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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. I'd hate to see him leave, too. But we don't lose any guards, and actually we're adding two to the rotation already in the return of Dom and the commit from McGhee. Considering how scarce minutes are already going to be, and the fact that we can sub Shorter to cover for what we lose in Mangrum's defensive skills or McGhee for what we lose in his shooting... We should be able to compensate for his loss with the guys already on the roster. I wouldn't have wanted to see him let go involuntarily or anything... But if he can get some grad work done elsewhere (and I think the graduate transfer rule only applies when the school you're leaving doesn't offer the program you want, but the school you're going to does) and he's wanting to leave, then at least we're getting a chance to lock in someone who can help us ease the transition after the big class graduates next year. If we weren't getting McGhee in here, I'd be pretty nervous about losing Mangrum and the potential hit to our depth. But McGhee is supposedly going to be good enough to press for minutes in the rotation next year, and he's already as tall as Mangrum is. We've got a defensive stopper with size already in Shorter, and McGhee can be a tall scoring guard (and none of us know whether he'll surprise us and have the skills to defend like Alzee did as a freshman). He's a great kid and a talented player, but if we have to lose him, we should be able to handle it without losing a step and also gird ourselves for the 2011-12 lineup changeover.
  2. If this is true, and there's no reason not to believe it given that Mangrum has been an academic all-star at every honors ceremony I've ever attended AND he's already spent 4 years in school because of his injury/redshirt situation... This is a win-win-win for Mangrum, the program, and whoever picks up the scholarship that would otherwise have to go to an inferior team. Mangrum gets some grad school paid for AND he gets a chance to play somewhere that minutes won't be so scarce. We get to reach out to one of the big name transfers or one of the few state HS recruits that aren't committed elsewhere, and ease the transition pain we're facing after next season. If he ends up leaving, I'll be sad to see him go. He's gone through a lot to contribute to this team, and his shooting and defensive tenacity will be missed. But he'll have a chance to do what Dez Willingham did when he came here 2 years ago- Find a situation where he can play and contribute more than he might have gotten the chance to do here, AND work on his graduate education. I just wish he'd had a chance to get his well deserved round of applause at senior night. Also, big +1 for the find. Thanks for posting it here.
  3. The judges would also have accepted:
  4. Getting back to the ISSUE (lousy hijacker)... Yes, GMG should strictly curtail new memberships. What we need to do is build a big firewall to protect this website. If someone wants to go through the right steps and join us, they'll be welcomed with open arms. But we don't need any outsiders coming on here and taking advantage of all the benefits of our online society. Free comedy, cracking (or maybe just 'on crack') political commentary... And don't get me started on what those people have done to the cost of medical care on our forum. If I had a dollar for everyone who gave birth to a scholarship athlete just so their whole family could be grandfathered in to forum membership, then I could probably pay for the whole firewall myself.
  5. Sturns apparently had a tryout with the 76ers in June of 2008 before going to the Austin Toros camp. After the Toros cut him (? The dates seem a little mixed up), he signed with a Japanese team called Rizing Fukuoka. Averaged just under 18 ppg in 08-09 for Rizing Fukuoka. Can't find where he played in 2009-10.
  6. Most recent story I could find (quickly) Drafted in the 5th round of the 2008 NBA D-League draft by Austin, waived by the Toros on November 20th of the same year, just before the start of their season. Since he was one of the final cuts on a D-League roster, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's playing somewhere overseas. I'll look around and see if I can find a story.
  7. Michael Sturns.
  8. Correct. April 14th-May 19th.
  9. I don't support or condone 'roid treatments for our scholarship athletes.
  10. Whoa, whoa, whoa... What are you talking about, "rape"? I meant my volunteer kidney transplants. I've dedicated my life and medical training to providing no-cost organ transplants to the uninsured. I don't have a post-op area in my home surgical theater, so whenever I operate on a female patient that needs life-saving medical care and can't afford a proper hospital, I always make sure to leave them somewhere public rather than having them unconscious at my house. To avoid any appearance of impropriety. Don't lump me in with your sex crimes, pervert.
  11. In my experience... They don't talk much until the drugs wear off and they wake up. And by the time that happens, I've usually already left them back in a public place. Thanks for being a good sport.
  12. Ehh... I like his size, but he doesn't strike me as much of a natural point guard. Sorry, couldn't help it. Please accept this +1 as a token of my remorse and apology.
  13. Whenever I think about his possible conditioning issues, I think about watching a big fat Mike Smith kicking Sun Belt ass as a sophomore at the 2008 SBC Tournament in Mobile. If Mike Smith can drag his blubbery ass up and down the court and do so well against SBC competition, I'm pretty confident that J'mison Morgan will be just fine. Morgan at UCLA Mike Smith at UALR
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A99fzxi8rfY
  15. Recruiting services that have him listed from way back (judging by articles) had him starting out at 6'3". Rivals or Scout.com has him at 6'4". ESPN has him at 6'5". His dad told Vito that he's still growing, and he's currently 6'6". By the time he gets here he'll be bigger than Andre the Giant. Or, he'll settle out somewhere at 6'5" or 6'6".
  16. I'm pretty sure he's a lurker on the Harambee Stars team forum.
  17. Vito has another blog update that mentions McGhee is still growing (up to 6'6" now) and that Texas was starting to show interest.
  18. Scouts also has him as the 5th best prospect in the state of Louisiana. As I recall, Josh White was 9th or 10th the year he came out.
  19. He's a commmie, and he's getting old... But he makes a good point.
  20. Yep. And as for Babb, it's not unprecedented for guys to pay their own freight during the transfer year. Cam Spencer did it to keep a scholarship free.
  21. Louisiana Basketball Report article Ronald McGhee, anywhere from a 6'3" to 6'5" shooting guard and 2010 Louisiana All-State 1st teamer. Scouts grade of 88, 73rd ranked shooting guard in the 2010 class.
  22. Make sure he stays away from Subway.
  23. It's times like these that I'm glad our president is a peace-loving Kenyan Muslim. Can you imagine what our country would be like if we'd elected a midwestern Christian instead? :shudder:
  24. Still... Khoury may not be Iranian, but all the best Dariuses I've ever heard of were.
  25. That would be a year away... But I didn't even consider Mangrum (6'5" and solid from outside) in the scenario next year. We could have another "line change" roster where the second line is potentially more explosive (in terms of scoring) than the starters, and the size gives us a huge matchup advantage.
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