8, 9, or 15 win season?
Should we fire Todd Dodge if he gives a bad speech at the kickoff cookout? What if he gets a traffic ticket before then?
(Obama/Mexicans): Grave threat to American survival... Or GRAVEST threat to American survival?
Soccer: Once every four years, it's not just for kindergartners anymore!
Who is faster: The Flash or Superman? What about Wolverine?
Being in a conference full of terrible football teams is killing our program! Especially when we keep losing to all of them!
Throw in a recent meme of non sequitur Simpsons photos, and that's about all you've missed over the summer.
I'll get you a box of crayons and a sheet of butcher paper, or maybe just some fingerpaint, and you can draw up a hypothetical new universe of conferences. Then, you're back up to speed.