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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. The other half is plugging Carl's Jr. for payola.
  2. I could see him as Secretary of State somewhere down the line.
  3. I didn't mean for it to be combative... This whole thing can be pretty terrifying if you let it get to you. But, I'm about as worried that Ebola will mutate to become airborne (in the medical sense, not in the literal sense that coughing or sneezing sprays infectious droplets) as I am that it will become sentient, get elected president, and start a nuclear war with Russia. Both are conceivable in the most theoretical, "but, WHAT IF??" sense... But no human transmitted virus has done either in the past, and from a stochastics perspective... I'm not betting on either. But, I'm more of a Bayesian than a frequentist, so I wouldn't be so bold as to say either is absolutely impossible. Ebola is plenty scary as it is. Some non-doctor idiot doesn't need to make it scarier just because he's working for the UN and coordinated earthquake and tsunami response efforts before.
  4. Meanwhile, Vincent Racaniello, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, says: In one corner, a political science major and U.N. appointee, who has no medical background, and has been on the job for a whopping 24 days. Who qualifies his statements by saying things like "incredibly unlikely". Meanwhile, the guy who has literally written the book on how viruses work says that change to airborne transmission is unprecedented in human virus history. Replace the words "airborne transmission" with "climate change", and tell me how seriously you'd take the U.N. guy's assessment.
  5. This is getting embarrassing.
  6. This is definitely going to prove a wise decision. Definitely.
  7. If you don't have funnels available at your tailgate for chugging Ebola patient urine, I'm not even showing up.
  8. That Trans-Texas Corridor megahighway idea may as well be an IV pumping SARS directly into our veins, man.
  9. Apparently, this thread doesn't have a "Mark Solved" option. But, everyone should consider the issue resolved. Thread winner.
  10. Teach him how to bounce a ball, and I'd take him over Benford.
  11. I actually did, too.
  12. I wasn't convinced that he *would*... I just wasn't totally sure at that point that he *wouldn't*. And comparing our situation to our current conference peers (WKU, Charlotte, ODU, and UAB) who actually give a shit about a viable basketball program and were in similar situations within the past 5 years or less... I thought we might follow their lead and make an expensive but necessary change. We didn't. And I think that has everything to do with why it's so quiet in here lately.
  13. Boo this man again! BOO HIM LOUDER!!!
  14. Well, he definitely nailed it.
  15. If this thread weren't already solved...
  16. Turn him loose and let him pad his Heisman stats.
  17. Boo this man. BOO HIM.
  18. Polls has closed. Most Glorious Election is over. People has spoken. Is unanimous. Answer is no.
  19. Yes, it does. I'm as glad to see that eyesore gone as anyone, but I don't know why you're getting the negative votes on this. I did my part to counterbalance it.
  20. Best answer, no doubt.
  21. Polls close tomorrow at midnight. You have until 12:01 a.m. the morning of gameday to make your voice heard. Use your power wisely, GoMeanGreenians. And thoroughly consider the consequences of your vote...
  22. If Cerebus goes 100% gif, I'm going all limericks, Archer clips, and Simpsons screencaps.
  23. Smatresk. David Ash. June Jones. Nicholls State coach. At this point, I fully expect our UTSA game on 11/29 to end with Coach McCarney executing Larry Coker, Old Yeller-style, on the 50 yard line of the Alamodome. It's been that kind of year for football opponents.
  24. This sheds some disturbing, GWTOGMT light on why so many people here argue that we'd be better off with ULL in CUSA.
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