of your gas guzzeling tank??? Democratic Propoganda!!!! The United States did not have one-tenth the technology during WWII and it did not take us ten years to find it, pump it, refine it and send it over seas.....think about that!!!! WE ALREADY KNOW WHERE THE CRUDE IS.....LOOK AROUND FORT WORTH-DALLAS. These companies came in, set up their drilling rigs and in less than a few months had this natural resorce flowing out of the ground. Humm.....my math tells me that ain't "10 Democratic Years." The other way....no sticky East Texas, No sticky east texas jobs or oil/gas related jobs....driving eco-friendly-green-cars that have been "mandated" by our Government Motor Company (formally GMC), spending, as one earlier poster said, $5,000 for a new eco-friendly battery. Bet you can't get one at Pep Boys, yet. Oh boy. 3. Republicans = Morons! Another Ad Hominum attack because no "socalist liberal" can refute the truth with a "logical argument" based on facts. In the liberal world it is all "feel good," "save the planet," "punish the rich," "save the wales," and "let us print money that we don't have to save mankind from all social ills." Ok, I don't mind some social programs as long as I can pick and choose which ones I want to "FREELY DONATE" and not "MANDATED" by to do donate through a totalitarian taxation policy. 4. eeally, have you been watching the price per barrel of crude go up in the last 60 days?? The Barons of Shiekdom are terrorizing us. Maybe not so much with converting us to Islam (which is their sworn duty.....kinda like the Christian faith that we would like to do to them....but it ain't goin' to happen) or murdering us like 9-11, or the Madrid train bombing or the London Subway attacks or the Bali Bombing, Mumbai attack or the other plethora of attacks on the free people of this world......They are terrorizing us with crude prices. With crude prices increasing daily what makes you think it will not reach what it did a year ago. $5.00+ a gallon for gas and $6.00 a gallon for diesel for FFR's eco friendly soccer mom changes a LOT of ATTITUDES about DRILLING. EEALLY, what happened to the price of consumer goods when gas / diesel went through the roof last year??? You got to think, man. Do you want history to repeat itself, again, again and again.......and for some liberal socialists not learn anything from it???? 5. Middle eastern people cool people minus the terrorists. got to agree with you on that. wish i could wear one of those cool robes to work....are they kinda like the scottish and don't wear underware underneath the robes??? does anyone know??? this is not a brokeback mountain type of question. my only fear is that the robe may get clogged in my shifter or tires or something when i'm ridding on the trinity bike trails. i like this time of year on the bike trails to look at all those great looking female bodies, half naked, mostly all firm and tan that i would not otherwise see if they had to wear some kind of burka. man, i bet that would be hot as hades to run in. I have only known a hand full of middle eastern types in my life and all said they have no desire to go back to the comforts of the 11th century and their intolerance for what we Americans see as petty crime. I guess that is one way to control the population. A whacked hand here, a beating there, a hanging for a guy caught with another guy having a little fun, a woman shot for adultry while the man goes free. Yea, what a cool culture.
  10. 35 errors of Gore's award winning movie: http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/monckton/goreerrors.html I guess when you own companies that benefit, financially, from purchasing carbon off-sets, you want to scam as many people as possible as fast as you can. This is another example of what Goebels once said and I paraphrase, "you tell a lie long enough and people (sheeple as Pravda said recently) will begin to believe it." Will this NEW carbon off set "TAX" pass congress during Barack Hussain Obama's administration....you bet.....the socalist liberals will pass this redistribution tax on us all. ____________________________________ -----you will have to scroll down about half way to see this specific chart on the 27 year cycle of cooling and warming since the 1400's.------ all the other info is ok but the 27 year cooling/warming cycle is the most important to this discussion. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...a&aid=10783
  11. http://www.denisdutton.com/cooling_world.htm 1975 article from newsweek on global cooling. If anyone goes back to look at the global cooling/warming articles one can definitely determine that the earth goes through a 27 year cycle of cooling and warming. It all balances out in the end. However, the global warming debate is nothing more than another attempt of a liberal socialist tax on the people and for certain elite socialists to get rich. Of course the run of the mill brain washed liberal voting population have already been trained to respond to say that the tax will, "save the planet." Little kids already are aware of "saving the planet from global warming." Education keeps emboldening our teaching professionals to indoctrinate our young not only in global warming but also the perception of normalizing same sex marriage, homosexuality, anti Christian thought, acceptance of all other religions and multiculturalism to name a few. As I have stated before the government, through the process of Fabianism, has incrementally crept into our society, to a greater extent, begining with FDR, more so with LBJ's Great Society and now and possibly the final blow with Obama's massive governmental takeover of our major industrial complex. For those who think this is extremist then go research on the net.....al gore's invention. Take a look at both sides and decide for yourself. That is what NT professors instilled in you, I think.....that is what they did for me....taught me to look at both sides and not myopically. TRUTH IS HATE TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH
  12. http://hamptonroads.com.nyud.net/2009/06/g...ics-say-meeting arguments at the global warming conference. pretty funny.
  13. Does anyone want to start up a company to sell carbon credits for global cooling?? Ground floor opportunity. We can sell jackets with the NT logo to help fund the new stadium.
  14. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124425154944290829.html The last paragraph says it all.
  15. Gays, thieves and adulters (women only) are sumarilly beheaded or hanged in public, still today. What a peacefull religion.
  16. CMJ- You summarily critisize my post but at the same time you agree, when you said, "I'm not on board will all of it, per se." Well, if you are not on board with the liberal socialist agenda that is going to increase your taxes, goods, services and take over the banks, auto industry, newspapers (there has been talk from the white house on this issue) and possibly bailing out California (there has been talk about this on Air America...the blowtorch of truth) why don't you just get off the socialist bandwagon? My suggestion is that you read up on Fabianism and how it "incramentally" took over England. The key word is, incramentally. Then compare & contrast if the same thing has been happening to America since FDR then make up your own mind. The New Deal, Great Society and Obamaism is nothing more than control of the people.....not freedom of the people but control. What I stated is not scare tactics or extremism from a conservative to someone almost committed to liberal socialism. There are plenty of books on the market, but, what I would strongly suggest is to go to a good used bookstore or half price books and pick up some books that were written during that period. Investigate what they said....read between the lines.....make up your own mind. What I am insulted with from some posters who disagree with myself and other like conservatives like NT90, FFR, SUMG et. al. is that you refuse to go back to read and draw comparisons. Dang, you got Al Gore's invention at your fingertips and you refuse to use it. That is what I mean when I stated you liberals let other people do the thinking for you. Since liberals can not refute the truth they make personal attacks on the individuals making the statements. Just read the posts on this board...it is obvious. Banks in the hands of the government is a very dangerous thing. They control who gets what, when and how much....if at all. It is like the old joke, "What do you have when you have two great big green balls in each hand???? "Control of the Jolley Green Giant"
  17. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/toby_harnden/...stakes_in_cairo interesting read.
  18. This is the continuation of Fabian Socialism. A little at a time. Kinda like the story of the frog who jumped in warm water and sat their long enough until he was cooked. The Brits are warning us, along with others, the path that we are headed down. The Fabians started becoming a party around the turn of the 1900s. The Fabians took over the Labor Party through social reforms and has carried on until today. Fabianism's goal is not to gain power Bolshevic style but gradually over time, incramentally, methodically and until anybody realizes what has happened...it has happened. Our brand started with FDR with all the social policies that he implemented and let LBJ take it to the next level via Civil Rights. Today schools preach diversity, human relativism, revisionist history and practice other religions except Christianity. Now Obama is driving the final wooden stake in our republic with the help of both parties by blatently taking over our economic system (banks), the auto industry, giving labor parties more power, implementing AmeriCorp, preaching all nations are equal (redistribution of wealth), refusing to drill, became the largest borrower of all presidents put together and his roots are muslim and socialist through association. He is definitely not articulate and definitely can not think on his feet.........oh yea ..... the teleprompter makes him sound good. Did the Republicans ever undo what FDR or LBJ did with the massive amounts of American capital and tax payer money. No. They went along with the plan. Have the Republicans undone any social reforms (redistribution of wealth) since LBJ. No. Some of you socialist liberals will refute this but look at it this way.......you have already been trained by the government ideology and you don't know better. You accept and abide by the orders of the government for fear of being called racist, bigot, intollerant and homophobe. You run from those "pavlovian responses" as if you only had seconds to get back in your caskets before the sun rises, again. Instead of researching and thinking for yourself you let others do the thinking for you....namely the government. What cowards. You deserve to run with your tail between your legs and cower like a whipped pup. There are some on this board who give warnings because they have taken time to read and research the issues & not only can think independently for themselves but are able to learn from the past as not to repeat it in the future. I would bet that these individuals are much older than the socialist liberals. Just a guess. Because of these decisive issues we face today it is evident that these events are polarizing our nation as it has never happened before with the possible exception of our secessions with England and Lincoln. Historically, both were very similar in political aspects as much as we may see with our runaway government today. TRUTH IS HATE TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH
  19. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/03/vide...general-motors/ The time is here......elegance, power....and best of all.... a chick magnet.
  20. When one can not refute the truth they slander.......like bigot.....like racist.....like zealot......like extremist. It is pure Marx and Saul D. Alynski used plenty of examples on how to use it. Unfortunately, with the neo-politically correct crowd that has been nutered through our "highly developed" educational system these new "pavlovian pups" cower and put their tails between their legs when they are overtly confronted with those key words (bigot, racist, zealot, extremist). You have got to remember that the left runs on lies....not truth. Like vampires running for their coffins at daybreak to escape death so do liberals when they hear the truth. They run from the light and find safety in the dark abyss. "TRUTH IS HATE TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH"
  21. "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." Gosh, I do not see any misquotes in the article. Informative and factual. Excellent post UNTflyer. CBL, we all know you are a "little" on the liberal side so I can see where you would "feel" a "little" offended. Since this is the truth, I am not offended.
  22. CBL- I never said Hitler.....besides, you should re-read Marx, Lenin and Alinski, sometime. This is their philosophy & is used by some posters on this board. Heck, I don't mind pointing that out. You do want people to be informed?
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