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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. As NT80 linked elsewhere on this forum, Stoops was chasing the 1-AA Youngstown State HC job last year. And I think we've got the bankroll to pay better than a 1-AA school. If we're already talking to him, great. He's a good one to consider. Edit: YSU's hire, Eric Wolford, earns a salary of $200-250k
  2. Must EVERY other name that comes up as even a remotely possible hypothetical candidate for this job get the "he'd suck/he's evil/he'd fail/he'd never be interested in you lowly peons" treatment from Team Chico? Can't you all just take a breath and let the guy either go out and earn it or not?
  3. If he wants a head coach job, we're a head coach job. All of you Canales people (and I don't mean his supporters, but I mean the people who literally share his name or lineage) really need to dial it down a notch. He's earning consideration on the field. All you idiots are doing is alienating people who might otherwise be disposed to retaining him. Because honestly, if head coach Mike Canales would mean the lot of you people are going to be around for the duration... I'd rather see the guy get let go tomorrow and take all of you with him. Not because of anything he hasn't done to earn consideration, but just because I almost can't stand coming here anymore because of all this kind of crap.
  4. You people need to get real. Even if some of the burger restaurants you're talking about were willing to consider thinking about opening up a location in Denton, where would the town get the money for everyone else needed to make the restaurant a success? It's not just about the name on the marquee... Who is going to work the grill? The counter? You have to dedicate the resources necessary to keep quality people at all the critical positions. You can't just throw buckets of money at Mr. Hardee or Carl Jr. They won't be able to make a top level hamburger on their own. They need help. I still contend that Tim's Love Shack is the ONLY answer for our next hamburger restaurant. Even though I don't know him in any way shape or form, haven't ever met him, and didn't birth his children/buy him Father's Day gifts for the past 25 years... I know that Tim has the heart and the dedication and the ability to make the best damn hamburgers this town has ever seen. Hamburgers more delicious than anything being served up at some of the "higher profile" restaurant cities. If you want to throw your dining money away on retreads and failures like Dennis Fuddrucker, go ahead and be fools. But even if Chef Fudd somehow does manage to make a semi-decent burger again, he'll quickly pack up shop and move his restaurant down the highway to Austin or Houston. Support the guy who wants to be here, and LOCK THE FRIDGE.
  5. This is the first year he's done preseason predictions. Remains to be seen how well his hypotheticals stack up to his analyticals.
  6. To whom it may concern- I am not a Denton resident, but I have been consistently eating 1-2 hamburgers each year within the Denton city limits for the past six years. What I've seen in this press release is that Tim's Love Shack is the best, surest hope for quality hamburgers in Denton that the city could possibly hope for. If you people don't seize the opportunity that's right on your plate, I hope you all choke on your french fries. -InterestedDiner
  7. Westbrook.
  8. Who listens to you? People hate you! STOP TALKING. WHO ARE YOU? YOU ARE A BAD MAN. EVERYONE MOCKS YOU. Now, just because I've only been here for about 45 minutes and all I ever talk about is hamburger restaurants, that's no reason not to believe my sincerity when I say that Tim's Love Shack would be the absolute perfect hamburger at this critical time in Denton history. As for the "established" names out there... Remember when Jack in the Box gave all those people E.Coli? People DIED. Are you saying you'd rather see women and small children die of hideous poisoning than give Tim's Love Shack the opportunity it has EARNED to serve and feed the people of Denton? This CBL guy is a total whack-a-doo, right? Am I right? Who's with me?
  9. I'm old school.
  10. I was around for Five Guys back in Washington D.C., and they are prejudiced against Asian people. Also, someone choked on a burger at their restaurant. Is that really the sort of hamburger establishment we want leading our city of Denton into the next culinary era? I for one think it's time to give this upstart franchise a chance and enjoy the success that's sure to follow! -'ZonaBurgerGreen
  11. He'll probably fumble the interview.
  12. If he comes here, we could have a rotation of Alzee/Norris/Jones at point (probably with emphasis on Norris and Jones) and Jordan Williams/Shawn Williams/Alzee/Brandon Walton at the other two spots. Honestly, a lineup where Norris (5'10") is at the point would be helped significantly with two other guards at 6'6" or 6'7". As far as our depth in the post, next year we'll have Holmen, Robinson, Edwards, Hogans, and Knox. Two deep plus Ben, and I expect one more post player to come in this year's class along with Robinson. The thought of going through a season with Alzee (6'4"), Jordan and Shawn Williams (both listed at a minimum of 6'6") starting on the wing and Kedrick Hogans and Jacob Holmen or Alonzo Edwards in the paint... We'd be a size matchup nightmare for pretty much every team on our schedule.
  13. From the Austin-American Statesman:
  14. That's not true. He doesn't think much of JJ's basketball success. PlummMeanGreen SCOREBOARD. Brah.
  15. Plumm may be a little off his meds lately, but he's a longtime loyal fan of this program. Not someone who only showed up on this forum a few months ago and only writes about our coaching search. As far as a name list of who else is annoyed and insulted by the Canales Family GMG Smile Time Carpet Bombing... Put my name at the top of it.
  16. From a new article, this one FIU focused, posted today on ESPN.
  17. Also, this is NOT the only potential Big 12 transfer that's been rumored to have interest in coming to North Texas.
  18. I'm borrowing heavily from things Cooley has discussed elsewhere... Williams didn't have much chance to play last year, then got injured to boot. They gave him a medical redshirt and that's why he's still a freshman in eligibility. But Texas has an incoming freshman named Tristan Thompson that was one of the top overall recruits in the country, and he plays the same position. Couldn't get minutes, probably won't get many this year, and the guy ahead of him on the depth chart is younger than he is. As for why he waited... He's talented, and I'm sure the coaches were in his ear about how he should stick around and possibly work his way into the rotation. Because you never know... Thompson could have had academic issues, or gotten hit by a bus or something. Never want to see talent walk out the door, even at a major program. But now that we're up to the first week of the season, it probably got to be quite obvious after a month of practice that there weren't going to be any minutes for him this year. So he's moving on. He was rumored as a possible summer transfer, with us and SMU as potential destinations. But SMU doesn't have a ship available right now... In fact, they lost out on a transfer named Sean Kowal because he would have had to walk on there and pay his own way. Anyway, now Williams is officially leaving, and anywhere he goes he'll either have to pay his own way through the year or pick a destination with an available scholarship in pocket. We have TWO. The one that should have been RJ McGhee, and the one that used to be Collin Mangrum. Keep your fingers crossed.
  19. More Shawn Williams data: Ranked the 53rd overall best prospect in the country in the class of 2009 by ESPN. Score of 93, 11th best SF prospect that year. 3rd best HS/Prep recruit in the state of Texas that year, tied with Nolan Dennis. And speaking of Dennis... Might HE be thinking of transferring with the limited minutes and highly regarded recruits on the way in Waco? I know GreenBat wrote a great article on him back when he was coming out of high school. He's too good to sit but may not be great enough to fight his way through the logjam of talent at Baylor.
  20. Two and a half. He'll transfer somewhere at the semester break, then be eligible at the new school for the Spring semester (technically, right after the end of the Fall semester) next season. He's a RS Freshman now, so he'll miss November and most of December of next year (his Sophomore year), but be able to play around Christmas through conference season and the late OOC games. Late December-March participation for the 2011-12 season. Then he'll have his full Junior and Senior years of eligibility for 2012-13 and 2013-14. There wouldn't be a total layoff from basketball, either. Williams would be able to practice with his new team as soon as he's enrolled and cleared... He'll only miss 7-8 weeks of organized basketball activity, then be back practicing at his new school in January.
  21. Damnit... We JUST REPLACED that Plasma TV.
  22. I like where this is going. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
  23. The Garrett family is already campaigning for him to get the permanent job on the Dallas Morning News website comments section.
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