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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. It's not like everyone wasn't warned. Short of putting a briefcase bomb under his table at Pizza Inn, I don't know what else I could have done to stop the guy.
  2. That IS a good advertising slogan. Can I expand on the campaign? Don't believe in Todd Dodge? Well then, go f--- yourself! If he wasn't the coach, we might not have won that one game last year. For season tickets, call _____ or visit MeanGreenSports.com
  3. Where's Quoner on that list? Do you count suspensions only, or deleted posts?
  4. Mack already had a track record from Tulane. Kirk Ferentz is the only one to dig himself out of a hole like Dodge has dug in his first job. Bill Curry did, to a lesser extent.
  5. This is fantastic to hear, thanks for sharing. Back in the days when we'd make TV during the Dickey era, you could count on seeing 3 things during the broadcast: 1) Dickey with his laminated sheets stuffed down his pants, half sticking up out of the waistband. 2) Diet Coke Boy floating around silently in the background 3) Kenny Evans misidentified as DD by the broadcast/camera crew Now that Dickey is assistant coaching at New Mexico, we find out that now HE is being misidentified on camera as the head coach. The circle has completed itself. Will New Mexico win 4 straight conference championships and 26 straight conference games? Only time will tell. Good luck, Coach.
  6. Another fun first time event... We had two guys in tight short shorts and not much else standing behind the basket on the visitors side. To show up at an event this well attended dressed like that... It took serious balls. And as everyone in attendance saw, those guys certainly had what it took. Quick edit: They had "Mean" and "Green" painted on their chests. And one guy seemed to have white paint on his nipples. Either that, or he needs to see a doctor about his circulation.
  7. Flyer printed several dozen. Props to him, this was brilliant. During the women's game, I tried to give one to every single UALR men's player and coach and trainer who came out and sat in the stands. Told them all that we were looking for a lost little boy who was missing somewhere in the stadium, keep an eye out so we can get him back to his family, etc. One player took one and laughed his ass off. Lionel something (#11) got VERY angry. Told me to shut up a few times, threatened to throw something at me, then got in my face asking me "have YOU seen him?!?! Have YOU SEEN HIM???". Fun times. Then, during introductions, the Pit Crew and students were waving 8.5x11 flyers at the visitors and taunting the bench. Bravo Flyer and the Pit Crew.
  8. And a split against ULM! That's no small feat, considering that they know our audibles and shout them out on the field to adjust their defense depending on our signals.
  9. MTpBe5lCi-Q This song owns you all.
  10. He thinks Mean Green fans should all take those pictures of Gio out of our wallets. Because he's our new love, like it or not.
  11. BOOM roasted.
  12. Do not mock the Towerton of Powerton. He's a Howerpouse when we really, really need him to be.
  13. No worries. I don't much like odds notation anyway and try to use pure ratio probability whenever possible. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to grab my Weather Girls CD and hurry to the club. I'm on stage in 45 minutes.
  14. Depends on if the actuary was a tournament kickboxer once upon a time. Unfortunately, it also depends on if said person had a 5 year bout with rheumatoid arthritis. So call it a toss-up of outside variables. Also, quick edit- 10:20 odds is the same as saying 1:2 odds. Simplifyyyyy, maaaaan! You've got 2 chances out of 3 for success!
  15. 100% agree. He's a man of few words, but they're brilliantly chosen and profoundly affecting. Life changing wisdom, trumpeted by a bulb horn.
  16. Is there a good high school commissioner out there somewhere? Maybe with exceptional statistics? I think we should hire him.
  17. He took a savage foul and a very hard fall. Got up and hit a free throw, but he didn't look comfortable.
  18. Ignore this man. I'm a moron and I can't even add and subtract reliably. I make my living dancing at a male strip club for sweaty, wrinkled dollar bills.
  19. You should really go see the doctor. A healthy person's stool shouldn't have that much raw lumber in it. Really... Make an appointment. Or at least stop swallowing so many toothpicks. I care, and you've got me worried.
  20. Well all right then, slugger! I miss the old office sometimes.
  21. YES. Thank you. Man, what a terrible show that was. And I remember that no matter what state I was living in while it was on, it was ALWAYS sandwiched between much better cartoons. So usually I'd do schoolwork or something while waiting for GI Joe or Mask or He Man to come on.
  22. Absolutely, bring whatever you want. If I have time to work out a flagpole solution, I'll hoist my Greek North Texas flag.
  23. No, I know it wasn't Care Bears. They had the magical rainbow beams shoot out of their stomach murals. Fun fact (that will probably get me mocked, but what the hell, it's offseason and we need something to laugh about): When I was in preschool, my parents bought a Care Bears metal trash can for my bedroom. 25 years later, that thing is still right next to my bed. The second question I get from anyone who sees it is "Why?". The only answer I have is that I've had it almost my entire life and I'd be sad if it didn't have some place in my home. And because the thing still holds trash, so why get rid of it and buy a new one? The first question I get from anyone who sees it is "Where am I, and why don't I remember anything after you bought me that drink?"
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