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Everything posted by MDH

  1. ^ do you have a job? Serious question.
  2. Whenever I feel down, I just visit ponyfans and am thankful I'm not one of them, for so many reasons
  3. This post's headline should have been about TJ's questionable eligibility rather than TM's athleticism.
  4. I'd be very upset if we didn't win our next 2 games going into the UH game.
  5. Have yet to see that.
  6. I came to UNT in 06 so I've never seen us play like this. My football boner is alive and well, watch out SBC.
  7. I think he shut us all up tonight. I realized the routes were much shorter but he put the ball right on the money tonight, looking forward to next week. ps: Marcus Allen just called us North Texas in the postgame show, success.
  8. So I reached my intellectual peak 3 months ago when I got married? Dammit.
  9. Tip of the hat to his mom, he was raised right. I knew we'd be getting his talent on the floor but had no idea the ambassador he would be for our school and program. There's no way the guys around him aren't motivated when he's quoted as saying those things.
  10. No homer bias in putting UTSA ahead of Texas St
  11. I'm an atheist and I could care less if that was displayed. Some people just like to be difficult.
  12. I promise their coach isn't overlooking us like that.
  13. Mavs do it
  14. We need an energetic, more youthful PA announcer to lead us in chants.
  15. Oh, they'll be little Mean Green Eagles for sure. I'm already planning a Mean Joe Green fathead for the nursery to watch over them.
  16. I know, right? 2nd photo wasn't really necessary, you can see Scrappy better in the first.
  17. If we really do open with Idaho next year that's two very winnable OOC home games.
  18. Finally getting around to posting this, got married 3 months ago today. My wife found someone online that custom made a Scrappy out of clay (matching suit and tie to boot). The Mrs. is a Baylor alum, hence the bear. I wanted a mean Scrappy but that was her one veto. How I knew she was the one: 1. She comes with me to every UNT game, event, etc and actually enjoys it. 2. She loves Denton. 3. She wears her UNT clothing more often than her Baylor gear.
  19. We're finally wearing the most green we ever have, let's just stick with that. We try green outs all the time and it sort of fails since 1/3 of the place is empty
  20. Who says they're up? Being real, alumni attendance was poor last night.
  21. Thanks, 3 months ago today. I still need to post the pictures of the Scrappy wedding cake topper I had custom made.
  22. My wife would like to know what happened to the Dippin' Dots. She's a Baylor alum and enjoys coming, but I think half of that was so she could get those.
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