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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Male or female; call, text, or email! Let's hear your thoughts!
  2. 1) That goes against one of their stated reasons for doing this, namely that fans can now make definitive travel arrangements well in advance. 2) Doesn't help me much, as we're planning on renting a house (holding 10-12) for the week and arriving on Friday afternoon to open the place up for everyone, anyway. When I mentioned this to my girlfriend, who's actually watched a lot of women's ball thanks to her Baylor education... Her immediate reaction was "They'd better not have North Texas and Western Kentucky playing at the same time, then." Even women's basketball fans don't like dueling men's games!
  3. The only way that men and women simultaneous (instead of dueling men's games) makes any sense at all is to avoid one school's men and women playing at the same time. But WORST CASE, even given that one school's teams both advance to the quarterfinals, there's only a 1 in 4 chance that they'll play at the same time. And even if that does happen... it's an EASY FIX! Just get every Athletics Director to agree before the season starts to swap their game times by one slot, up or down, in the event of any school having a conflict. Every school has an equal incentive to agree to it, because it could potentially affect anyone. And that would knock out the ONLY obstacle to Men and Women playing all day long on Saturday and Sunday.
  4. I went from loving this to hating this in the space of about 10 seconds.
  5. Okay... One thing I just noticed about the schedule that I really DON'T like... Why have guys games simultaneous? Why not play guys on one court and ladies on the other? I don't want to sound sexist or come off like I'm slagging lady b-ball... But I have pretty much zero interest in watching a non-NT womens team play. In the past, I could just skip the womens' sessions while still watching every mens game. Now, even into the quarterfinal round, there will always be two guy games happening simultaneously. And ditto for the ladies. If they'd play men on one court and women on the other until the semis... I'd be a lot happier and I'd buy a full tournament pass like I did in Mobile. But if you're not interested in the ladies games, a tournament pass is actually a waste of money and you're better off with individual session tickets for mens games. Argh... This seemed so great at first...
  6. I like it. I like this a LOT. I'm very glad we'll actually get to see all these first round games. And I'm glad that we might get more people to come out given that their team will be playing. Arkansas State fans will be buying tickets this year, and I know that hurt the SBC pocketbook last year when they didn't get a bid to Hot Springs. Also... This probably helps our chances of getting through the tournament. We generally run a deeper rotation (at least, in recent years) and, if we earn a bye, we should have a lot more in the tank that many other teams in the league. Either way... I'm glad I'll get to see everyone play this year.
  7. I think any real fan of the school agrees. His success is our success, and I hope it happens as soon as possible.
  8. WOW. I did a doubletake on that one, sir. Tip of the hat, for sure.
  9. I just worry what sort of influence he might have on the underage players. Is he buying ointments and Metamucil for them? Are they getting access to adult diapers before the law says they should? Won't someone think of the CHILDREN?
  10. Two open games is perfect for a four team tournament, if we can get in on something like the Lou Henson tourney again.
  11. You should at least be generous to offer weekend visitation to eulessismore.
  12. Actually, Fran has been angling for a new job since shortly after his separation from A&M. He was a finalist for the San Diego State job that wound up going to Brady Hoke. So, y'know... Money isn't his main concern and he's willing to take a job at a non-BCS school. Also, his buyout runs out next year, so he's probably extra motivated to find a new job and start rebuilding his image. Y'know... Just saying. In case any of that winds up being relevant someday.
  13. And there are STILL several channels and programs that shoot on HDV and try to pass it off as legit HD.
  14. Believe it. It's my name. Ioannis = John in English, which is what I generally go by for people who would have a hard time pronouncing it. And it's not phonetically anywhere close to "anus". It's e-o-AH-niece. The short version is "Yanni", which English speakers are a lot more comfortable saying thanks to this guy:
  15. I guess "Ioannis" is a little more intimidating than "Mark", but it looks like they've got a form letter down for everyone. Also... Ironic to me that he supports "just about every Greek organization you can name" but then neglects to respond to me by my name, which is Greek.
  16. Hey... You know who might make a fantastic Division 1-A Offensive Coordinator? Y'know... If we happened to find ourselves in the market for some new coaches on that side of the ball anytime soon.
  17. Very nice, sir. Out loud, I laughed!
  18. Don't feel bad, CBL. At least his wife didn't insist that he revoke your invitation.
  19. They're not so different from regular folks like you and me, when you stop to think about it.
  20. But how would that explain Laynce Nix's career flaming out at exactly the same time?
  21. I don't get it... Obama is Ben Stiller in the new Mike Judge movie, "Extract"?
  22. Not that I'm saying this particular decision is entirely bad, but... Just for the sake of comedy, I'd be interested in how else the Mexican legal system might evolve further down the path of "call your own fouls". Maybe they'll institute a "just the tip" exemption to sexual assault? What if I go to Juarez and only murder a few dozen prostitutes? No charges, right?
  23. Potentially, two games. Y'know... Literally speaking.
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