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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Let me know if you do. Mean Green Scrappy is talking about making the trip, and the wife and I have some friends who just got married and moved out there. I didn't plan on any road games this year, but if you guys will be there, that makes the trip worthwhile. We'll go eat at The Ocean.
  2. Even after a year of prep school? That's probably not a good sign.
  3. Sorry to be a tease... It looks like it's on Amazon Instant Video, but nowhere for free that I can find at the moment. Stay on the lookout for it.
  4. Joke's on Vito. He's at the bottom of a long list of lists I'm on. PASSED YOU BY, VITO!
  5. I still heart Vito. It's the offseason for him, too.
  6. Can't wait for part 12!
  7. A lot of suggestions for things that ran multiple seasons, so two recommendations that are smaller time investments: If you want something you can watch and enjoy, with characters you can root for... And you don't want to dive in to a show that will commit you to 100+ episodes, try a one season animated show called "Unsupervised". It was on FX for 12 or 13 episodes, and I think it's on Netflix. There are quite a few stellar episodes ("Field of Dreams... and Dogs", "Stupid Idiots", "Nits", "Youngbloods", and "The Great Traveler's Road" are the standouts) but the last one ("Reggie Dog Bites") consistently made me laugh so much I kept it on the DVR from before Christmas and only deleted it about a month ago. Probably watched that episode at least 15 times. The show has some dark humor and goes to some very uncomfortable places... But the main characters are lovable and unflappably optimistic. Another one season wonder on FX that was pretty good and ended in a satisfying way was "Lights Out". Inconsistent, but definitely worth checking out if you like boxing and you're willing to commit to all 13 episodes.
  8. Relax. I thought there was just crappy math in whatever report you saw. Not meant as a joke at your expense. This is why topical humor is a dangerous game.
  9. Accountants like that... The Detroit bankruptcy makes a lot more sense now.
  10. Definitely a high major talent.
  11. Both are wrong. And even though I was the biggest advocate for it, I was relieved we hadn't hired him for our HC job once that came out. I'm glad to see people get a chance to redeem themselves with a second chance. I'm glad Forrest did and continues to do so, and I wish Monarch had, too. At Chaflin. Not here. And anyone who thinks a guy so crooked he got fired by Buzz Williams could turn out great for us... Way to stay optimistic. To me, it just looks like one more flashing warning sign that this era is going to end ugly. And with our "no NCAA violations" record a thing of the past.
  12. 62 days. Someone else gave him the second chance he wanted, and he bailed on them after 62 days to come here. Forget the fact that he lied to Marquette and he lied to NCAA investigators. Put aside the any sort of discussion of whether he's a great coach, or just another signpost on the wretched path we've been walking since hiring Benford. According to your own criteria, this guy has "character issues". Don't scold people who think we may have made a terrible decision. A year ago, you were lecturing us all about how exactly what Monarch did to come here is, in your book, cause for immediate termination.
  13. "He's somebody I trust and have great respect for." - Horrifying. "He's got a proven track record at Marquette." - He sure does. http://www.claflin.edu/claflin-news/2013/05/15/monarch-mcchester-selected-to-lead-claflin-basketball-programs
  14. You know a guy has his ethical compass realigned correctly when he commits to lead a program and bails out 2 months later, having gotten there from a school (Northern Colorado) where he was supposedly an assistant coach (at least, that's what the Clafin press release from 9 weeks ago says), but isn't listed on their website or visible in the team photo, and isn't identified in any of the game notes as a member of the coaching or support staff. Maybe he was just there for grad school?
  15. We just need someone to keep the seat warm until 2015, when the show-cause expires on Dave Bliss.
  16. Don't diminish the value of primate-geantry, sir. We're getting out-ape'd!
  17. Look, this was probably a bad idea. I probably shouldn't have posted anything here, I probably should have just minded my own business and gone on about my day. I even talked to Harry first, and he told me not to do it. But I did. Because, frankly, there has been a lot of inappropriate behavior in this "Pie For Everyone" neighborhood recently. And won't let this neighborhood go to crap, thank you very much. I'm not putting up with this deviant behavior and delinquency. And, (even though I know people are going to call me intolerant and bigoted...) frankly, it's all been coming from white guys over 40. Whoa. WHOA. First, calm down. I'm not profiling. And I DEFINITELY don't have a problem with white guys over 40. I have at least seven friends who are white guys over 40. I LOVE white guys over 40. At least, the good ones. The ones who aren't walking around in their saggy butt Dockers, drinking Bartles & Jaymes, blasting their godawful Steely Dan noise when they drive through my neighborhood (side note: that crap ISN'T MUSIC. Period!) in their Camrys and Silverados. And maybe I misread the situation. Maybe nobody was acting the fool or planning any trouble... At least, not in this specific instance. And, sure, I was in no danger... Armed with the power to moderate threads and posts, safely off by myself, I didn't need to inject myself into what's going on here just because so many OTHER white guys over 40 have been stirring up trouble in this neighborhood recently. But... You never know. And I'm not putting up with this sort of crap in the neighborhood anymore. Technically, I haven't done anything wrong. I'm well within my rights to assume the worst, and take it upon myself to track and follow the activity in this thread. And even though I may be the one responsible for creating this tense standoff... I still have the right to defend myself now, thank you very much. So, I'm warning you... Stop attacking my joke from earlier. Don't threaten my humor. I WILL stand my ground. I don't want to have to do it (or... do I?), but I will. Take your Skittles and just move on. Because I don't have to take any crap from the likes of you people. Come at me, and suffer the consequences.
  18. I was wondering this morning whatever happened with this guy, and where he would be going to school. http://rivals.yahoo.com/tcu/basketball/recruiting/player-Michael-Williams-125950 http://gofrogs.cstv.com/sports/m-baskbl/spec-rel/061113aaa.html Signed with TCU. I'll be interested to see what kind of career he puts together for them.
  19. I had that big, big post about Hopkins in November, and then I barely wrote anything on the basketball forum until the Brady incident (and those were mostly about other coaches who were suspended or fined for on-court misbehavior). Even the posts I did make in that 3 month period were mostly in LSU/Johnny threads, or about Old Dominion firing their coach. For the most part, I have kept my opinions to myself. And, frankly, I think that has led a lot of people to misunderstand or misrepresent the problems I have with Benford coaching our team and representing our school.
  20. You still shouldn't have followed her, no matter what you think she looked like. She'd still be alive, and she would have been able to finish that Long Island iced tea. I'm not saying you did anything WRONG, Emmitt. As far as I'm concerned, you're an American hero. And if she didn't want to get shot, she shouldn't have been there, dressed like that. Frankly, she was asking for it.
  21. Weird... The comment was that NOBODY had mentioned Forrest, and somehow that becomes "everyone would be on board with him coming back".
  22. How many years does he have as a paid college coach?
  23. That would be awesome. Another Buzz guy. One who was so shady even THEY had to fire him. Maybe if the D-line doesn't improve under Nelson and Mac, we could get Jerry Sandusky on a work furlough, too. EDIT: Holy crap, the guy even looks like Buzz Williams. Ugh. MAN, I hope this turns out to be unfounded speculation. Does ULM still have that convicted felon who forged grades? Couldn't we afford to hire him away to coach on our staff instead?
  24. Planning ahead. Dress for success, even when quartered.
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