I am about as big a DD backer as there still is in this world, not that I wish we still had him and not that I think he shouldn't have been fired. But the answer is, YES. We did look this bad under DD. That's not a viable argument. What really hurts me is that when Dickey was our coaching the past 2 years, MeanMag and I actually had several conversations where we wondered whether the fans of other teams actively dreaded game days. I used to see and hear games and be actively unhappy. Just miserable. Frustrated by failure to execute and inability to make any progress, even against poor defenses. And I thought that those days were over. That I would no longer dread game days and wouldn't have to watch games with a sick sense of defeat in my stomach throughout. I was looking forward to this game, not for a win, but for the absence of frustration and embarassment. What sucks is, it isn't gone. It's back. I think next week will be much better. And I think we will reap results from Dodge that we couldn't have gotten from Dickey. But right now, right this second, I am as embarassed and ashamed as I have ever been by my team. I still love North Texas, and I'm still watching. But this feels as bad as anything I felt watching a Dickey game.