If a zero or low value is placed on life, then by all means this is a horrible deal.
Pretty funny that republicans (I'm independent for the record) cry wolf when clean-air initiatives such as wind turbines kill birds, but when clean air acts are proposed that would save human life that they are rejected to save corporate profits and jobs.
"Cutting ozone pollution using the Clean Air Act will have saved $2 trillion by 2020 and prevented at least 230,000 deaths annually, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said in a report.
Tougher emission restrictions adopted in 1990 helped avoid more than 160,000 premature deaths, 130,000 heart attacks, 13 million lost work days and 1.7 million asthma attacks last year, according to today'sreport, which measured only the impact of amendments from 1990. By 2020, complying with the amendments would prevent 200,000 heart attacks, 17 million lost work days and 2.4 million asthma attacks, according to the report."