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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. That would make San Jose State closer.
  2. Gotta shoot post-loss fireworks from somewhere.
  3. Back in Mobile, I couldn't help noticing how you folded your toothpaste tube.
  4. Because you kept getting detained at customs over insisting your voice was the only passport you needed?
  5. Fun with geography: It's a longer trip from Denton to Honolulu than it is to La Paz, Bolivia. We could fly to any country in North or Central America and cover less distance than what we'd travel to fly to Fresno State. The difference between driving to Fresno State and driving to Guatemala from Denton is less than the driving distance between North Texas and ULM.
  6. I could do this all day. Between you and SUMG lately, I've been running out of +1's within my first 5 minutes on the board each day.
  8. Football futures don't fall in any tranches lower than that of the WAC, sir. Someone's been studying hard, I see.
  9. A conservative strategy heavily based in traditional specie is the surest path to growth and wealth. Buy and hold, or hand your assets over carefully to a trusted caretaker. I've found that the traditional wall safe or deposit box is nowhere near as appealing as storing my riches down the front of my trousers.
  10. With a terrifying reputation for being a strict disciplinarian?
  11. Are you suggesting that some AD's may be shorting football? Are we going to have a shoulder pad default crisis?
  12. Good. If you had said "No", I'd have bitten your ear off.
  13. Anyone who doesn't believe it hasn't been paying attention to Denver's home/away splits.
  14. If you were a hot dog, WOULD YOU EAT YOURSELF???
  15. 1. No 2. No
  16. Dan Akyroyd told him they already pre-taped the game on the same soundstage where they faked the moon landing.
  17. To be fair... We've all been a little testy lately, too. Other than the one exception a week and a half ago, it's been historically significant how quiet things have been. Nobody has their usual vent, and the tension is passing us by.
  18. Agreed. It's been a banner day for SUMG.
  19. My parents are living on Mesogeion, one of the largest streets in Athens, within a 5-10 minute walk to the Pentagon. My uncle is a former fighter pilot, still works for the military training other pilots right outside Athens. Another uncle used to work in shipping, and lives at Pireas, the country's main seaport. My aunt works for an airline at Eleftherios Venizelos, the main commercial airport in Athens. One of my closest friends over there is a lawyer, and her office is right off Syntagma Square. She walked through the "riots" to get to work. My godmother is a translator for one of the government ministries, and she works near Syntagma Square, too. If anything actually does get bad over there, I won't need a 6 month old newspaper to find out about it. I won't need you or the folks at Stormfront to clue me in, either. I'm pretty comfortable with my grasp of the current political climate and economic situation, thanks. As far as any non-resident can feel confident they have a finger on the pulse of what's happening in Greece, I think I'm pretty on top of it.
  20. I don't need to read any white supremacist forum to get my Greek news. My mother and my American father have been over there for months now, and I'm pretty well up to speed on the situation, thanks. If anyone wants to see my dad rocking a Mean Green shirt in a riot-free and economically vibrant downtown Athens, photos are available. How's that Nazi superfuel development coming along?
  21. Pluuuuuuussssss ONE.
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