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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Ohhhh no. This is not a Todd Ford offense anymore. It's a whole new world. I won't be so bold as to say that it's Wide Open or anything... But things look pretty darn promising.
  2. Ballgame. Troy wins 30-27
  3. FG good, Troy leads 30-27 with maybe 2 seconds left.
  4. 7 seconds left, moved the ball to the middle of the field. 32 yard attempt, BGSU may try to ice him again with their last time out.
  5. Wow... 11 seconds left and a timeout, but Troy is lining up for an offensive play (skipped a FG after BGSU called a time out). If they screw this up, it's LSU all over again.
  6. 11 seconds left. Clock stopped on a personal foul by Bowling Green. Troy has a shot at a much easier field goal now.
  7. 33 yard line, 2 TOs still left.
  8. 37 seconds left, Troy still tied with BGSU. Just crossed midfield, Trojans have 2 timeouts remaining.
  9. Checked the K-State board to see them revel in the Jayhawk misery. Best line: "It's like Ron Prince got lap band surgery, found religion, and moved to Lawrence".
  10. That they generally suck against MAC teams?
  11. Feeling like Mangino sat on him, probably.
  12. I read The Celestine Prophecy once. Changed my whole life, man.
  13. Didn't Ben Franklin have syphilis? I'm not sure he's the best role model for our invention-inspired youth, sir.
  14. And the Wright Brothers.
  15. Jesus. John Parsons. Batman.
  16. I think I heard about that... Didn't they have some sort of problem with the team bus or something? Speaking of underappreciated recruits... Even though he didn't have true D-1 size, that Toulouse-Lautrec had great handles. Very fluid. I wish we'd gone after him out of JUCO.
  17. I'm reminded of the note that Young Martin Luther put under the dean's door at the University of Erfurt: "Redintegro perturbo".
  18. Louis Pasteur wore a longhorn logo on his lab coat even though he actually graduated from École Normale Supérieure. He was a douche.
  19. It's like Edison's medicine. Call it what you want, words can't explain a car for the modern day cowboy. Mama's fool got to stir it up and drive one, and all I can say is "thank you". Told little Suzi to hang tough and watch the signs whiz by. Paradise. I wanna live behind that wheel.
  20. You should have seen the defense at the University of Thermopylae back in their glory years. STOUT. Made the "Steel Curtain" look like a lace doily. But nobody these days seems to respect the history and tradition. "Leonidas? NEVER HEARD OF HIM! But Dimitrios Grapsas is the greatest tactician of ALL TIME!!!"
  21. That's NOTHING. Back when Judas was an undergrad, he had an amazing (if somewhat controversial) assist. That guy was as pure a "1" as you'll ever see. Dish, dish, dish. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
  22. Not sure about the history classes... When I was at North Texas, I was too busy inventing the cotton gin and programming a crude precursor to Pong to actually go to any classes.
  23. That's how the slaves got emancipated. Thanks, college kids!
  24. The threat is why we keep the cannon on hand for all football games.
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