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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. This Supreme Court decision, which overturns Judge Sotomayor's legal position, puts the nominee's views on judicial activism front and center at the upcoming confirmation hearings. How does Judge Sotomayor view the Constitution, the rule of law? What's the proper role of the judiciary when it comes to issues like race - is it to set "public policy," or to uphold the "rule of law" that is gender and racially neutral? These are important questions that now become even more significant in light of today's decision by the Supreme Court.
  2. well tastygreek, you may have had more if you and quoner had not been banned from the board........and why were you two banned?? so what you are saying it would have been ok for me to post these posts if more were alocated to sports? besides like many of my conservative gomeangreen members we enjoy a little political bantering and bring forth the destructiveness of the socialist left on the American people, including you. Just because you voted democratic does not exclude you from all the upcoming taxes.
  3. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/28/cana...-for-treatment/ Is this the "road ahead" that awaits us?
  4. agreed, on both sides......IMHO, if the FBI investigated everyone in Congress we would, probably, be left with nobody. Not a bad idea to start again. seriously, i hope this guy does not get fired like the IG who investigated one of B.Hussain Obama's cronnies.
  5. got to pay for all the stimulus / debt somehow. Wow, I hope and change that the Senate kills the bill.....doubt it. now we have to get all the illegals into our system to help with all the new taxes.
  6. KRAM1- Thanks buddy. What puzzles me is why emmitt, et.al. supports the same policies, in reverse, as his progenitors fought so hard to change? ________________ PMG's posts were more in line with football instead of politics. I can only imagine PMG writing one of his epistles on politics. ________________ emmitt, thanks for the reading compliment. I do read a great deal. I read just about anything from I.V. Lennin (on the left) to the right. Fortunately, I have no problem with either. WHY?? because no one side has a monopoly on ideas. You may think my comments are hidden by, as you put it by, "quite condenscention," but is it really because I read a "variety" of philosophies or ideas where as you are "limiting" yourself to myoptic views?
  7. Hilton's You Tube response to the violence: http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/22/vide...e-or-something/
  8. Aw now emmitt, Conservatives do not think that Hussain Obama is the devil. We just know that he is socailist. Google his past. Oh yea, you already have and support socialism. That is fine because we all have to support something and higher taxes and a bankrupt country is something to laud over conservatives. As you know emmitt ACORN was patterned on Saul D. Alinsky's organizational recommendations. Of course you know Hussain Obama's running buddies "were" and "are" today....Alinsky and Ayers. Both avid socialists. What is amazing is that ACORN, like the NAACP (in many respects), tend to treat the poor as exploited units human capital much the same way the Socialist Democratic party have used their primary voting blocks. Now we "all" (including emmitt and EagleD) financially support the largest and growing, highest paid, fattest, most hospital prone, non-working welfare population ever. To a socialist democrat this is "GREAT" news. WHY??? Need more rich to support the ever growing poor so we can "redistribute" the wealth. I am looking forward to that day, in America, like Cuba and all the other socialist countries where someone working at a "Donut Shop" makes the same as Officer Emmitt. In the final analysis we are all nothing but "pawns" in a giant chess game of life being manipulated by the other major pieces ready to be "sacrificed" at the whim of winning someone else's game. _________________ On a side note.....I am really not looking forward to having ACORN in charge of or any part of the census.....for obvious reasons. For a socalist....this is good..........for a conservative this would be ...... bad.
  9. Comrad EagleD- I know you are being facious! (facetious-----thanks for the correction emmitt) You do remember President Reagan took over from the "DISASTROUS" legacy of Prez. Carter?? 1. Allowed the current situation in Iran. 2. Failed to get our hostages back. 3. Allowed communism to take hold in Central America. 4. Interest rates up to 21-24%. (purchased a jeep during that time with A-1 credit at 14%). 5. Billy Beer. 6. More socialist liberal spending. -----this is to name a few----- Basically, to sum it up......failed at home......failed abroad......he continues to ply his socialist rhetoric even today to the embarasment, of some member, of his own party and probably to all conservatives. Were your mammy and pappy happy with interest rates, comrad EagleD?? you may want to ask them. Word of caution.....call 'em first because if you confront them, mano y mano, your folk may do some Bruce Lee on you. Iran-Contra scandal?? It was only a scandal to those who supported communism in Central America like the Socalist Democrats in Congress, who as you know cut off funding for these operations. (these were the same folks who cut off funding for South VietNam.....you know the ensuing communistic tactics: round up dissenters, try to re-educate and execute those who are untrainable.) To the rest of us it was ensuring that the "FREEDOM" loving people of Nicaragua could have democracy over communism. Freedom to say and do anything, like kinda what you are doing on this blog, without fear of reprisals (you know the same type of repression you probably support in Iran when people speak out against the government). President Reagan's policies "WORKED" at home and abroad, if you a believer of "democracy." President Reagan's policies "FAILED" at home and abroad, if you a believer of "socalism." Your article was in the same tone as what Prez Hilton was saying about Prejan......kinda funny left wing rant.
  10. http://www.newsweek.com/id/202875 not really a surprise. another campaign promise broken.
  11. VP Biden thinks it is "UNPATRIOTIC" not to pay (more) taxes. interesting little video.
  12. FFR: PEW thinks differently............... http://people-press.org/report/?pageid=1534 The problem with polls we all learn in statistics. 1. Who did they poll? (you know.....the basic demographics) 2. What were the questions? 3. How were the questions "phrased?" We all know one is apt to receive different numbers if you ask, for example, senior citizens about medicade than if you were to ask recent graduates about the same issue. I think we heard about some of the fraudulent polls that were taken during the megathon campaigns prior to the election. Personally, I do not have faith in the plethora of constant polling of public opinion. It is nothing more than trying to run a government by concensus.....but whose concensus (real or imagined)? Too many people today believe just about anything that is printed or is "blathered" on television by the constant bombardment of all the news services. That is why I do not have television/cable/satelite anymore. Wow, what a refreshment it has been. I have missed my favorite programs of 24, Hell's Kitchen, Survivor Man and Trailer Park Boys.
  13. CMJ- If we tried to topple an Eastern European country after WWII it would have been called WWIII. Look at the events leading to the Hungarian Revolt of '56. We encouraged the revolt and backed off when the revolt occured setting up the same senario as the Bay of Pigs.
  14. here is a list of new taxes being considered: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090619/D98TNJC00.html
  15. No muslim country is going to "trust" the great satin. Does it really matter if the coup took place in the '50s? Evidently what is ocurring today is a revolt from an extreme theocracy to a democracy of some sort, maybe. The current Iranian leadership can say no to reform and kill more people in their uprisings or they may relent and give the people more freedom. Either way, IMHO, they lose. One, if they choose to control power they will expect more uprisings until an overthrow will happen by force or Two, the more freedom the autocratic theocracy gives to the people the more freedom they will want as was the case in Poland in the '80. Western European countries and in particular the United States have staged coups to set up so called democratic regimes in lieu of communistic regimes or other types of unpopular socialist style governments since WWII and in many instances before. What else is new?? The question is what is worse....a western style regime change or a communistic or Islamic or some other repressive govt holding repressive power by force of massacre, usually followed by arrests, trials & execution then the lucky ones going to re-education camps. Look what the commies did to Eastern Europe, South VietNam & Cambodia. Who trusts whom? Besides when the power change happened between the Shah ---- if you agreed with his policies and how he ran the country or not because he did go after the Kurds ---and the radical islamists in power today....at least the Shah did not kill the protesters in the streets. Who trusts who today?
  16. Should the United States step into a situation, with the revolutionaries, who would like to overthrow the authoritarian government? Naturally, the correct answer would be, yes. If yes by affirming revolt and a possible subsequent overthrow of the government and we do nothing are we faced with the same situation as what happened at the Bay of Pigs if it fails. We promised military support which we did not deliver leaving Cuban freedom fighters dead on the beach thinking that the U.S. would physically support them. Authoritarian rulers have just about always used brutal force to impose the rule of government on the people. Power politics at its worst. Just take a look at our own history. However, most recently the '53 East German uprising after Stalin died......the '56 Hungarian revolt.....'68 Czech uprising.....'81 in Poland against Solidarity.....'89 at Tiananmen Square and now ..... '09 in Terahn. Each instance, over a "relative" course of a short period of time, the revolts demonstrated the will of the people toward freedom. IMHO, when people are willing to lay down their lives and fortunes, for this seven letter word, in mores cases than naught freedom will prevail and a new government will take the place of authoritarianism. The next question is "if" the Iranian Army, en mass, will totally, shut down the uprisings or if in the case of Tiananmen Square some units of the military will refuse to massacure its own people? Again, IMHO, if the army, en mass, begins to slaughter their people to uphold the integrity of this nation state then power will rule until a more organized uprising occurs and possibly with the army and other civilian underground forces. If segments of the army refuses to fire and slaughter innocent civilians then this may signal the coming of the end of this government. How long before the government capitulates? all hypothetical.........days? months?? years??? These are interesting developments, today, where the speed of the internet gets so much information to so many in such a short time.
  17. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/20/new-...bama-superhero/
  18. I still stand by my statement that the Civil Rights Act of 'sixty four'/ Affirmative Action is no longer needed. 1. Do I agree that these measures were needed at the time of implementation? yes. however, one can argue that these very same results would have happened by natural progression as they had been. How much more time would have been needed?? don't know ... it is hypothetical. one can argue a couple of years to never depending upon your point of view. 2. Do I think that these measures are still needed? no. 45 years has been enough time to implement these policies. Are most people color blind today? most certainly. Are there still mental midgets that, given the opportunity, will only hire a person of color of "their" own choosing? of course and always will be. Why? because there will always be racism. Government can not legislate an individuals bigotry away. That is why there is dr. phil and oprah. 3. If I were in a position to take advantage of these measures would I? heck yes I would. Why? $$$$. Have I taken advantage of government assistance? yep....the G.I. Bill. 4. Will these measures "ever" go away?? no. Why? Because, generally speaking, the democats need the people who rely on the civil rights measures, as their core voting base, as much as the republicans need the christian conservative vote as their core voting base. Here is the rub.....both sides get played like some first timer at a gentleman's club. These measures have, generally, placed the "hyphen" amongst all Americans where that "hyphen" was never present in the past. This has been the greatest dis-service of the act of sixty four. The "hyphen" --Balcanizes-- Americans which, in turn, creates chaos amongst the races. This choas creates votes amongst party lines which creates additional governmental power/contol amongst the parties. Dudes, this plan was written over a hundred years ago by Marx and Engles and has been played out many times in different countries. Read the "Communist Manifesto" and "Das Capital" and find out for yourselves. Don't let the government play you. 5. Is there equality in America today? sure there is and we are all products of these freedoms. Is there still inequality?? see #2. 6. Has my main thesis, on this issue, really been with race or government?? It has "always" been with government dividing the races. It is the government that sows the seeds of discontent by mandating "balcanized" special rights to the plethora of racial/social/gender/ etc etc etc groups and reaps the benefit of their votes. I do believe that man should be able to stand on his own qualifications, regardless of r/s/g etc etc etc to get a job without the help of a crutch. However, as long as that crutch is available....be it job or socail benefits....people will rely on this "candy" .... and vote for the "candy man" who provides the most candy. IMHO, these generous social benefits that have been provided by the government, have done more harm than good to the people who are "hooked" on them. These people live in true socialism(be it their fault or not) while others strive in a social-capitalist struture that is fast becoming more socailistic through the takeover of our core economic system.
  19. 1. i feel that is a pretty accurate first hand description based upon what has been on the news and what Army combat vets have described to me including my nephew. two of the afgan vets made the comments about the camel. since these terrorists come from different countries, including the usa ("taliban johnny" i think what he was called), various middle eastern countries, europe, indonesia and china.....you really can not call them anything else but terrorists can you? its not like we are fighting a specific country is it when deaths from these terrorists have included countries including but not limited to the United States, Europe, Middle East, Indonesia etc etc etc...... If you want to call these terrorists who are trying to kill American troops something else then that is fine with me. If you think, generally speaking, they wear other forms of garb (which I am sure they do) then that is fine with me too. 2. (a) Did I post an article from a supremacist web site: yep. ( If the Administrator of this board wishes to repost the said article, without the web site address, you will discover that the article was "innocuous." Since the article "ONLY" dealt with the "topic of discussion," alternative fuel production and my posting was how Germany used coal as a form of alternative fuel at the end of wwII, I felt the article was relevant. There was no hate speech, no anti racial/social/cultural overtones......"just alternative fuel production from coal at the end of wwII," period. © Why do I read far "right" material? answer: the same reason I read far "left" material. No one side has a monopoly on ideas. Perhaps some of the NT teaching staff, when I attended, forced us to think from different perspectives and to defend those perspectives regardless of our personal philosophies. I believe some call it broadening your perspectives/horizons. How do you really know what you may believe if you do not discover the vast amounts of information that is out there? (d) This year I have read I.V.Lennin's "Toatal Liquidationism." does that make me a communist? no. I do read a great deal from the far right to the far left. Evidently that is a problem with some of you and some of your myopic views which usually end in, "you are a racist" or "you are a white supremasist." I take it to really mean that you may be limited in your informational input. I do find humor when you can not legitimately counter an argument with facts and you can only counter with ad hominum attacks, which is intellectual bankruptcy at its lowest form....elementary school playground trash talk. Just remember that "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." (e) you ask about racial groups. all racial groups have some form of racism. That is just part of the fallen nature of man. does every man exhibit them? no. (f) Since God created Adam and Eve how can any one group be superior if only throught the fallen nature? Do I believe in a superior group/race with all your prequalifiers? of course not. Do others? of course. A good book about race is Thomas Sowell's, "Race and Culture." (just for starters---there are plently of other resources on the market and on the net.) This is the last time i intend on explaining the article on German fuel production. If you wish to read it to satisfy your curiosity go find it on the net or ask the Administror to "cut" and "copy" it to you.....naturally without the web site address. It really is a good article. Remember, it is inocculous.....just a plain jane informational article. For those who want to continue the ad hominum.......continue to do so and continue to exhibit what your degree from NT has done for your so called intellectualism. ____________ did you really think my answer would change from when it was posted about "six years" ago?? perhaps quoner can refresh our memories why he was banned from the board?
  20. wow, another ad hominum attack that is intellectually bankrupt from a nt grad. this is just pure bigotry for supression of speech. you have reached a new low cg.
  21. hopefully michelle obama did not wear this costume on the show. http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_an...icle6470675.ece
  22. oh excuse me.......what do they look like???......i thought that was a pretty accurate description. not racist just fact. facts are one thing that liberal socialist's hate the most & is usually "countered" by some trite comment about the person making the comment being racist, homophobic, christian, conservative extremist. That comes straight out of Marx and Alinski.......and emmitt.
  23. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31344672/ns/wo...news-terrorism/ 1. this should be the time that the U.S. Supreme Court jumps in. 2. sort of a circumous route to finally get at the Bush attorneys, again. 3. just this last week, B. Hussain Obama, wants terrorist combatants to be given "Miranda Rights." SaY WhAt YoU sAy? let me get this straight.....our guys are in a pitch battle of kill or be killed........ok, you capture a guy with a towel around his head, dressed in a madrass dress, smells like he just copulated with a camel and hasn't shaved in a while......."you have the right to remain silent..ect ect ect.......do you understand your rights?" so are we goin' to have to set up some sort of U.S. court system overseas and how about the right to a free (tax payer supported )attorney. how would you like to have that job?
  24. hh- the government "does" dictate what they "think" is good for us..... 1. afirmative action. 2. civil rights......not only the big one in '64 but all the other ones that followed.....more or less (un)equal rights based upon color/ethnicity/gender/religion. 3. govt. control of our financial institutions and dictating what corporate execs make. that makes sense. if you own it then you get to tell people how much they will make? 4. govt. control of our auto industry. can't wait for those fuel efficient govt designed & manufactured driving machines to comply with all the govt. emission & environmental standards. 5. "its patriotic to pay more taxes" vp, joe biden. 6. mandated health care. one trillion they say? right! try 3, 4, 5 trillion & emulating other countries socialized systems. people already can get "FREE" health care if you don't mind waiting a little bit in some of our free hospitals and clinics....i.e. parkland hospital (dallas) or john peter smith (ft worth). you may not like sitting around with a bunch of people who don't know english & look like they should be locked up (jail, mental/psycho ward or leper colony) but it is FREE care.....even though it is county taxpayer funded. 7. govt control of our schools. 8. hate speech. well, we could go on but you get the picture. kinda orwelian isn't it? kinda a hodge podge of 1984, animal farm and things to come. equality for all but more for some of us.
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