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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Well put. When I reference Dickey's results, it's not to say that he should still be here. It's either to get people to appreciate what he did well while it was happening or to point out that the current situation isn't any better.
  2. I never wrote this one. Tina hearts you, Vito. Keep up the good work.
  3. A one act play, inspired by what I saw repeatedly at the ULM game: Scene: A half impressive, half crappy college football stadium. Two bottom dweller football teams are both fighting for their first D-1A win of the season. As the North Texas offense lines up to run a play, the skill position players all turn to the sidelines for guidance and instruction. Todd Dodge and the two players flanking him all send in complicated signals, one being the actual play, and the other two being decoys to confuse the defense. ULM Defenders: "RUN!!" (or, sometimes, "PASS!!") North Texas runs the sort of play the defense just identified by reading the same signal and decoys, and the play is unsuccessful. The End (of so many things)
  4. I think that the ball control does matter when comparing a run vs. a pass heavy offense... But when it comes to points scored, the bias would acutally favor Dodge. If you look at it in terms of points scored per possession, things look even worse for Dodge. Fun homework assignment for anyone who's curious: When Dickey ran an unacceptably low scoring offense, how many points per game did we average the year he was fired? How many points per game are we averaging under year two of Dodgeball? For anyone who doesn't like to do the math... The answers are just 4 points apart!
  5. Last year, we returned a defense that lost ONE player with significant minutes (Pruitt) and that was, if I recall, 78th in the nation the year before in Total Defense. We had an NFL prospect on the D-line, perhaps the best all around (not top heavy, I'm not saying any of these guys were Spencer, Kassell, or Hurd... I mean top to bottom overall talent as a group) linebacker corps we've ever had with Mendoza, Mahan, Monroe, Holman, and Dawson, who was moved to DB by Dodge. We had a young, but fast and reasonably experienced secondary, with another NFL caliber prospect in Aaron Weathers. The coaches last year turned that senior heavy defense with proven talent into the worst defense in NCAA D-1 football. This year, DeLoach is playing, whether it's his call or not, a LOT of young guys when there are more experienced options available. The past two games have not been fantastic by any means, but I am seeing significant improvement. Again, not an acceptable result in real terms, but marginal growth and improvement. What we're seeing this year is not what we'll see in the future if DeLoach sticks around and is allowed to run things the way he wants. He's proven what he can do, here and elsewhere, and we're damn lucky that he agreed to come back. DeLoach has taken this defense and coached it up to the point where, in the past few games, it's outperforming what we saw on the field last year. That's no small feat in and of itself. And that's despite the injury to our anchor at DT and his backup. And that's despite the low morale and in-squad conflicts that are killing team unity. I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just trying to point out that as bad as the scores are, I do think he's making progress. I saw some on defense in Monroe and I saw some on defense last night. There's still a long way to go, and I'm sure DeLoach would be the first one to say so, but it is improvement. As for whether DeLoach could/should resign if he's not being allowed to run his unit as he sees fit... If you're wanting to see his resignation in the offseason, I wouldn't be surprised if we got it. What happens to us if and when it comes, I shudder to even imagine.
  6. The only people who have ever sent us death threats for stuff we wrote on TY Sports are SMU fans. Not even the Navy rapist's family went that far. They can say whatever they want about not caring... But when we talk, they froth at the mouth. If that's not rivalry, I don't know what is.
  7. They're putting in more posters. And some sweet racing stripes!
  8. Not a bad set of predictions... I think we'll take the finale at Denver, and I think that the game at Houston might get away from us. I also wouldn't be surprised to see us take down Oklahoma State again. Indiana State... I don't know enough about whether they've improved significantly since last season. Unless they're notably improved, I think we can still beat them on the road. I also think we ought to be able to split against MTSU. Sucks that we get WKU and USA on the road... Didn't we play at Western last year? Looking through the conference schedule, I think you have Denver as a slip-up game against an inferior opponent. It's almost certain to happen against someone, so I can't knock you for picking Denver rather than ULM or UNO. A fair and, unless something goes terribly wrong, probably pretty accurate set of picks. I think you're right that we'll go into the tournament with 17-19 wins and hopefully get on a run once we're in there. I'm really looking forward to the season starting. And I hope to see a lot of folks in green when we head up to Hot Springs!
  9. Rick, find me at the bonfire and let's talk.
  10. They'll bust quicker than Mike Gundy in a female sportswriter's face. So much screaming, thrusting, and tension...
  11. One of your own, or would you cut just off Jesse's other one?
  12. Is this a stealthy Fluffy Kitten joke? If so... Bravo.
  13. I see you've played Knifey-Spooney before!
  14. Officially: Ms. Yothers is NOT PLEASED about this theft of her intellectual property (specifically, CBL). Harry and company can expect to hear from her lawyers. Unofficially: Nice work as usual. Thanks for the work you put into your analysis and the time you spend educating all of us morons.
  15. Break yo' selves, bitches!! Come up off that money!!!
  16. How long until flyeater stops by to defend Phillips? Anyone want to set the over/under?
  17. Usually, commitments in the soft oral category make me very happy. This one is disheartening, though.
  18. Frankly, it's very hard just to RETAIN, much less recruit, when things are as bad as they are right now. NINJAFACE.
  19. It was Dodge, actually. "Troy? Troy Phillips? Hell yeah, we can have him for homecoming. I think he's still somewhere here under my desk... I'll make sure he's got some tickets." Three weeks later, the schedule is announced and everyone has a good laugh over the misunderstanding.
  20. Totally serious, I'd love to see a gymnastics team here. From the 6 years I spent in Atlanta and the trips I made to visit friends in Athens after moving away, I know how much a quality team can really break through. Anyone unfamiliar with the Gym Dogs (UGA's women's gymnastics team) should look them up. They're an institution, and they're a revenue generating team. Every four years, you get a huge spike in interest. And with all the world class gyms in Texas, we ought to be able to recruit some quality gymnasts who are looking to stay close to home. I don't know much about how many schools compete nationally, and I don't know what expenses are like to found and maintain a gymnastics squad. But if it's feasible, this would be a very, very interesting (and fun) new team to support.
  21. I have a picture of Hollivay on the sideline at ULM, but I don't remember the last time I noticed Jenkins.
  22. Thank you, Sir. Admins, pin please?
  23. I can't go, as I will be in WACO for Baylor's homecoming. It's a small price to pay for dragging my girlfriend to FAU and WKU in 2007, Tulsa, Rice, FIU, ULL, ULM, and also forcing her to watch the LSU game on TV. She got to skip K-State.
  24. Was Phillips in Louisiana yesterday?
  25. Quoner is absolutely right. How long have all of you jerks been ship captains? How many of you have any experience leading a crew of seamen? Whoever the captain on that boat is, he should get at least 4-5 years to right that ship. Even if it's totally underwater, let it soak for 4-5 so he can put in his own crewmembers. For crying out loud, the cargo hold is totally bare!
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