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Everything posted by eulesseagle

  1. whew.....i found it. 26 UNT 72 MUTS 78 TROY 98 ASU 102 ULM 103 FAU 104 ULL 114 FIU 119 WKU
  2. EagleD....you can't see two wars in the graph?? what two wars are you looking for that are not on the graph? of course they include the two wars. *********** The second grade class that BHO spoke to would like to invite him back "WITHOUT" his teleprompters. That must have been a tough bunch of kids.
  3. sorry....the "b" should have been a "p"......it is thespian. aren't we all to some degree?
  4. Quoner, where is your nazi cat? I always enjoyed it as a rebuttal to some of my posts. Anyway....the same comments can be said for all news propaganda machines on fox, msnbc, pbs, cbs, nbc, cnn, cnn, pms, air america (so long)....the list continues. all these news channels are just planting little demons in your mind so you can get your attention of the largest deficit ever and the socialist train comin' down the track. these new folks are nothing but a bunch of frustrated thesbians. listen to this:
  5. 94 feet of heat......i think that is for the entire game. 47 feet of heat per half.
  6. ntfb- impressive post on offensive and defensive stats/plays but i believe we, who attended the games, saw our field goal kicker miss game winning decisive goals/pats. granted, one less interception, one more defensive stop, one less fumble would be considered game changers and NT could be anywhere between 3-9 and 7-5. one can make a ligitimate case for any senario. just like the little dutch boy there were too many holes in the dike to, initially, plug. anyone of us can place blame on any aspect of the team over the last three years but what i saw, as our weakness last year, was the kicker. was some of Coach Dodge's decision's altered due to the kicker's ability? don't really know and i personally do not know anyone on the team or close to the team to start an unfounded rumor. only Coach knows that. i still say NT is improving and no matter how one conceptualizes the blame or no blame game on offense, defense or special teams i believe this will be the year.
  7. Hard not to agree with the context of the post but how many more games could NT won "IF" our field goal kicker could have made that one PAT or that one FG in those games that we lost? Personally, I have to agree that we have seen improvement since the arrival of Coach Dodge but not as fast as we all expected. We have seen points being scored offensively but an abnormal amount of points being scored defensively. One must ask is it the coaches, players or a combination? I say combination but weighted more so toward the players. The debate over the quality of players vs. the coaches has been beat in the ground too much on the board and really do not want to lengthen this post on this RIP topic. We must all agree that Coach Dodge is a phenominal recruiter not only in players but in the quality of coaches he and RV have obtained. Quality players, coaches must equal a quality program that will equate to this year being a winning season. NT now has experienced players and an excellent coaching staff.
  8. congress and obama in the bcs.......that is good.....spead the wealth.
  9. beancounter...i found the same stats. i thought it ran around 4.5 to 5.something percent. i stand corrected. thanks, ee
  10. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35112718/ns/politics-white_house/ Since fact checks have become part of today's politics (on all sides of the isle), book reviews and SNL comedy sketches this, IMHO, is becoming of last night's event in W.D.C.. I am sure that there will be more fact checks coming after further review of last night's SoU. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/State_of_the_Union/state-union-2010-fact-check-president-obamas-address/story?id=9680549
  11. H.E., I guess we will not know if the Republicans would have replicated what the Democrats have done over the last 12 months......however, I seriously doubt it. We do know that Bush gave out two stimulus checks, to the people, during his time in office. We do know that this administration has run up more debt than all other administrations combined. We do know that unemployment has doubled (under bush a tad less than 5%)in the last 12 months, banking takeovers, auto takeovers, more government jobs & fewer private sector jobs.......I could go on but choose not to bore you with an overload. Really, the whole debate over the last 12 months depends upon if you believe in a large federal government controlling our lives or if you believe on the reliance of the people to choose and determine their destinies via the private sector. What can the federal government do better than the private sector? IMHO, nothing....other than tax and print money. Medicare/Medicade....bankrupt. Amtrak....runs in the red. Airlines....subsidized. Railroads....subsidized. Federal government....bloated and unaccountable for spending. If anyone ran their business like the federal government you would be bankrupt in less than a year. Obama must have blamed Bush about 10 or 12 times last night on the SoU. Ok, time to man up and take some responsibility. Hey, what is the new high speed rail the people are going to pay for? I can't wait to see the federal price tag on this baby. Does this fall under shovel ready jobs?
  12. for anyone interested on Hulen St. in Fort Worth......$10.00 I looked like a bronze god.....
  13. Harry.....(1) are you saying it is ok to post political topics? (2) are you saying toleration of disagreements stop at what point? give a couple examples just for clarification and that no expulsions from the board will be applied by the administrator. tkx.
  14. http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/24/did-...ew-mexico-bank/ hummmm.....a little suspicious.
  15. http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/21/air-...pulls-the-plug/ What little I listened to "the people's voice" some of it was actually good. The other 95% was socialistic ideology and conspiritorial theories that made the escape of Hitler in a NAZI UFO to Argentina seem plausable.
  16. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/60074
  17. Wow SE.....that is bizzzzzzzzare! Funny, but bizzzzzzzzare. 19th centruy...... HoustonEagle.....as far as your retort I refer to Kram1's excellent post on the subject. He said it all.
  18. SE, you have to remember that the government "forced" banks to make these insane loans that you are talking about. The government forced these banks to make loans to individuals who did not qualify and to undocumented workers. I believe this happened under the Clinton Administration. No federal money comes without strings attached. It is almost paramont to asking the godfather for a favor. You just never get out of the quicksand. I see nothing wrong with the people determinining our own options in a capitalistic state. I see nothing wrong with people becoming super rich because of achievement as long as people determine if they want to purchase those goods and services for the prices offered. What I do see wrong is having the government say that you are making too much and you have to be penalized for your achievement. I would much rather have that option than surrender my freedoms to let goverment make all my decisions for me in a facist or socialistic state. Would you not prefer to do your own thinking and acting than have the government take over that responsibility for you? Obama, Pelosi, Reid.....and others in the democratic part want government to control your lives.......that is socialist. Look at "hell-th" care. IMHO, it is not constitutional for the federal government to force this upon its citizens ..... it is not self determination of a democratic government and these measures go against the self determination of a free democratic state.
  19. HE, my intent was to determine who supported BHO prior to the election and how many of those still supported him after one year. The reason why we got out of the great depression (i guess you are speaking of FDR) was wwII and not the policies that he and his cabinet implemented. I am not going to debate a "what if" senario but many economists agree that wwII brought us out of the depression and not his socialist big government policies. Who can you blame? the democratic majority? so what happens when the republicans take over? they don't eliminate these programs to make government smaller. The same can be said with any legislation that the republicans make to enlarge government. The democrats do not do anything to eliminate programs to make government smaller. Push ahead to LBJ's Great Society. The democrats make government larger.....when the republicans take over they continue the programs with no inititive to make government smaller by eliminating programs. The government keeps getting more intrusive. Whatever one party increases the other party keeps status quo. Do you think that "if" health care and cap and trade passes before this years elections and "if" the republicans take over the house and senate they will do anything to void these two pieces of legislation? I say no. my point is that the United States is headed to the train station called Socialism (some say we are 80% there)......if you take the democratic train we will arive at noon. if you take the republican train we will arive 5pm. In the last election Obama was Socialist Heavy......McCain was Socialist Light. The will of the people have been over ridden by the elected elite who knows better than the people what we need. This just is not a bush or obama blame game....it goes back futher than that.....and to think otherwise .... well.....just stick your head back in the sand.
  20. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=121884 A must read!! GMG would probably, IMHO, be the first to go.
  21. Quoner, in the thirty seven years that we have been posting on this board.....i think this is the first time we have agreed......
  22. There were other democrats that voted against the 64 civil rights bill including Hubert H Humphry. It was not a party line vote. It was brought up many times, even by some democrats, that this bill violated the constitution for obvious reasons.......and.......you do not have to be a brain surgeon to figure them out. I watch NT football win or lose.....it is just a game.....a diversion that in the big scheme of things really do not mount to a hill full of beans. It is fun to watch and I, like some of you, will always remember the favorite games.
  23. Well, at least we agree on one thing....our politics. It really does not bother me if people have socialist tendancies and want government control over our lives. Quite a bit unconstiutional and a couple of wars were fought over that ideal. When government ceases to be a government "by the people" it ceases to be a democracy. I believe just the opposite of you and when you walk through the front door of my house the first thing you will see is my framed Barry Goldwater for President yard sign. "In your heart you know he's right." You joined GMG for the right reasons.....you will see Coach Dodge win......but you can post those thoughts on the football side of gmg. I joined for the wrong reason.......my psychologist told me I could get well by participating in some delusional focus groups.
  24. With the debt out of control, unemployement at new highs, stimulus packages, congressional payoffs to pass bills and future admendments, health care estimated taking up to one-sixth of our gnp ...... ....my question..... where has all the liberal democratic supporters of these measures melted away to on the gmg board?? the dems did state, quite clearly, that they were going to pass these measures....... how do ya'll feel now about these measures??? do ya'll still support them or are you having second/third/fourth thoughts about the consequences they will impose or have imposed??
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